Trust me guys, I didn't come up with this.
I got this from a website recounting pen-n-paper RPG stories.



I was DM’ing with 5 friends, many sessions into a fun campaign. Crack squad of level 6-7 characters. 2nd ed. D&D.

They were exploring an undead-infested keep (original D&D ‘tower of evil’ boxed set, reworked by me). In the basement they met the boss – a vampiric mage. The final fight began. It went on for a few rounds, then the Wild Mage got a random wild magic effect.

All hell broke loose.

The player rolled for a truly random effect, ‘by the book’. Random planar creature summoned. Picked a random plane…Archeron. Random monster table…yikes.

I forget what it was called, but it was basically a demonic tornado that sucked up weapons around it, and used them all to attack. Big. Nasty.

The vampire whimpered and turned to mist, fleeing to its lair. The players fled in horror. But, one was webbed by the vampire…and died. Another was paralyzed while running, by a nearby hiding ghoul. Dead. Another forgot which way to go, and ran right into a basilisk room. Not technically dead, but…

One survivor made it outside. Ironically, it was the wild mage. But he forgot about the wyvern they avoided in entering the tower…and died.

We all agreed it was a great end to the campaign.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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