Trust me guys, I didn't come up with this.
I got this from a website recounting pen-n-paper RPG stories.



Years ago, I was running a long 3.5 campaign for a bunch of friends with your basic “have some adventures so that you can level up and fight the uber-powerful jerk you’ve sworn vengeance against”. They made themselves into a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude (level 11 at this point), righting wrongs and kicking evil in the crotch. And so, of course, there was a sizable bounty out on their heads.

While they were traveling through a thick forest on the way to a city in need of aid the group’s point guard (an elven ranger) found herself nailed with three arrows that dropped her to about 25 hit points. She yells an alert and dives into the all-concealing shadows, hoping to find the would-be assassin.

Of course, being heroic idiots, the rest of the party runs up, weapons drawn, and looking for trouble. The mage casts fly on himself and makes himself a beautiful target, flying 30 feet up to get a better vantage point. No, he didn’t remember to cast invisibility first.

While the invisible archer continued to rain down sharp and pointy pain on the party’s monk and rogue, the archer’s sidekick revealed herself. A kobold sorcerer rose up out of the bushes and nailed the party’s wizard with a Baleful Polymorph. One embarrassingly failed save later, the party’s most powerful character is a flying trout.

He’s still got his normal wits about him, but can’t cast any memorized spells in his fishy form. And he’s got just a few rounds before he drowns in the cruel, unbreathable air. He flees the scene, flying as fast as he can toward the small stream he remembered passing a few minutes previous. Just as he made his second check to hold his breath, he splashes down into the water.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party is getting the junk kicked out of them by a level 9 hobgoblin ranger an a level 9 kobold sorcerer. It was an embarrassing day for everyone involved. The ranger finally managed to kill the sorcerer and hobgoblin, but getting the Wizard to someone who could un-polymorph him took a most of another adventurer.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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