SPAM! ColoCrossing and ServerMania
and ServerMania Spammers

As of mid-December 2021, a number of accounts have appeared within our forum.  They come in, create their account, and summarily leave.  They last no more than a mere few seconds.  They use a pre-generated username with matching syntaxes. They utilize disposable eMails for registration. And they all use the same internet providing servers.

The two ISPs are called ColoCrossing and ServerMania.

It was mere months ago that the forum was hacked, and was barraged by a flood of spammers, all utilizing disposable eMails and all having internet-traceable activity of spam activity. It comes as no surprise that another barrage was likely to come. And now, it has arrived.

Not as prolific as the previous flood, less than thirty have shown.  But of those, roughly a dozen recently created accounts have been banned when their IP addresses were found to be linked to spam activity, or that they created multiple accounts, clearly by intent.

As to why this announcement calls out the two service providers, the reason is simple.

According to ColoCrossing's own website, they suggest that "Although spam does seem to be this unstoppable force that will continue to flood inboxes until the end of time, communication and the right steps taken, it can be contained. ColoCrossing takes spamming very serious and will take proper action if you experience it."

But according to, ColoCrossing appears to be burdened the source of such mischief, claiming "We consider ColoCrossing to be a potentially medium fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a medium risk of being fraudulent."

As to ServerMania, one can find reviews at such as this, "Servermania seems to have a serious SPAM problem, they have many 'commercial bulk email marketer' clients, aka spammers, who cross post email addresses across client lists in violation of current SPAM laws. Further, Servermania seems to intentionally disregard abuse reports sent to abuse@servermania, postmaster@servermania, noc@servermania, support@b2netsolutions."

As such, any accounts from either ServerMania and/or ColoCrossing will be considered much more than suspect.  ColoCrossing's IP addresses will be instantly blocked.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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