SPAM! Incoming from M247 Ltd
Incoming from M247 Ltd!

Twas not long ago that an announcement was made regarding ColoCrossing and an influx of spammers who arrived using their IP service.  The anti-spam service we used had not recognized ColoCrossing when the announcement was made, and checking incoming registrants was done manually. However, the anti-spam service we are using has now added ColoCrossing to the list of IP services to be blocked.

But now, it appears spammers are arriving with a new IP service to be wary about; M247 Ltd.

According to, ColoCrossing appears to be burdened the source of such mischief, claiming "We consider M247 Ltd to be a potentially high fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a high risk of being fraudulent."

Since the start of the M247 intrusion, we had posts that contained offsite links intending to give mass telephone lists intended for relatively annoying telecommunication advertisements, those of which immediately removed.

Be it known that M247 IP addresses will be watched, and any accounts noted to having spam activity will be summarily given the axe.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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