Trust me guys, I didn't come up with this.
I got this from a website recounting pen-n-paper RPG stories.
Unfortunately, no names were attributed.


I practically made a DM cry, and it was his own fault.

He gave my ranger a custom made bow that, upon uttering the name of the bow (THUNK), would guarantee a critical hit at the expense of a permanent loss of a constitution point PER SHOT.  So obviously, I didn't use the command word ever.  I just used it as a regular bow.  Eventually, he must have forgotten about it.

In a subsequent campaign, one of the treasures to choose from was a quiver of gold arrows with jewel encrusted heads that would transform the target into a jewel encrusted gold statue before disintegrating, so I chose those.

The next campaign, we fight our way through the fist series of encounters and get to the first encounter with the big bad vampire sorceror guy... which we are supposed to lose and set up the rest of the adventure as we quest to recover whatever McGuffin he took after he beat us.

First action, I nock one of the jewel arrows, take aim and said THUNK.

The DM's face dropped.

By his own rules (which to his credit, he stuck to) the arrow automatically critically hit him, transforming him into a gold statue encrusted with jewels.  The DM had no back up plan.

It was a hollow victory, because it sorta ruined all the fun that day, but we carved that sucker up to finance our further adventures and lived like kings for the next few sessions.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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