Ryex의 Dynamic과 ATES
hello!  Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
How are you all doing?
I'm always busy... work doesn't set me free... Feeling sick

I recently realized that BGS doesn't play at the same time... Shocked

I have an ATES (Advanced Time and Environment System) weather and time script that I love. For a bit more realism here, I tried to use a dynamic sound where the BGS sounds depending on the distance.
Yes, BGS does not work at the same time in the program...

I carefully wondered if I could use BGS at the same time if I use DerVVulfman's Audio Module Rewrite mcisendstring. But I don't even know where to start doing this. Happy with a sweat Happy with a sweat

To recap, I wish ATES and Ryex's Dynamic Sounds would work at the same time.
To hear the sound of rain when it rains, and at the same time to hear the sound of a campfire when you are near a campfire... that would be fantastic

The sweltering heat has arrived... Be careful of heat stroke and stay healthy.

This is an example file.


Credits are below.

((Related article)) [Image: sweat.gif]

Audio Module Rewrite mcisendstring : https://www.save-point.org/thread-3981.h...hlight=BGS

Advanced Time and Environment System (ATES) : https://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php/topic,12869.0
Heretic's Collection of Art and 100% Compatible Scripts : https://forum.chaos-project.com/index.ph...682.0.html
Hrm... a bit of a challenge.  And surprise, I DID use the Audio Module MCISendString system... but not how you expect.

FIRST, the fading flame effect for your campfire works better than the fading SE system in MCISendString... the MCISendString verison is based on an older system.  So use of MCISendString to work with your campfire is a big no.

So that leaves with me focused upon the weather effect.

Now the weather effect in ATES too was using BackgroundSound, this meant to be a looping audio feature.  But there is another looping audio feature, the Background MUSIC.  This does not mean we are eliminating your ability to have background music when playing weather effects.  Nope nope nope.  We are going to use a feature within  MCISendString that will allow the use of default music effects while letting the weather play as well.

MCISendString can allow for 'multiple channels' of audio.  And for this, I set up MCISendString to allow for two BGM channels rather than just one that RPGMaker assumes.  When you use default commands in RPGMaker, the system assumes you play, pause, stop and fade music on the 1st channel.... so I decided to let the 2nd channel of BGM handle the weather bgs files.

Now this meant using MCISendString, but the DynamicSounds script conflicts with the BGS system in MCISendString, so what I provided is a seriously stripped down version... no BGS and no ME support in this edited version of MCISendString.  BUT it does have the BGM system, and I set the BGM system to two channels.

After that, I made a 'patch' which is below ATES.  The patch replaces the six methods that affect the weather audio. And the changes within the patch replaces lines like bgs_play(bgm)  with bgm_play(bgm,2).  Comically, the author had the audio file save to bgm?  It's like HE planned that!

Of some special note, the volume needed to be integer values, so I set them to be fixed integers and not floating point values.  That should not be an issue for you.  Meanwhile, I performed a FIX which you may not have noticed.  The audio fade features were set to adjust time by 40... that was 40fps, and you got a script command making it run at 60fps.  :D  I set it so it didn't care and would auto-adjust.

And here's the DEMO:

Now, there is something missing in this demo, because I can't attach anything TOO big in here.

Your Weather audio effects must NOW be placed within the Audio/BGM folder.  Yep, put a copy of 002-Wind02.ogg into your project's BGM folder, otherwise you won't hear it.

OH, I assume you're gonna remove that script at the top of your list.  It doesn't play well with the F12 button. Laughing
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
(07-28-2022, 10:39 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: Hrm... a bit of a challenge.  And surprise, I DID use the Audio Module MCISendString system... but not how you expect.

FIRST, the fading flame effect for your campfire works better than the fading SE system in MCISendString... the MCISendString verison is based on an older system.  So use of MCISendString to work with your campfire is a big no.

So that leaves with me focused upon the weather effect.

Now the weather effect in ATES too was using BackgroundSound, this meant to be a looping audio feature.  But there is another looping audio feature, the Background MUSIC.  This does not mean we are eliminating your ability to have background music when playing weather effects.  Nope nope nope.  We are going to use a feature within  MCISendString that will allow the use of default music effects while letting the weather play as well.

MCISendString can allow for 'multiple channels' of audio.  And for this, I set up MCISendString to allow for two BGM channels rather than just one that RPGMaker assumes.  When you use default commands in RPGMaker, the system assumes you play, pause, stop and fade music on the 1st channel.... so I decided to let the 2nd channel of BGM handle the weather bgs files.

Now this meant using MCISendString, but the DynamicSounds script conflicts with the BGS system in MCISendString, so what I provided is a seriously stripped down version... no BGS and no ME support in this edited version of MCISendString.  BUT it does have the BGM system, and I set the BGM system to two channels.

After that, I made a 'patch' which is below ATES.  The patch replaces the six methods that affect the weather audio. And the changes within the patch replaces lines like bgs_play(bgm)  with bgm_play(bgm,2).  Comically, the author had the audio file save to bgm?  It's like HE planned that!

Of some special note, the volume needed to be integer values, so I set them to be fixed integers and not floating point values.  That should not be an issue for you.  Meanwhile, I performed a FIX which you may not have noticed.  The audio fade features were set to adjust time by 40... that was 40fps, and you got a script command making it run at 60fps.  :D  I set it so it didn't care and would auto-adjust.

And here's the DEMO:

Now, there is something missing in this demo, because I can't attach anything TOO big in here.

Your Weather audio effects must NOW be placed within the Audio/BGM folder.  Yep, put a copy of 002-Wind02.ogg into your project's BGM folder, otherwise you won't hear it.

OH, I assume you're gonna remove that script at the top of your list.  It doesn't play well with the F12 button. Laughing

Thanks for the reply.  Blushing + Cheery
The crackling sound I hear when the weather changes is also gone. I've always been uncomfortable with this sound. 

However, the sound of the weather also evaporated. 
The campfire sound works well, and the in-game BGS sound is fine, but...
There is no sound effect even though I put the weather audio in the BGM folder. am i missing something?
It seems to work for me, though my demo has the  Ogg Vorbis audio files for your weather audio files in the Audio\BGM folder as directed.  I didn't upload it here because the attachment system has a 2MB cap and the demo being uploaded with the audio exceeded that cap.  I couldn't upload it with the audio.

I just added two more attachment types (.z01 and .z02) ... this to allow me to upload file-spanning downloads.  That is, you download all three files, and run the extraction on the main file.

So download all three below, and run extract on wahaProject2.zip

This will have all the files, and the weather audio... and it does work for me, playing the rain and storm and etc audio effects in tandem with the campfire.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
I was stupid.... I'm ashamed to even leave a reply.  
After installing opencodecs_0.85.17777, the sound is normally heard.  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
I didn't install opencodecs_0.85.17777 as I knew it was supported by Windows 10 itself... 
Okay, this is the way I wanted it, and it's so innovative and beautiful. 
I'm very sorry to bother you and always appreciate your help.  Blushing + Cheery Grinning
Hello!  Grinning
I've been very busy (84 hours a week :->) and sadly I've only had a little bit of a game production.

(Although it's late) I'm leaving this script for friends who will use it with me.

A minor bug exists because this script dramatically changes the framework of the RPG maker.
Occurs when moving from rain-related weather to another map. The BGS will be broken.

I can't fix this bug. Let me write down a little expedient.

1-1) Please receive the silent file of '016-Dripps01'. (File attached to thread)
1-2) Put it in \Audio\BGS. You can change the '016-Dripps01' file to '016-Dripps02' that was previously used.

2-1) Advanced Time and Environment System (ATES) (by Blizzard and ThallionDarkshine) = ATES In the script

  WEATHER = [['Drizzling', 0, 1..4, 150..480, [1], ['005-Rain01', 65..80, 100], [], []],
            ['Raining', 0, 5..8, 150..450, [1], ['006-Rain02', 75..90, 100], [], ['061-Thunderclap01', 60..85, 100, 0.0018, 4, [255, 255, 255]]],
            ['Storm', 1, 9..10, 180..450, [1], ['007-Rain03', 80..100, 100], [], ['061-Thunderclap01', 70..95, 110, 0.002, 6, [255, 255, 255]]],
            ['Cloudy', 0, 1..1, 240..720, [], [], ['002-Clouds01', 60, 0, 200, 4, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0]], []],
            ['Raining', 0, 1..4, 150..450, [2], ['006-Rain02', 70..85, 100], [], ['061-Thunderclap01', 65..90, 110, 0.002, 6, [255, 255, 255]]],
            ['Storm', 1, 5..8, 180..450, [2], ['007-Rain03', 75..90, 100], [], ['061-Thunderclap01', 70..95, 110, 0.0022, 7, [255, 255, 255]]],
            ['Storm', 2, 9..10, 180..450, [2], ['007-Rain03', 90..100, 100], [], ['061-Thunderclap01', 85..100, 110, 0.0026, 7, [255, 255, 255]]],
            ['Flurry', 1, 1..4, 150..480, [3], ['002-Wind02', 70..85, 100], [], []],
            ['Snowing', 1, 5..8, 150..450, [3], ['003-Wind03', 80..95, 100], [], []],
            ['Blizzard', 2, 9..10, 180..450, [3], ['004-Wind04', 85..100, 100], [], []]]

Please change the number 1 and 2 marked in red to number 35. 
The sound is now output normally.

This problem seems to be caused by the 'MAWS - Modified Advanced Weather System' weather script.
But I don't have the knack to fix it, so I share the expedient.

(Once again, thank you to DerVulfman for your help.  Blushing + Cheery Blushing + Cheery )

(I used a translator... Sweat )

Attached Files
.zip   016-Drips01.zip (Size: 2.9 KB / Downloads: 25)

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