Blood of the Gods
Blood of the gods
Genre: Conspiracy theory/Action
Setting: Vatican city, 2013

Current focus: Mapping (7/43 maps completed)

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These are old and will not be used except the title screen
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Tech Administrator of Save-Point

any feedback?
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
First things first ... Run your post through a spell checker. Your spelling and grammar aren't horrible or anything, but it just looks more professional when your words are polished. That aside ...

I think your story is very interesting. It has a lot of potential. But I have to wonder if RPG Maker is the best medium for such a story. This seems more along the lines of a point-and-click adventure game or even a first-person action game (doesn't need to be a shooter, but it very well could). It can certainly be done in RM, but another game-making program might be easier. You've only posted the intro, so I can't say much more about the story. What I have read makes me want to keep reading. I hope you're going to explore the theme of diversity and conflict vs compliance and peace.

You haven't posted any graphics, so I can't give you any feedback on that. I will, however, advise you to be very careful with the graphical style you choose. With such a modern and gritty theme, RTP will not set the right atmosphere. You might have trouble finding a great variety of graphical resources, so start practicing your art (even if you suck at it). It'll be far easier than finding a dedicated artist.
no rtp. i will be using some graphics i find on the internet and i'll make some charsets myself.
concerning using another maker: well maybe, i don't know. rpg maker is the only maker i really know how to use (except game maker which is not actual :D). may you recommend any other makers maybe?
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
If you want to branch into point-and-click, AGS is a good program and it's free. You would, however, need to learn quite a bit of scripting. It's not as easy to use as RM. So, it would take you longer to have a completed project.

Good luck finding graphics on the internet :). There aren't very many galleries with a large variety of resources that are cohesive and aren't RTP.
i guess not. tilesets is a big challange as Vatican-city-tileset is kinda unusual :D
checking out AGS.
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
Well, my MOUSE system may not have the ability to activate events directly by clicking on them, but it will move the player to an event where you can THEN activate it. That way, you may not need AGS.
I have to agree with Lunarea in saying that the story you have planned is very interesting. The conflict between finding peace and having free speech is something we're forced to think about quite a bit and it's an interesting way to see what we really want (in the creator's opinion). The political scenes you could create are intriguing and there's a lot of room for character development, so I'm really hoping you go through with this.

The only thing I didn't like in what you posted is Adam's age. 15 is pretty young to be involved in things like this and you could do a lot more with someone older (such as an adult). For example, at 15 he won't have as many experiences to work with so he's more liable to be naive in certain situations. While his abilities make that lesser than you'd usually see, it's still an issue. You could also use it to your advantage if you wanted to take that route by having people teach him various things as the storyline proceeds (as he probably won't know how to defend himself very well). Ultimately it doesn't matter much, but it's just one of those things that bugs me that I wanted to point out. :P
thank you for what you said about the story :)

It is true that Adam is young, some would say too young. His strength though, is logically enough not hand to hand combat, neither guns. Adam is a psychological person, with special talents that will be explained more as the plot unfolds. Adam will also be protected by someone in a similar situation, Joseph and Alessandra + 1-2 characters that is not introduced as they are not main protagonists, and these are adults, adults with experience in the art of survival.
[Image: updatehq.jpg]
Tech Administrator of Save-Point

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