Hey Kain Nobel, thank you for your interest in our game! We would love to have any help we can get from you. Trex is always looking for help to speed up the battler process!
Just wanted to share today our newest update! We are excited to announce that we have a new logo designed by L.D. Hyde as well as a new artist, Ricky Gunawan, for the game!
Error 1: The first time I opened the game, it had a Script Is Hanging error. These can sometimes be tricky to diagnose, but this snippet helps. Go into Main and replace the last end with this...
rescue Hangup => err
a = Dir.getwd
aw = !FileTest.exists?(a+'/ErrorsLog.txt') ? 'w': 'a'
log = File.open(a+'/ErrorsLog.txt', aw)
time = Time.new
year = time.strftime('%Y')
month = time.strftime('%b')
day = time.strftime('%d')
hour = time.strftime('%H')
min = time.strftime('%M')
sec = time.strftime('%S')
logtime = "#{year} #{month} #{day} #{hour}:#{min}:#{sec}"
log.puts "#{err.class} + : #{err.message} \n\n" + err.backtrace.join("\n")
log.puts '---', logtime, 'Error! '+error, '---', error.backtrace.join("\n")
p err
print err.class.to_s + ": " + err.message + "\n\n" + err.backtrace.join("\n")
Error 2: TypeError that originates from the Enemy Detection script. I lost the screenshot of where it happened, but it's on a map with groups of ridders wandering about.
I'll try to find more time to re-play from where I left off at, but you're off to a good start. The screenshots don't really do the game justice as they're so dark, but everything can be worked with and improved as development continues.
Is porting development over to VX Ace something that's in the air, or is this a for sure thing? It might be more beneficial in the long run if you're still early in development, that Maker has better video output and is easier to script with, idk how different mapping and tileset development might be.
I never get a script is hanging error, but trex does sometimes. It might have something to do with pc specs. I will add that snippet to make sure that nobody else is having that problem. And for error 2, I will try to find it. I thought that I fixed the enemy detection error, if not, then I'll have to re-diagnose it and find out how to fix it.
Thanks for reporting these!
Switching to Ace is currently in progress. We decided to switch now since we are still in the beginning of the game. The demo is only in XP because we only have a few maps working and scripts for the ace version so far, but it's coming along well, I'm still configuring battlers, but have to make due with what's available since there is an error in the way you set up battlers with different amounts frames. Working with Ace means parallax mapping. So there would be no need to worry about setting up tilesets.
Thanks KN, we've been pretty busy too. I'm trying to get more work for you lol, but he hasn't started on any new battlers yet. I know that's the main thing that you wanted to work on.
It's a bit off topic but I realized you guys are out in New Jersey, and I know that is pretty much the WORSE place to be during flood type weather D:
Anyways, hope you're both doing alright, bump the thread or PM me whenever you get your internet service back! There is no longer a time constraint about "oh I'll help until the end of X month," just focus on getting your living situation back in line and I'll be here whenever you're ready.