04-05-2010, 02:16 PM
Quote:It's on my TODO list. You have to wait a little, because I don't have my PC this week-end.
--> done in v1.1.
Quote:Anyway, I think I came across what may be a game-breaking bug.
So I start the demo, I set a resolution (I went with mid), I do a bit of walking around. I decided to reset the game (F12), chose a different resolution (I think I went with low or ugly), did some walking around and then the game stopped, and then the window pops up telling me "Game.exe has stopped working." Is there a way to get that fixed or what?
I didn't manage to reproduce it... If you ever have a mega-detailed scenario (demo + exact location + movements when the bug appears), I'm interested.
It must be a problem in the C code, and that's really a pain to debug.
Quote:Would it be possible to have the priority of a tile determine the height and/or Y-axis of a ground, wall or ceiling tile?
* Or perhaps, as suggested by MyOwnFriend in RMVXP's chatroom (we were talking about this) to add onto my initial idea: The terrain tags can be the height and the priority can be the Y-Axis?
Currently the engine can't draw ground and ceiling tiles at different heights (the view is somehow fixed to simplify the algorithm). The idea is rather good though. I'll keep that in mind for a future version.
Quote:Some sort of method where developers can check if a ceiling is over the player or not? Perhaps something like this: "ceiling_exists?(x, y)"
Edit: I could see this being used brilliantly, to pull off a few "lighting" tricks with the panoramas.
You can already check that with a classic : $game_map.data[x, y, 2] >= 400.
But I can add a command if it is too complex to use.
Quote:I also notice how players can't jump in FPLE. I tried getting the player to jump and I ended up not being able to move. So I was wondering if it was possible to get jumping working for players. I guess I wouldn't mind if there wasn't an option for jumping height. :P (I know MGC said "No jump" in the first post)
That's the same problematic as for the first point : as the height of the view is fixed in this version, jumping is unfortunately not possible.
Quote:Special comments for events:
* "Flat": Flat would flatten the event graphic to the ground, just like the original mode7 (not NM7).
-> not easy, but possible.
Quote: * Y-Axis/Height in NM7: A feature to set the graphic's Y-Axis to any value. I'm aware of there being a V-Align comment
--> a little easier and also possible.
Quote:Oh yeah, events can move in your system.
Thanks for the good news !
Quote:May I use this code for an open source project?
Yes, you can. As long as you don't claim that the core of this script is yours, you can use and modify it freely.
Quote:This is an awesome script and here I was just wondering if I should move from VX back to XP
Do you plan to make a dongeon crawler ? Otherwise it shouldn't be wise to spend 60$ just for a script...
Quote:I was trying a special comment in an event command besides comment (I used the Message command), typed "Stretch" in the message command and it worked, which I assume isn't supposed to.
I've got the problem too. I'll see what I can do to fix that.
Some scripts :
Working on :