08-06-2014, 08:30 PM
Meh, when all else fails. HIT IT WITH A HAMMER!!!!
So that's what I did.... twice over with two separate patches. Put em both below your ATB addon script:
I altered the Battlestatus window to be larger, so it can draw an entire 640x160 background can show... I expanded the window by 32px in all directions and moved it up and left by 16. And then I adjusted the objects within to match. Doing that, I got it to show the way you want (or I hope). I had to have some fun with the AT bars, making sure that the y-position of the bars adjusted each time the status window moved and stuff. I figure, most of your problems were in these sections. Enjoy.
So that's what I did.... twice over with two separate patches. Put em both below your ATB addon script:
I altered the Battlestatus window to be larger, so it can draw an entire 640x160 background can show... I expanded the window by 32px in all directions and moved it up and left by 16. And then I adjusted the objects within to match. Doing that, I got it to show the way you want (or I hope). I had to have some fun with the AT bars, making sure that the y-position of the bars adjusted each time the status window moved and stuff. I figure, most of your problems were in these sections. Enjoy.
# PATCH: Battle Window Add-On & Scene GameOver Karen
# by DerVVulfman (Based on Atoa/Victor Sant's work)
# August 6, 2014
# This patch, placed below the Battle Windows add-on, rewrites the methods that
# draw and refresh the Battle Status window. Particularly for the purpose of
# allowing the use of a background image instead of a windowskin window.
# For that, this script must at least be placed below the Battle Window add-on
# script. But if in use with his ATB add-on, this this script must be placed
# directly below Atoa's Active Time Battle script.
# NOTE: As this pastes a background image within the confines of the Battle
# Status window, and the window itself has a 16px border all the way
# around, the calculated dimensions of the battlestatus window have
# been increased to compensate, as have the placement of the status
# display objects such as 'draw hp', 'draw sp'.
# ** Window_BattleStatus
# This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen.
class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(Battle_Window[0]-16, Battle_Window[1]-16,
Battle_Window[2]+32, Battle_Window[3]+32)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
@level_up_flags = []
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
@level_up_flags << false
self.z = 900
self.back_opacity = Battle_Window[4]
self.opacity = Battle_Window[4] if Battle_Window[5]
if Battle_Window_Backgroud != nil and Battle_Window_Backgroud != ''
self.back_opacity = 0
self.opacity = 0
@bg_img = RPG::Cache.picture(Battle_Window_Backgroud)
bw = @bg_img.width
bh = @bg_img.height
@bgsrc_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bw, bh)
# * Refresh
def refresh
if Battle_Window_Backgroud != nil and Battle_Window_Backgroud != ''
self.contents.blt(0, 0, @bg_img, @bgsrc_rect)
@item_max = $game_party.actors.size
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
self.contents.font.size = 22
hp_w = HP_Number[3] ? 140 : 80
sp_w = SP_Number[3] ? 140 : 80
actor = $game_party.actors[i]
case Display_Type
when 0
wd = (width - 32) / Max_Party
actor_x = Horizontal_Centralize ? ((i * wd) + (wd * (Max_Party - $game_party.actors.size) / 2)) : i * wd
actor_y = 0
when 1
actor_x = 0
actor_y = i * 32
when 2
actor_x = Custom_Stat_Position[i][0]
actor_y = Custom_Stat_Position[i][1]
draw_actor_battle_face(actor, 16+actor_x + Face_Config[0], 16+actor_y + Face_Config[1], Face_Config[2]) if Show_Faces
draw_actor_battle_graphic(actor, 16+actor_x + Char_Config[0], 16+actor_y + Char_Config[1], Char_Config[2]) if Show_Char
draw_actor_name(actor, 16+actor_x + Name_Config[0], 16+actor_y + Name_Config[1])
draw_actor_hp(actor, 16+actor_x + HP_Text[0], 16+actor_y + HP_Text[1], hp_w)
draw_actor_sp(actor, 16+actor_x + SP_Text[0], 16+actor_y + SP_Text[1], sp_w)
draw_actor_level(actor, 16+actor_x + Level_Text[0], 16+actor_y + Level_Text[1]) if Draw_Level
if @level_up_flags[i] and Lvl_Up_Flag
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(16+actor_x + State_Config[0], 16+actor_y + State_Config[1], 132, 32, Lvl_Up_Msg )
draw_actor_state(actor, 16+actor_x + State_Config[0], 16+actor_y + State_Config[1])
# PATCH: Atoa's Active Time Battle & Scene GameOver Karen
# by DerVVulfman (Based on Atoa/Victor Sant's work)
# August 6, 2014
# This patch, placed below the Active Timer Battle patch, rewrites a method in
# the Window_BattleStatus class that refreshes the AT waiting bars as well as
# key methods that draws and places the AT bars within the window itself.
# For that, this script must be placed directly below Atoa's Active Time Battle
# script.
# NOTE: Designed for use in tandem with the BattleStatus / Game_Over patch,
# this patch has allowances that adjusts the position of the bars by
# 16 or so pixels. For further vertical adjustments, consult the
# Y_METER_ADJUST configurable below.
# ADDTL: The refresh_meter method contains a couple rewrites. Of note is a
# rewrite of the 'automatic adjustment' (case 1) branch as the ori-
# ginal calculations of the face/hp/sp position didn't match up.
# ** Window_BattleStatus
# This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen.
class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
# * Time bar update
def active_time_update
@atb_meters.refresh(self.y) if @atb_meters != nil
@enm_meters.refresh if @enm_meters != nil
@atb_bars.refresh if @atb_bars != nil
# ** ATB_Meters
# Class that shows the time meters of actors
class ATB_Meters
# * Include Settings Module
include Atoa
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :meters
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
@meters = []
@skin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(Meter_Skin)
i = 0
for actor in $game_party.actors
@meter = MeterSprite.new(@skin, 5)
i += 1
refresh(Y_Meter - (Y_METER_ADJUST+8))
# * Refresh
def refresh(y_position)
i = 0
for actor in $game_party.actors
refresh_meter_y(i, actor, y_position + Y_METER_ADJUST)
@meters[i].line = actor.atb_linetype
@meters[i].amount = actor.atb_lineamount
@meters[i].atb_visible = true
i += 1
# * Update meter
# index : index
def refresh_meter(index)
actor = $game_party.actors[index]
case Meter_Pos_Style
when 0
@meter.x = index * (624 / Max_Party) + 4 + X_Meter + 16
@meter.y = Y_Meter
@meter.z = 1000
when 1
# NEW -------------
width = Battle_Window[2]+32
wd = (width - 32) / Max_Party
actor_x = 16 + (index * wd) + (wd * (Max_Party - $game_party.actors.size) / 2)
@meter.x = actor_x
# -------------------
#@meter.x = X_Meter + ((624 / Max_Party) * ((4 - $game_party.actors.size)/2.0 + index)).floor
@meter.y = Y_Meter
@meter.z = 1000
when 2
@meter.x = X_Meter
@meter.y = index * 32 + Y_Meter
@meter.z = 1000
when 3
@meter.x = actor.base_x - @skin.width / 2
@meter.y = actor.base_y - @skin.height / 5
@meter.z = 100
when 4
@meter.x = actor.base_x - @skin.width / 2
@meter.y = actor.base_y - @skin.height / 5 - 64
@meter.z = 2500
when 5
base = Meter_Position[index]
@meter.x = base[0]
@meter.y = base[1]
@meter.z = 2500
@meters[index] = @meter
# * Update meter
# index : index
# actor : actor
# y_position : y-position in battlestatus window
def refresh_meter_y(index, actor, y_position)
case Meter_Pos_Style
when 0
@meters[index].y = y_position
when 1
@meters[index].y = y_position
when 2
@meters[index].y = index * 32 + y_position
when 3
@meters[index].y = actor.base_y - @skin.height / 5
when 4
@meters[index].y = actor.base_y - @skin.height / 5 - 64
when 5
@meters[index].y = base[1]