Codepen BBCode?
Alright, here's a new request I'm throwing your way. Codepens! Well, making a BBCode that lets members embed their own Pens onto a post. If you're wondering what's Codepen, you should probably take a look at this article @ Sitepoint, which adequately explains what the site is and what it does. It's essentially a front-end web developer's playground that lets people into web design build something called 'pens,' which pretty much means little embedded demos of a html/css/javascript code set.

Now if you're wondering what does presenting html codes have to do with a site like this: Consider the possibilities of what demos one could showcase here. Fancy CSS + Javascript-based animations. Tools. Concepts, even. Case in point:

Links If you do consider implementing such a bbcode, I've already put together the regular expression as well as the replacement code for the regular expression. It can also be customized as well as be resizable (though the latter may take a bit of time to implement).
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Messages In This Thread
Codepen BBCode? - by PK8 - 11-10-2014, 02:22 AM
RE: Codepen BBCode? - by DerVVulfman - 11-10-2014, 04:30 AM
RE: Codepen BBCode? - by PK8 - 11-10-2014, 05:01 AM

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