01-04-2016, 11:58 AM
DoubleX RMMV Unison Item Default:
v1.00d(GMT 1100 4-1-2016):
1. Fixed all unison item being unusable due to typo bug
2. Added plugin description and author name in the plugin manager
This plugin:
v1.00d(GMT 0200 3-1-2016):
1. FUNCTIONS now store all battler functions instead of merely getters
DoubleX RMMV Unison Item Default:
v1.00d(GMT 1100 4-1-2016):
1. Fixed all unison item being unusable due to typo bug
2. Added plugin description and author name in the plugin manager
This plugin:
v1.00d(GMT 0200 3-1-2016):
1. FUNCTIONS now store all battler functions instead of merely getters