Line 99 is the TRANSLUCENCY value setting how translucent/solid battlers may be if they are not fully solid on the screen. I have it set to 127, a middle-range setting.
Line 100 is TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR, an array to fill with the IDs of actors that are semi-solid or Translucent.
Line 101 is TRANSLUCENT_ENEMY, an array to do the same thing, but with enemies by their ID in the enemy database.
Or as the help file reads
Quote:TRANSLUCENCY = numeric integer value
The TRANSLUCENCY setting doesn't make all of your actors or enemies transparent. However, it does define how transparent or solid certain actors or enemies will be. If an actor is defined as one that is transparent, and an enemy is likewise defined as a transparent enemy, both will use this setting. Valid values for the TRANSLUCENCY setting are from 0 to 255, which is the same range that the RPGMaker line of engines use for the transparency/opacity settings.
TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR = array (numeric)
If you do not have any actors that are transparent, you can leave the brackets [] for this array empty. However, if you have any actors that can be seen through, it is here where you list them within the TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR setting by their ID values. If, for example, you decide that Cyrus (default Actor #3) and Dorothy (Actor #4) are transparent, you would list them within the brackets thus: [3,4]. How transparent your actor or actors will be is defined by the TRANSLUCENCY value above. No Actor or Enemy can have separate TRANSLUCENCY settings.
TRANSLUCENT_ENEMY = array (numeric)
The TRANSLUCENT_ENEMY setting mirrors that of the TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR setting, except it identifies which enemies are transparent and which that are not. Again, it is an array which you can fill, and you do so with the IDs of your enemies that you want to be transparent. And again, the level of transparency is defined by the TRANSLUCENCY value above.
What you may not realize is that ... the default battlesystem reduces the opacity of any battler when the battler is NOT engaged in action. In Sprite_Battler's update method, lines 69-71 show the in-battle adjustment. This is not part of AnimBat! but part of the way the default system is written. If it is in use with another battlesystem that does not use this effect... well... hehe.