09-21-2023, 02:56 PM
A minor graphic application
To version 1.2
To version 1.2
A simple, error-preventing change was made to the system, one which also allows a bit more freedom to anyone adapting this script for their use. This change is that the cache system's method that loads the mouse cursor has been updated to accommodate two factors.
First, the mouse cache method now recognizes an optional hue parameter. Like the Pictures, Characters, and Battlers cache values, the mouse too can be loaded into memory with a hue shift from 0-360. This could be useful for those who adapt the script to change the mouse's appearance according to the end-user's whims. But it is solely optional, and not including a hue value within the command to load the cursor will result in the graphic loaded pure.
And second, the mouse cache method will not crash the project if the end-user neglects to supply the actual cursor graphic for the mouse, or supplies incorrect filenames if the mouse cursor graphic is meant to change. If an error in loading the cursor graphic occurs, the system will instead generate and store away a 32x32px blank image in its place.