Google Search Algorithm (More like Google SUCKS Algorithm)
I like to keep to myself, and generally I've never really been the type to join forums to ask questions about problems I have, so instead I usually do a lot of google searching. Actually, even when not looking for solutions to things, I google search. Google search for art inspiration, Google search for new additions to my endless The Sims 3 custom content hoard. (eventually ending up in all manner of sketchy Russian websites more often then not with that last one.)

I'm sure literally anyone who might be viewing this can identify to all that. (Okay, maybe not the pillaging sketchy Russian websites for cute virtual hairstyles thing, but still.) So, I ask you members of the Save-point forums, in however many years or decades you've been using the google search engine, would you consider it being on a downwards slope? Or is it the same as it's always been?
Personally, I find myself having more and more trouble every year when I end up trying to go down rabbit holes for solutions to whatever issues I might be facing. There have been many instances when I was just SURE something had to be posted about a specific script issue somewhere, but google showed me nothing.

Aside from this, did you know that Google is always in flux? And things that can be found easily on the clear-net one day, might drift below the reaches of searchability the next? Because I didn't know that until a couple years ago. 
Also, different languages have their own "internets" you might say. Can't find something on English Google? Try Chinese Google, or Yiddish Google, (or Russian Google, as with the earlier mentions). For me, it just boggles the mind how much stuff we don't see on the web (particularly if you're a fellow monolinguist). There's so, so many many pages that have just drifted into the nether from age alone. Truly fascinating I think.

...But, oh yeah, the Google Search algorithm still hella sucks.

Maybe all search algorithms are like this, or maybe I'm just being a GOOGLIOCENTRIC. Maybe over there on Bing and Ask Jeeves deep-dark-web accessibility is a built in feature. And cat videos, and MLP fan wikis, and red-rooms, and everybody's personal Paypal account pages all live in simultaneous harmony.

Anyway, that just popped into my thoughtvat, and I thought; what's better than to use this opportunity for a first non-introduction post, and dump out all my random observations onto this forum lol.

TLDR: Anyone else having trouble searching up specific stuff on Google? Or do you even use Google? If so, what about your preferred engine then?
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Many things are downgrading. Indeed, material that I used to be able to find with a Google search now no longer appears, or the search algorithm pushes content that is less relevant to my search but something they want pushed. At the same time, names or phrases that used to be prominent no longer appear, or the search engine performs substitutions on its own.

Take for example a search for "SephirothSpawn". SephirothSpawn was a very prominent scripter for RPGMaker XP, with roughly 100 scripts. You would be able to find literal dozens of scripts at HBGames, formerly RMXP.Org. But unless you paid attention, search would find nothing but Sephroth OR Spawn links. And if you were to flip to the 2nd page of the Google search, you would find that the search box window itself had broken Sephy's name in two: "Sephiroth" and "Spawn" rather than one single name.

You need to ensure you see if there is a "Did you mean 'SephirothSpawn' " link, even IF you had his name in quotes. Google is performing auto-correction, even for content you specify with said quotes.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
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(10-10-2024, 03:12 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: Many things are downgrading...

Yes!! This completely matches experiences I've had too. At least I know I'm not alone in this, makes me feel at least (slightly) less crazy. Everything from quotes not doing any good, to the breaking up of phrases. I CANNOT STAND their "searching for [their own made up phrase] instead of [the phrase I wanted searched]". I can't imagine who thought this was ever helpful.
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It's to the point now where I've installed an addon for firefox called uBlacklist that blaklists all sites which host A.I. art, and i can block any website I want- as when I'm looking for references for either myself or my art employees, I don't wanna see this half-baked A.I. garbage- i'd rather pull from real artists. My search for expression references for one of my artists in their work order sheets the other day lead me to find a means of doing this, where Reddit tends to be where the light shines exclusively.

There's also the case of censorship where political bodies will pay off google and such to purposefully bury the search results they don't want being found, as happened with the attempted assassination of running president Donald Trump.

So to say it's gotten worse is yes- accurate. However, it's always been pretty bad I think! Just now political agendas can moderate what the general public are allowed to see which is leading to what scholars will likely call the misinformation age.

Maladaptations of this variety are pretty much against not only the constitution in the U.S. but also generally against international law, but the parties doing this have money and its hard to hold a mega-corporation like Google accountable if you aren't loaded- which mega-corporations who manipulate the platform very much are, and the general public are not.

But I can remain positive purely because karma exists, and these maladaptations are a desperate cry of possessive lament as the narrative political bigwigs have once had no trouble controlling is now falling apart and crumbling before their very eyes as the internet has allowed people for the first time to question things they usually wouldn't. Disney and Hollywood is falling to the trenches as they lose money at an astonishing rate, and this is happening to many mega-companies who have gotten away with extorting their consumers for years now having to face the consequences for their heinous crap.

Oh, a storm is brewing~ and I look forward to seeing the chaos centered around its eye. It's come to an age where wealth no longer rules who gets to stay on top. because people have learned to speak with their wallets and put money where their mouth is. Now the general requirement is be a decent person and make a good product to succeed, which is how capitalism should have always been, and was designed to be from the get go.

The system once exploited, is becoming aware of its potential from all around, and is hanging the perpetrators from the metaphorical gallows.

Soon, he shall come- on chariot of silver shall Robespierre ride down from the heavens, and atop his unicorn-drawn sleigh shall sit a golden guillotine, ready to behead the rich who would continue to extort the downtrodden. While the apocalypse of the deceitful and vain shall be violent, it shall also be glorious! A liberation foretold centuries past, coem to a head in the eye of the storm.

Okay, enough silly literature, Remi. I can't even like the post anymore, it's not fair!

Glad you decided to come along and hang with us, Solitaire!
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Oh my god, preach! LOL you made some incredible points, I agree. You hit the nail on the head with the scrambling to control every facet of information, the rampant abuse of power to bypass law. (I will stop short of just repeating every single point by point to express my agreement lol) Very wise stance, And thank you for the welcome! I am glad to be aboard o7
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