-M.S Tyke cheracter template
The door was just something i quickly put together, but you could probably take the rtp doors and resize 'em to this size.
Unless you're crazy about animated doors you can just resize one of those frames and add it to the tileset itself.

Wasn't going to mention this for a while but i'm probably going to work on some basic tilesets for this template in the end ^^.
Might be a while before all is good to go however.

Working on Terra still, once in a while i'll go back and do something to her ;).
Yay, tilesets! :p

That's really good to hear! I would definitely love to use these templates.

You know, your template inspired me to finally try to learn spriting. :)
Awesome ^^, hope you have fun man.

Forgot to add, child should be ready later today folks.
A final look at the Terra frontal added on top.
She's looking good! I can't wait to see the children!

Hopefully seeing your sprites, I can learn to sprite. But my hardest part is how many shades of the color I should use lol

Well, I guess practice will help...
Start out simple, color the scalp marker with your base color for hair and then begin to plan out the hair by drawing out spikes/strands, if you have no idea what type of hair style to create take a look at some anime pictures (or other game characters) to give you ideas.
You can use a red outline to help you see what you're doing better too, same deal for clothing.

Editing and remaking characters is a good way to go for starters too, i prefer to remake rather than edit though.
You can also make that character remake your own by changing things up some.

I'm no good with tuts but i can make a character frontal step by step to give you and anyone else having probs a better idea, made one or two in the past but i always ended up deleting them afterward.

Child is up folks, i will add shadow later on.
Let me know if you see something odd.
Great work, i'm an xp'er myself, but they look great.
Thanks bud, i think i will begin working on some material before i start working on the obese body types.
The child template is gender neutral, right? Its fantastic! Makes me want to remake the whole cast of FFVI and then make a fangirl lol

Quote:Start out simple, color the scalp marker with your base color for hair and then begin to plan out the hair by drawing out spikes/strands, if you have no idea what type of hair style to create take a look at some anime pictures (or other game characters) to give you ideas.
You can use a red outline to help you see what you're doing better too, same deal for clothing.
Editing and remaking characters is a good way to go for starters too, i prefer to remake rather than edit though.
You can also make that character remake your own by changing things up some.

I will do exactly as you say...except, I'm not sure where the "scalp marker" is...lol

I hear a lot that using pitch black as an outline is a very bad idea and trying it out myself, it looks even worse. Do you think that's true? Should lighter browns or darker browns be used as outlines?

I will start, if its fine with you, remaking your Terra or editing her? I won't use the edits of course, but I do love how you made her hair lol Is this fine to do?
Quote:I'm no good with tuts but i can make a character frontal step by step to give you and anyone else having probs a better idea, made one or two in the past but i always ended up deleting them afterward.

That would be very, very much appreciated. Blush I don't mean to bother, but any kind of help would help me very much [Image: bj71bc.gif]
XD Yep the child is male and female.
The scalp marker is basically the hair line above the eyes, you recolor the top area with your basic hair color to start with, then you start branching out with strands and such as you see.

These days i tend to reuse the template outline colors to add contrast where i need to, take a look at the example characters and you can see i used the template outer lines on hair and clothing.
Also keep shade and light source in mind, when you add hair make sure to add shadow underneath.

Photobucket hates big images, fixed.
explained left to right.

Yes pure black is bad imo, because it tends to stand out too much against all colors.
And sure, you can use any character of mine, no need to ask ;)

forgive the crappy hair, just created whatever there.. :D

I hope that helps a bit, i will add more later ^^
I've begun work on a tileset, i plan to keep it basic as that will help me stay in focus and complete it faster.
This is just the basic look of a tree, i may change this up some more as i go.

Look for tree on separate thread folks.

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