02-26-2025, 11:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-27-2025, 02:23 AM by DerVVulfman.)
JR's Oversized Arrow
Version: 1.0a
Version: 1.0a
Rather than use the same arrow within the classic windowskin, this script allows one to use targeting arrow twice as wide and twice as deep. It does use a separate file for the arrow. But it also allows you to use a script call to switch from one graphic file with the arrow to another.
You just need a custom graphic file with two 64x64px arrows side-by-side within the project's Windowskin folder.
Images Required
This is a sample image (attached) of a suitable Arrow File:
Naw... not this time.
JR's Arrow
# JR's Oversized Arrow
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# version 1.0
# by DerVVulfman
# 02-26-2025 (MM-DD-YYYY)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# =============
# Rather than use the same arrow within the classic windowskin, this script
# allows one to use targeting arrow twice as wide and twice as deep. It does
# use a separate file for the arrow. But it also allows you to use a script
# call to switch from one graphic file with the arrow to another.
# You just need a custom graphic file with two 64x64px arrows side-by-side
# within the project's Windowskin folder.
# FILE EXAMPLE: +--------+--------+
# | /\ | /\ |
# | / \ | / \ |
# | ----- -| ------ |
# +--------+--------+ Really, to 64x64px side-by-side.
# Just customize your settings within the JRArrow module below.
# =============
# * Set JR's Arrow
# Syntax: jr_arrow(filename)
# - filename : name of graphic image in Windowskin that has the arrows
# if empty, the default/configured file is used
# * Set JR's Arrow Flash Speed
# Syntax: jr_arrow_speed(value)
# - value : how fast or slow the flash animation takes (in frames)
# The range is from 2(fastest) to 40(slowest)
# if empty, the default/configured speed is used
# =====================
# Free for use, even in commercial scripts. Due credit to all involved is
# the only requirement.
module JRArrow
# The filename for the arrow animation in the windowskin folder
# The speed of the arrow flash system (2-40 range) in frames.
# ** Game_System
# This class handles data surrounding the system. Backround music, etc.
# is managed here as well. Refer to "$game_system" for the instance of
# this class.
class Game_System
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :jr_arrow_file # arrow graphic
attr_accessor :jr_arrow_speed # arrow animation/flash speed
# * Alias Listings
alias jrarrow_game_system_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original method
# Set the oversized file
@jr_arrow_file = JRArrow::FILENAME
# Calculate animation speed (in range of 2fps to 40fps
jr_speed = JRArrow::SPEED
jr_speed = 2 if jr_speed < 2
jr_speed = 40 if jr_speed > 40
# Set the animation speed
@jr_arrow_file = jr_speed
# ** Arrow_Base
# This sprite is used as an arrow cursor for the battle screen. This class
# is used as a superclass for the Arrow_Enemy and Arrow_Actor classes.
class Arrow_Base < Sprite
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :index # cursor position
attr_reader :help_window # help window
# * Object Initialization
# viewport : viewport
def initialize(viewport)
# Inherit from the Sprite Superclass
# Create the bitmap using configured file
arrow_name = $game_system.jr_arrow_file
self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.windowskin(arrow_name)
# Set origin and z-Depth
self.ox = 32
self.oy = 80
self.z = 2500
# Set actions
@blink_count = 0
@index = 0
@help_window = nil
# Perform update
# * Frame Update
def update
# Acquire arrow flash speed
jr_speed = $game_system.jr_arrow_speed
# Update blink count
@blink_count = (@blink_count + 1) % jr_speed
# Set forwarding origin rectangle
if @blink_count < (jr_speed / 2).to_i
self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 64, 64)
self.src_rect.set(64, 0, 64, 64)
# Update help text (update_help is defined by the subclasses)
update_help unless @help_window.nil?
# ** Interpreter
# This interpreter runs event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_System class and the Game_Event class.
class Interpreter
# * Set JR's Arrow
# filename : filename of the battle arrows in windowskin
def jr_arrow(filename=nil)
# Assume default value if nil
filename = JJRArrow::FILENAME if filename.nil?
# Set into Game_System
$game_system.jr_arrow_file = filename
# * Set JR's Arrow Flash Speed
# value : speed of the arrow animation in frames (2-40fps)
def jr_arrow_speed(value=nil)
# Assume default value if nil
value = JRArrow::SPEED if value.nil?
# Calculate animation speed (in range of 2fps to 40fps
value = 2 if value < 2
value = 40 if value > 40
# Set into Game_System
$game_system.jr_arrow_speed = value
Designed for RPGMaker XP
Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial scripts. Due credit to all involved is the only requirement.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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