This event system will demonstrate how to create a summoning skill that can be used by a party member. There are many things that can be done to make this skill unique. This will provide you with a basic setup which can then be altered to fit your needs.

-Summon and dismiss characters
-Only one character can be summoned at a time
-Complete recovery upon dismissal
-Dismissal after battle (add-on)
-Prevention of summoning when there are already four party members (script)

Before you go any further, you need to create the characters that you wish to summon. You can, for now, just make the characters, or you could set up their class, stats, etc. now and then continue.

These are the skills that you will need to create before you start making the common events. I'll only include the information that you need to add for now. I'm going to include two possible characters to summon in this example.

Summon Character 1
Scope: None
Occasion: Always

Summon Character 2
Scope: None
Occasion: Always

Scope: None
Occasion: Always

Common Events
Now, it's time to set up the common events that you'll need.

Summon Character 1
Trigger: None
@>Change Party Member: Add [Character 1]
@>Change Skills: [Summoner], + [Dismiss]
@>Change Skills: [Summoner], - [Summon Character 1]
@>Change Skills: [Summoner], - [Summon Character 2]

Summon Character 2
Trigger: None
@>Change Party Member: Add [Character 2]
@>Change Skills: [Summoner], + [Dismiss]
@>Change Skills: [Summoner], - [Summon Character 1]
@>Change Skills: [Summoner], - [Summon Character 2]

In these events, you add the character to the party (summon them), then add the "Dismiss" skill and remove all "Summon Character" skills.

Trigger: None
@>Conditional Branch: [Character 1] is in the party
   @>Recover All: [Character 1]
   @>Change Party Member: Remove [Character 1]
:  Branch End
@>Conditional Branch: [Character 2] is in the party
   @>Recover All: [Character 2]
   @>Change Party Member: Remove [Character 2]
:  Branch End
@>Control Variables: [0001: Summoner's Level] = [Summoner]'s Level
@>Change Skills: [Summoner], + [Summon Character 1]
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0001: Summoner's Level] >= 3
   @>Change Skills: [Summoner], + [Summon Character 2]
:  Branch End
@>Change Skills: [Summoner], - [Dismiss]

That's a lot to take in all at once, so I'll explain it in pieces. The first two conditional branches check which character is in the party (which one was summoned), and, based on those results, it heals the appropriate character and removes them from the party. Next, I created a variable to keep track of the summoner's level. This isn't used for "Summon Character 1" because the summoner knew that skill at level 1, but "Summon Character 2" is learned at level 3. So, I created a conditional branch that checks the summoner's level. If the summoner's level is greater than or equal to level 3, "Summon Character 2" is added to the summoner's skills. Finally, I removed the "Dismiss" skill.

Dismiss Check
Trigger: Parallel
Switch: 0001: Start
@>Conditional Branch: [Summoner] is [Dismiss] learned
   @>Conditional Branch: [Summoner] is [Summon Character 2] learned
       @>Change Skills: [Summoner], - [Summon Character 2]
    :  Branch End
:  Branch End

This common event is needed because when a character achieves the required level, the skill is added to their list. So, this parallel common event that starts as soon as possible (with a switch that's turned on at the start of the game) resolves a small problem. If a character is summoned and the summoner learns a new summoning skill, they'll have both the "Dismiss" skill and the new summoning skill. That means they'll be able to have more than one summoned character in the party. This common event checks if the summoner has "Dismiss" and then, if that's true, it checks for extra summoning skills and removes them.

Summon Character 1
Common Event: 001: Summon Character 1

Summon Character 2
Common Event: 002: Summon Character 2

Common Event: 003: Dismiss

You just need to attach the common events to the corresponding skills. Now, fill out the rest of the information in the skills if you wish and attach the skills to the summoner's class. That's it!

Dismissal After Battle
If you want the summoned characters to be dismissed after battle, you just need to make a few adjustments, which will be explained below.

Summon Character 1
Occasion: Only in Battle

Summon Character 2
Occasion: Only in Battle

Occasion: Only in Battle

You'll need to change all of the summoning skills so the player can only use them in battle. If the player can summon outside of battle, there's no point in dismissing the summoned character after battle in the first place, so make sure you include these changes.

Common Events
Dismiss Check
@>Conditional Branch: [Summoner] is [Dismiss] learned
   @>Conditional Branch: [Character 1] is in the party
      @>Recover All: [Character 1]
      @>Change Party Member: Remove [Character 1]
    :  Branch End
   @>Conditional Branch: [Character 2] is in the party
      @>Recover All: [Character 2]
      @>Change Party Member: Remove [Character 2]
    :  Branch End
   @>Control Variables: [0001: Summoner's Level] = [Summoner]'s Level
   @>Change Skills: [Summoner], + [Summon Character 1]
   @>Conditional Branch: Variable [0001: Summoner's Level] >= 3
      @>Change Skills: [Summoner], + [Summon Character 2]
    :  Branch End
   @>Change Skills: [Summoner], - [Dismiss]
:  Branch End

It looks like a lot, but it's really just the Dismiss common event pasted below the conditional branch that checks whether or not the character knows "Dismiss". The conditional branch that checked for the "Summon Character 2" skill after checking for "Dismiss" is no longer necessary, so it can be deleted and replaced by the entire "Dismiss" common event.

RPG Maker XP
Battler Error
If you're using RPG Maker XP, you'll need to use the following script. This script fixes an error where a character's battler won't appear if the character is removed and then added to the party again.
# [XP] Battler Fix
# Made by khmp
# This script fixes an error where a character's battler won't appear if
# the character is removed and then added to the party again.
# Instructions: Paste in a new slot above "Main" and below "Scene_Debug".

class Sprite_Battler < RPG::Sprite
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If battler is nil
    if @battler == nil
      # I only added this one line
      @battler_name = nil
      self.bitmap = nil
    # If file name or hue are different than current ones
    if @battler.battler_name != @battler_name or
       @battler.battler_hue != @battler_hue
      # Get and set bitmap
      @battler_name = @battler.battler_name
      @battler_hue = @battler.battler_hue
      self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(@battler_name, @battler_hue)
      @width = bitmap.width
      @height = bitmap.height
      self.ox = @width / 2
      self.oy = @height
      # Change opacity level to 0 when dead or hidden
      if @battler.dead? or @battler.hidden
        self.opacity = 0
    # If animation ID is different than current one
    if @battler.damage == nil and
       @battler.state_animation_id != @state_animation_id
      @state_animation_id = @battler.state_animation_id
    # If actor which should be displayed
    if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and @battler_visible
      # Bring opacity level down a bit when not in main phase
      if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
        self.opacity += 3 if self.opacity < 255
        self.opacity -= 3 if self.opacity > 207
    # Blink
    if @battler.blink
    # If invisible
    unless @battler_visible
      # Appear
      if not @battler.hidden and not @battler.dead? and
         (@battler.damage == nil or @battler.damage_pop)
        @battler_visible = true
    # If visible
    if @battler_visible
      # Escape
      if @battler.hidden
        @battler_visible = false
      # White flash
      if @battler.white_flash
        @battler.white_flash = false
      # Animation
      if @battler.animation_id != 0
        animation = $data_animations[@battler.animation_id]
        animation(animation, @battler.animation_hit)
        @battler.animation_id = 0
      # Damage
      if @battler.damage_pop
        damage(@battler.damage, @battler.critical)
        @battler.damage = nil
        @battler.critical = false
        @battler.damage_pop = false
      # Collapse
      if @battler.damage == nil and @battler.dead?
        if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
        @battler_visible = false
    # Set sprite coordinates
    self.x = @battler.screen_x
    self.y = @battler.screen_y
    self.z = @battler.screen_z

Inhibit Party Overload
This script will allow you to set which skills are summoning skills so they can't be used when there are already four party members. Instructions for setting it up are inside the script.
# [XP] Inhibit Party Overload
# Made by Guardian(1239)
# This script prevents a skill or skills from being used when there
# are already four party members.  This was made to be used with my
# summoning event system, but it can be used elsewhere.
# Instructions: Paste in a new slot above "Main" and below all other
# custom scripts.  Edit the values for "Skills" to match the ID(s)
# of the skill(s) you wish to follow the restriction of the script
# (can't be used when there are four party members).
# Copyright: You may use this script freely.  You may distribute
# this script as long as credit is given to Guardian(1239).  You
# may edit this script as you wish.  You may distribute an edit of
# this script as long as credit for the original is given to
# Guardian(1239).

  # Edit these values to match the ID(s) of the skill(s) you wish
  # to follow the restriction of the script (can't be used when
  # there are four party members).
  Skills = [1,2]

class Game_Battler
  # * Determine Usable Skills
  #     skill_id : skill ID
  alias overload_skill_can_use? skill_can_use?
  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
    # If there are 4 party members, the summoning skills can't be used.
    if ($game_party.actors.size == 4 and Skills.include?(skill_id))
      return false


RPG Maker VX
Variable Error
If you're using RPG Maker VX, you'll need to use the following script. This script fixes the problems with the default variable operation scripts.
# [VX] Variable Fix
# Made by Yeyinde
# This script fixes the problems with the default variable operation
# scripts.
# Paste in a new slot under "Materials".

class Game_Interpreter
  def command_122
    value = 0
    case @params[3]  # Operand
    when 0  # Constant
      value = @params[4]
    when 1  # Variable
      value = $game_variables[@params[4]]
    when 2  # Random
      value = @params[4] + rand(@params[5] - @params[4] + 1)
    when 3  # Item
      value = $game_party.item_number($data_items[@params[4]])
    when 4  # Actor
      actor = $game_actors[@params[4]]
      if actor != nil
        case @params[5]
        when 0  # Level
          value = actor.level
        when 1  # Experience
          value = actor.exp
        when 2  # HP
          value = actor.hp
        when 3  # MP
          value =
        when 4  # Maximum HP
          value = actor.maxhp
        when 5  # Maximum MP
          value = actor.maxmp
        when 6  # Attack
          value = actor.atk
        when 7  # Defense
          value = actor.def
        when 8  # Spirit
          value = actor.spi
        when 9  # Agility
          value = actor.agi
    when 5  # Enemy
      enemy = $game_troop.members[@params[4]]
      if enemy != nil
        case @params[5]
        when 0  # HP
          value = enemy.hp
        when 1  # MP
          value =
        when 2  # Maximum HP
          value = enemy.maxhp
        when 3  # Maximum MP
          value = enemy.maxmp
        when 4  # Attack
          value = enemy.atk
        when 5  # Defense
          value = enemy.def
        when 6  # Spirit
          value = enemy.spi
        when 7  # Agility
          value = enemy.agi
    when 6  # Character
      character = get_character(@params[4])
      if character != nil
        case @params[5]
        when 0  # x-coordinate
          value = character.x
        when 1  # y-coordinate
          value = character.y
        when 2  # direction
          value = character.direction
        when 3  # screen x-coordinate
          value = character.screen_x
        when 4  # screen y-coordinate
          value = character.screen_y
    when 7  # Other
      case @params[4]
      when 0  # map ID
        value = $game_map.map_id
      when 1  # number of party members
        value = $game_party.members.size
      when 2  # gold
        value = $
      when 3  # steps
        value = $game_party.steps
      when 4  # play time
        value = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate
      when 5  # timer
        value = $game_system.timer / Graphics.frame_rate
      when 6  # save count
        value = $game_system.save_count
    for i in @params[0] .. @params[1]   # Batch control
      case @params[2]  # Operation
      when 0  # Set
        $game_variables[i] = value
      when 1  # Add
        $game_variables[i] += value
      when 2  # Sub
        $game_variables[i] -= value
      when 3  # Mul
        $game_variables[i] *= value
      when 4  # Div
        $game_variables[i] /= value if value != 0
      when 5  # Mod
        $game_variables[i] %= value if value != 0
      if $game_variables[i] > 99999999    # Maximum limit check
        $game_variables[i] = 99999999
      if $game_variables[i] < -99999999   # Minimum limit check
        $game_variables[i] = -99999999
    $game_map.need_refresh = true
    return true

Inhibit Party Overload
This script will allow you to set which skills are summoning skills so they can't be used when there are already four party members. Instructions for setting it up are inside the script.
# [VX] Inhibit Party Overload
# Made by Guardian(1239)
# This script prevents a skill or skills from being used when there
# are already four party members.  This was made to be used with my
# summoning event system, but it can be used elsewhere.
# Instructions: Paste in a new slot under "Materials" and below all
# other custom scripts.  Edit the values for "Skills" to match the
# ID(s) of the skill(s) you wish to follow the restriction of the
# script (can't be used when there are four party members).
# Copyright: You may use this script freely.  You may distribute
# this script as long as credit is given to Guardian(1239).  You
# may edit this script as you wish.  You may distribute an edit of
# this script as long as credit for the original is given to
# Guardian(1239).

  # Edit these values to match the ID(s) of the skill(s) you wish
  # to follow the restriction of the script (can't be used when
  # there are four party members).
  Skills = [1,2]

class Game_Battler
  # * Determine Usable Skills
  #     skill : skill
  alias overload_skill_can_use? skill_can_use?
  def skill_can_use?(skill)
    # If there are 4 party members, the summoning skills can't be used.
    if ($game_party.members.size == 4 and Skills.include?(
      return false



The first two demos contain the base structure for summoning, and the second two demos contain the Dismissal After Battle add-on. All of them are hosted by Mediafire.

Summoning Base (XP)
Summoning Base (VX)
Summoning Dismissal (XP)
Summoning Dismissal (VX)

Post any problems you're having with the event system or scripts here and I'll help you fix them.

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