ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2
Quote:I'm editing my post since I'm sure people are getting tired of me posting replies.... Here goes: Another bug, but the is with the Individual Battle Commands script. There is an option to put a background on the Commands, but what is it supposed to do? Whenever I put the background there it just stay in the corner and never moves. Is that what it's supposed to do? I thought it was supposed to act like the background of the window and follow the Command Window around, wherever it goes. It doesn't do that.

I managed to get a background on the name Window above the Command Window but for some reason the same technique doesn't work for the Command Window... It's a little frustrating and I think I'll sleep on it.

I see there are options for the Items Window and Skills Window as well, but I think I'll get the Command Window BG to work first and then see if I have to adjust those as well.

I also think I can use the same tech I used on the name window for the Help window... Completing the full picture battle screen. Yay me!

just to paraphrase... I need help since I can't get this thing to work. I have now managed to get the Command Background image to "follow" the Command Window, but for some reason it does not disappear when you select an option nor at the end of the battle. Eventually it randomly disappears, but before that there could be like two or three of them on the screen at one time. I can provide what ever is needed to fix this problem, but I have reached the end of my scripting abilities trying to fix this problem.

Please help... Sweat

Quote:But is there a way to make it so at least when the monster is a boss you can label him as such in CTB?

Something like a Zombie is named Boss in the CTB, but still named Zombie when you select him for attack... or something like that.

no response on this.... I would try and do this, but I have NO IDEA where to start something like this.

Quote:I have also been using some of the other scripts you have there and I have found at least on that seems to not work at all: Skill: Drain.

I followed the instructions, but using the skill does nothing but damage the enemy. Normal skill move... Also, I was wondering if you can get this to work so that enemies can use it also. I have a few strategies I would like to try... Basically when an enemy runs out of SP [or runs low] it'll use Drain to replenish their SP so they can continue the battle.

any idea about a possibility of getting this to work? Or is there a certain prerequisite I have to do in order to get it to work? Any ideas?


Just looking for a little something.... Simple "working on it" or a "do it yourself" would be ok. You don't actually have to finish anything just a simple response would be good.

silence sucks...
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Patience is a virtue.
I suggest you stop double posting before you got warned by a moderator (edit your last post if you were the last to post) and wait.
I can't answer you always immediatelly after you post.

I will check those bugs, about the CTB i probably won't add anything new too soon. The next updates should be only for bug fiexes.
And i cant give an response about the other problems because first i need to find the cause of the problems to fix them, so all you can do now is wait.

Anyways thanks for the reports.
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That's all I needed.... Thanks for answering.

EDIT: You know this picture background thing is really annoying and I have no idea how came to this. I have managed to get it to update to the new x, y when the next person's turn starts, but when selecting a skill/item, selecting a enemy to attack, or hell even after you finish the battle, that damn background picture is there in the same place it was at the last update.

I've tried disposing the background image wherever the Actor_command_window disposes.... nothing
I've tried disposing when you start the selection process... You get an error on the start of the next persons turn saying it was a disposed sprite, and it didn't dispose the background image anyway.
I've tried turning the visible to False wherever the Actor_command_window is false or the background image was set to dispose..... nothing

Not only that, but at the beginning of the battle there is this annoying image that appears at 0,0.... The command background image appears at the VERY BEGINNING of the battle BEFORE the Command window even appears... It disappears when the command window appears. But it's extremely annoying none the same.

I would have to say that this is the biggest and most annoying thing that is happening to me at the moment...
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This is something that deserves another post.... I've fixed the Image thing!!!!

Yes.... I did it!!! I got that annoying image to disappear properly and everything looks great!!!

Apparently I forgot to add ".visible" on one of the lines and so it wasn't doing what I wanted all because of one stupid little line.

Either way, it's fixed and I'm moving on to the Skill and Item windows next.... Then on to the Help window!!!! Yeah, I'm crazy about images.... They look so much better than the Windowskin. IMHO

EDIT: I'm using the IBC and it separates the skills into different lists and opens a different skill list for each different type of skill. I would like to utilize that and make a background image for each of the different skill types. Since this is a script I'm going to use in my game it's ok if it's set in stone and not customizable [you can add that later for the rest of the population if you want to]. I just need a little help in figuring out how this would be possible since I assume it would require a few new Class or something [like Window_Skill2, Window_Skill3, etc.].

So basically I'll add the title of the skill list [Tech, for example] into the background image... so the Background image will say Tech on it somewhere. Then when you open the Tech list you get that background.
Then another background that says Skills on it will be opened when you open the Skills list.

Am I making an sense on this... I think I'm confusing myself on this description.

Unfortunately I have no idea where to start on this...

Oh yeah and the background image for skill in the CWS doesn't work, or is over ruled when you use IBC. Because the background image doesn't show up at all.

I haven't tried the item background image yet, but I'll let you know how it goes.

EDIT2: It must be the IBC because the Items Background image doesn't work either. If you use CWS with IBC the background images don't seem to work. Unless I'm doing something wrong.
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Ugh... just when I think I figure something out.... I find out it didn't actually work, just a cheap hiding trick. Ugh.

class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
super(Battle_Window[0], Battle_Window[1], Battle_Window[2], Battle_Window[3])
if Battle_Window_Backgroud != nil and Battle_Window_Backgroud != ''
  @background_image =
  @background_image.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(Battle_Window_Backgroud)
  @background_image.x = Battle_Window_Bg_Postion[0]
  @background_image.y = Battle_Window_Bg_Postion[1]
  @background_image.z = 899

The bold variables are NON-existent... I've removed the _Bg_Position and it works just great. Just a FYI.


It must be me the problem I have for the background images doesn't appear in your demo. When I try to duplicate what your Demo has it gives me this stupid argument error: Wrong number of Arguments (2 for 1) at this line:

  # * Start Skill Selection
  alias start_skill_select_ibc start_skill_select
  def start_skill_select
    @skill_window =, @commands_category)
    @skill_window.help_window = @help_window

No clue what's going on there... Maybe the Battle Scripts and/or Add-ons are conflicted with one or more of the other scripts I have. But how do you find out which script it's conflicting with?


Ugh...... it's really frustrating, but I want it to be right. Maybe I'm trying to hard... Maybe.
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Hi! I have a little problem with this script, I read all the scrip and everything written in green, I studied the script but I still do not understand why it shows me an error in the fight, I changed all the characters in my game, I set in the scrip and changed their classes and skills ... But when an enemy dies, it shows me this message:

script error ACBS scene battle 4 in line 109 of type 'NoMethodError' undefined method 'invisible' for # <array:0x3580b88>

this last number (<array: 0x3580b88 >) changes with every enemy or character in battle ... worth mentioning that I'm from mexico, and my rpg maker is in Spanish, I do not know if that could affect the way that the program reads the script, if you could help me, I would appreciate a lot ... because this script the best Minkoff system I could find, all I just want its the animation of characters, I don't want the add-on... and their effects... O_O

Re edit: I found something when I take the items default to the characters, I get the error mentioned above, what part of the script i can change this? I do not want the characters use the same item in all the game O_O

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Hey Victor, Im trying to relearn my way around xp, ive been messing with your battle script because it seems to have almost anything i could possibly want and most of the config settings are very clearcut.

I had a few misc questions,

------Whats the best way to set up a battler to have a melee attack pose or a range attack pose based on weapon equipped? i thought either making a standard that all battlers use pose 7 for melee and maybe 12 for a ranged basic attack (but i cant figure out how to implement this, maybee im missing something) or just swapping out battler file based on weapon equip which seems reckless with file size, )

----Is it possible to use the custom damage formulas for healing skills?

------When using, 2 hands script I'm getting an "undefined local variable or method: weapon_critical_two_hands_damage for actor: XXXXX " I'm planning to use the custom damage formulas per weapon so can i bypass different critical/2 sword algorythms?

-------Sometimes a random actor will have its battler stuck in the upper left hand of the screen after an action. happens in atb ctb and basic mode. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give with these, Im a scripting noob, but its fun figuring this stuff out.
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I've fixed all the errors that I was having with this system myself [for the most part]. What I would like to know now is...

Is there a Multi-Hit script that works with this system? I have some skills that would be awesome to have multi-hits with [the one where whenever the animation shows a hit the damage pops as well].

Is there one? Or am I missing one already in the demo, because I didn't see one.
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I have a few questions regarding your CBS:
1.How do I use my own sprites as enemies/Party Members?

I want to use this sprite:

If i use it as an enemy it just shows the most top part moving left and right at the bottom screen.Can I even use these sprites if not where can I find sprites that work?

2.Also how do I choose a final battle system?I want to use the Minkoff one.

3.How do I remove the battlers portraits thats behind their health

Thanks I realy like the CBS!!And realy want it to work.
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I'm using RPG Maker XP 1.02a and when I try to open the battle system it says that the file I am trying to open is from an older version of RPGMaker and cannot be opened. Has any one else had this problem? is there a fix? I can't seem to find an older version of RPG Maker XP, and would really like to use this battle system.
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