What's on your mind?
Oddly enough when I was first starting with the systems they diddent let me use gamepad so that's why I'm so excited
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: 55e3faa432d9efb86b8f19a6f25c0126-dawz35x.png]

new logo for Yesteryear created by Lunarberry!
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Even if the following statement sounds ridiculous I think I've been targeted by Nicolas Maduro! XD

The thing is that a mysterious package is coming my way! The parcel company behind the delivery has its headquarters located in Venezuela! Obviously I haven't requested anybody to send me any package, even less if that company is located there. I wouldn't support them no matter what people might think about me. Really, I haven't used my card to purchase anything I couldn't lift with my own hands nor have any relative that might have notified me about a special package being sent for any specific purpose. Plus I don't have any connection with Venezuela...

This is just too mysterious... too dangerous probably...


The worst thing is that such parcel company is supposed to serve enterprises and NGO's only!
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.

[Image: SP1-Scripter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Poet.png]
[Image: SP1-PixelArtist.png]
[Image: SP1-Reporter.png]

My Original Stories (available in English and Spanish)

List of Compiled Binary Executables I have published...
HiddenChest & Roole

Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 3 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
KyoGemBoost XP VX & ACE, RandomEnkounters XP, KSkillShop XP, Kolloseum States XP, KEvents XP, KScenario XP & Gosu, KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan, Kuests XP, KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE & MV, KChest XP VX & ACE 2016, KTelePort XP, KSkillMax XP & VX & ACE, Gem Roulette XP VX & VX Ace, KRespawnPoint XP, VX & VX Ace, GiveAway XP VX & ACE, Klearance XP VX & ACE, KUnits XP VX, ACE & Gosu 2017, KLevel XP, KRumors XP & ACE, KMonsterPals XP VX & ACE, KStatsRefill XP VX & ACE, KLotto XP VX & ACE, KItemDesc XP & VX, KPocket XP & VX, OpenChest XP VX & ACE
Reply }
okay... So, here's something for you to let digest....

Our state is voting right now to approve an over 800 million dollar infrastructure bond package... and they want to pay for it with another 1/4 cent sales tax... and yet, people'd seem to rather replace their tires every month than pay that extra 25 cents or so during the weekly shopping trip.
[Image: AVvXsEga1vIr5Rx3FkoFbGo1OoMJAqgq6TeqcbpF...L3AWg=s752]

BLOG: JayVinci.blogspot.com
Currently working on:
Ambitions: RPG Developer Bakin
Heart of Vox: RPG Developer Bakin
Reply }
This year Costa Rica will be the World Robotics Olympics host! That's quite unusual, but I gotta admit Costa Rican people has been working hard to host different international events like an Under 15 Women's World Championship (soccer tournament)
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.

[Image: SP1-Scripter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Poet.png]
[Image: SP1-PixelArtist.png]
[Image: SP1-Reporter.png]

My Original Stories (available in English and Spanish)

List of Compiled Binary Executables I have published...
HiddenChest & Roole

Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 3 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
KyoGemBoost XP VX & ACE, RandomEnkounters XP, KSkillShop XP, Kolloseum States XP, KEvents XP, KScenario XP & Gosu, KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan, Kuests XP, KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE & MV, KChest XP VX & ACE 2016, KTelePort XP, KSkillMax XP & VX & ACE, Gem Roulette XP VX & VX Ace, KRespawnPoint XP, VX & VX Ace, GiveAway XP VX & ACE, Klearance XP VX & ACE, KUnits XP VX, ACE & Gosu 2017, KLevel XP, KRumors XP & ACE, KMonsterPals XP VX & ACE, KStatsRefill XP VX & ACE, KLotto XP VX & ACE, KItemDesc XP & VX, KPocket XP & VX, OpenChest XP VX & ACE
Reply }
5 am on Tuesday
Why am I up so early
Drive out to Santa Ana
'cause I've got jury duty.

I swear, something is not only rotten with PG County's Jury Selection process, but it needs to be thrown into a grave, have lime thrown on top and covered with 6 feet of dirt!

Now, they say one has a 'chance' to be called for Jury Duty. And if you're summoned, you are excused from possible duty for four years. So what are the odds that someone receives a summons six times in a row in 24 years? I know people that have nevah received a summons, and my father (90) only received one.... AT age 90!

So let's do the math, and let's assume everyone has a simple 50% chance to receive a summons. And again, the odds of a summons are supposed to be LESS than 50%.

50% - Getting a summons once.
25% - Getting two summons in a row.
12.5% - Getting a summons three times in a row.
6.25% - Getting a summons four times in a row.
3.125% - Getting a summons five times in a row.
1.6125% - Getting a summons to appear six times in a row.

The odds of getting jury duty even once is far less than 50%, so please explain THIS to me!?
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
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It's always been your wolf fur, once it gets wet because of drain or snow, it never stops smelling so even bureaucrats with the worst smell sense can sense you in no time! XD

In my country there's no such thing as a jury nor jury duty at all. Sadly, things can go wrong and possible criminals can get away with it and even commit new crimes like killing people... There was a very well known case of a judge that said that a certain number of inmates had to be released because their cells and even their respective prisons were overcrowded. The department in charge of their "rehabilitation" picked those that were "considered" to be the most harmless criminals they could release at the time. Just few days later a camera caught two of them robbing a rotisserie killing it's owner at close range. Yeah, judge, that was a brave decision to release such murderous criminals in a country suffering because criminals laugh at our childish legal system.
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.

[Image: SP1-Scripter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Poet.png]
[Image: SP1-PixelArtist.png]
[Image: SP1-Reporter.png]

My Original Stories (available in English and Spanish)

List of Compiled Binary Executables I have published...
HiddenChest & Roole

Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 3 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
KyoGemBoost XP VX & ACE, RandomEnkounters XP, KSkillShop XP, Kolloseum States XP, KEvents XP, KScenario XP & Gosu, KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan, Kuests XP, KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE & MV, KChest XP VX & ACE 2016, KTelePort XP, KSkillMax XP & VX & ACE, Gem Roulette XP VX & VX Ace, KRespawnPoint XP, VX & VX Ace, GiveAway XP VX & ACE, Klearance XP VX & ACE, KUnits XP VX, ACE & Gosu 2017, KLevel XP, KRumors XP & ACE, KMonsterPals XP VX & ACE, KStatsRefill XP VX & ACE, KLotto XP VX & ACE, KItemDesc XP & VX, KPocket XP & VX, OpenChest XP VX & ACE
Reply }
Huh. No wonder I was summoned for Jury Duty once before, though I had to say that I am no longer in that county. Must be a random coincidence.
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I first met her 11 years ago on my 10th birthday at happy cat haven... She was 8 months old hiding in a basket on the top shelf and only left the basket late at night for food and the catbox... she was abused before she got to happy cat haven resulting in her having her tail broken 4 times around the same spot which made her overly distrustful of humans...before I met her she was deemed "unadoptable" when I first met her I looked up to a shelf just within my reach to see a tiny beautiful charcoal colored cat with large green eyes look over her basket at me... scared but curious... I reached up and let her and after a minute or two I picked her up out of her basket... not knowing how to carry a cat I went with the only "carrying reference" I had! old movies... I held her like a baby on her back cradled in my arms... she never struggled and actually started to purr... I brought her to my Ma who was talking with Ms Violet the owner of happy cat haven who was stunned that I could carry this cat and that she purred for me... I was allowed to adopt her then and we kept her name... Misha... it's been 11 years + 5 days since I met this little furball and we've had so many little adventures! One time when Ma and I went on a road trip for a day or two we came back to something crazy! A WASP nest and all it's accompanying wasps were all found dead... in the toilet... a few months before we discovered that Misha knew where "sh*t" went and she went to work catching spiders all winter and dropping their corpses in the toilet... now to find out that she did it to wasps? Ma and I were crying with laughter! Another time my dad decided Misha needed to cool down so he took Misha and put her on a boogie board in the middle of our old 15-30 pool! She was NOT impressed with him... but after seeing me come out to the pool she lunged off the board and swam to me at the ladder!... she hated being wet but the cuddles while being wrapped in a blanket were really great as far as she was concerned! Once she snuck out of the house (she was a strict indoors cat) and she went up our yellow plum tree! It took quite abit of coaxing to get her down but after that in summertime we would let her go outside a little! She loved to sit on the back wooden step that went to the backyard that was right underneath the yellow plum tree... Misha made it habit after the first night I let her sleep in my bed...that she would only sleep cuddled up with me in my arms like a baby...and that's been the routine for the last 11 years... she purred for me cuddled with me and comforted me during storms... she was a perfect therapy cat that any Autistic girl could ever have and I'm so lucky that she was mine... I love you Misha and I'll always love you and I wish now was not your time but as my Ma promised me this I'll promise you here I'll not leave you behind! Misha we're going on a drive tomorrow back to where you know as "home" where that Yellow Plum tree where you climbed up it long ago will be where you'll be buried back home on the family home that home we should've NEVER left ... gramma will take care of you while we're gone back here in Lillooet... I don't want to leave you... I love you so much! But I refuse to leave you here! You fought to stay strong! You fought Feline Herpies... you fought Oculatory Cancer... you fought a kidney infection... all within a few short months of each other... and you did it purring and cuddling like you always did! Your a real little warrior and your going home and I promise you that I'll join you back on that property soon! Whether I have to give up Christmas and Birthdays and any holidays I'll leave this bad place and come home with Ma so we can all be together again as a family!

So sleep easy my tiny girl... we're going to be home together again... your not alone... and thank you...

Thank you for comforting me when I was down

Thank you for staying with me when I was sick

Thank you for not ripping off my face when I put you in little clothes when I was younger

Thank you for making my lucky day into Friday the 13th when you gave me your first cat kissy on that day before school all those years ago

Thank you for staying with my Ma and being her nurse while she was sick off and on for over 6 months... Ma really appreciated that!

Thank you for being the best therapy cat that I've ever had!

Thank you for accepting me that day at happy cat haven!

We'll miss you!... we love you!

Goodbye Misha...may your love reach out to other Autistic people who need it as much as I needed it!

If I could have just one wish I would...go back to where we were... back it time ..so I could sing once again to you.......please meet me at our favorite plum tree

Thank you
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: 55e3faa432d9efb86b8f19a6f25c0126-dawz35x.png]

new logo for Yesteryear created by Lunarberry!
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my birthdays soon an all i can think bout is how aibou'll probably still be in tha hospital durin it.. ... so i distract myself with unity engine on line corses. at least im doin well in those. .. an tha post a bout a cat is makin me cry an now i'll go cry for some hours cuzz i love kittys an i cry at evrythin.
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And now I want to give my cat way more attention after I read that cat post.
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