Equipment Upgrade System by Charlie Fleed, Version 1.2
[Image: 372cf254723e.jpg]
here screen shot of my game. An in the top right corner of the screen seen as squares with pictures close description of the weapon.
So a want to move it down Cheery
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That is part of the help window, you cannot move it down. You can edit the help window so that it writes the description in less space.
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Oh my...
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Ive been working on a project with my brother and he wanted something a little extra. I dont know if this is at all possible but...

Charlie are you able to add script (if its not there already) to recognize the enhancements added to an item so that an item may change once filled... example..

You have a scepter with two slots, you put key gem 1 and key gem 2 into it, then it changes into a key. I told him I didnt think it was possible because I dont know how to call on the enhancements in an item. But maybe my logic is flawed so if anyone reading this has a good 'event' style way of doing this I am all ears.
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It's possible, but it would require reworking how the game handles items.
By default, RMXP just links the item's ID number with a quantity. You'd have to make it so that it treats each item individually.
If the item loses its enhancements when it's unequipped, it's easy.
If it does not, then you're looking at reworking basically everything that touches items, i.e. shops, battle, item window, etc.
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The system doesn't work with items actually. You could use a weapon and two fixed enhancements. Then you would need a little snippet of code to be used in a common event that triggers the removal of the shepter and the addition of the key.
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I dont know how I would ever have the program understand that I put the gems into the scepter. since the script calls the enhancement menu, I wouldnt be able to add a constant to a variable when the gem 1 or 2 was added to the scepter. If I consider it with my knowledge of the maker i would use events, "gem 1 is used" add 1 to variable 'scepter key'. "gem 2 is used" add 1 to variable 'scepter key'. When 'scepter key' == 2, remove scepter add key.

But i would imagine that since the enhancement menu is scripted there is no way to make this occur other than adding script.

btw, Im not looking for resolution to this really, my project could do without, Im just trying to learn. Im still trying to understand script implementation.

For example, I tried to add events before and after the script was called in the common event; "add 'Remove Weapon Enhancement'" then call the script, then remove "Remove Weapon Enhancement". What occured was the weapon 'remove weapon enhancement' was not in the menu inv because both events occured without stopping for the script. My enhancement menu has to be empty before I can remove my enhancements from weapons. idk if this bug is just me or if everyone has the problem.
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Let's say you have a "Magic Shepter" as an enhanced weapon in the database with id= 45, and you give your party exactly one with the "Change Weapons..." event command. The system clones the weapon and gives the party a "Magic Shepter" with a new id, and, at the same time, sets an internal variable within the newly created weapon, the ref_id, with the value of the prototype weapon's id from which it was created.
Moreover, the new weapon is stored within the @enhanced_weapons array of the $game_party object.
Let's also assume that the two gems are enhancements for weapons (that is they are weapons too), with ids 61 and 62.
At this point a script can be used to test if a specific weapon enhanced has the two specified enhancements attached.

class Interpreter
  def change_to_key?
    result = false
    for weapon in $game_party.enhanced_weapons
      if weapon.ref_id == 45 # This is the "clone" of the Magic Shepter
        if weapon.accessories.has_value?($data_weapons[61]) and weapon.accessories.has_value?($data_weapons[62])
          return true

A call to this script can be used within a "Conditional Branch..." event command. On the fourth page, within the Script field, you just have to put change_to_key? as the condition. The rest is up to you.

You can do the same with armors of course. I guess you could want to set the scepter and the gems as accessories in the database...
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Can i add special passive effects with help of enchanced?
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This is one of the best scripts I've ever seen! Is it possible to customize the structure of the slots?
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