Credits and Thanks
Mainly by dubealex. I modified it to slow the scrolling feature further and add a font changing call. I also used a system by Yeyinde to remove most of the $global variables to reduce the number of memory resources needed. Thanks to MageOne and Ace who requested an option for player cancelling or closing of scrolling windows, and to skye_sken who requested an accurate vertical placement system.
Author's Notes
I got permission to post it. :) Wouldn't do so otherwise.
The word document and demo open just fine. All you need to have is a CA account or Microsoft Word. Anyway, I added a text document attachment so you should be able to open it. Check the format when pasting it in game!
DerVVulfman: feel free to add the txt document to your original post if you'd like
For whatever reason FileDen gives me "We are sorry, but Fileden cannot currently respond to your request. Please try again later." for every script. :\ Oh well.
I did a straight copy of what you previously posted and just added the quotes to the filename as needed. The call doesn't have a '$' dollar sign so it should read as:'missing.txt', 2, 1, 255, 100)
It is looking for a new method called $Book_Scroll where one does not exist. But if you get rid of the '$', everything should be fine.