Stealing, Mugging, and Scanning (RTAB Patch)
Stealing, Mugging, and Scanning
RTAB Patch
Version: 1.0a
Version: 1.1

This post holds scripts used to replace the 'Steal Script' created by Trickster. In truth, 99.98% of them are STILL Trickster's. I had only modified them so they work with Cogwheel's Real Time Active Battle (RTAB) System. The first patch had gone through an upgrade to match the fix added by Trickster in early August, 2006. The second patch (the most recent) has been added for his newer Revision 1 script which he rewrote to fix many bugs.

  • Ties in RTAB's help-window delay into THIS version.
  • The ability to steal gold from monsters and have gold stolen from you
  • The stealback ability allows you to stealback the gold/item the monster stole from you (can be turned off)
  • The ability to steal items from monsters and have items stolen from you
  • Monsters may hold three items (the regular item, secondary item, and rare item
  • The ability to steal skills from monsters and have skills stolen
  • The ability to steal the commonly used skill from a monster
  • The ability to steal a skill for a certain amount of turns and have skills stolen from you for a certain amount of turns
  • The ability to steal a skill forever and have monsters steal skills from you forever *coughcruelcough*
  • The ability to steal exp from a monster and have exp stolen from you
  • Display what was stolen from you
  • Help window edit to allow for color changes/bold and italic toggling
  • You may have items/skills that are unstealable
  • Enemies may use stolen skills against you
  • Damage Display using the help window
  • Copy Skills from the enemy instead of stealing them
  • Steal/Copy the last skill the enemy used
  • Can be used with encrypted projects
  • Mugging skills (stealing and attacking)
  • A scan skill that displays enemy stats, stealable items, and strengths and weaknesses
  • Stuff Trickster probably forgot to mention


Demo includes version 6.2 Steal Script, not the newer 6.3.
Demo does include many other RTAB add-on scripts

Script edited for use with...
Real Time Active Battle (RTAB)

First, let me remind you that these are merely the patches. Again, Trickster's original script can be found HERE!

Patch for v 6.0
Patch for v 6.1 on up

As a bonus, for those using Minkoff's Animated Battlers script, please copy the following script BELOW Trickster's Customization scripts (the one that controls the 'Scan' window. It corrects the image of the battler shown in the scan window to just 1 frame of the multi-framed battler. Without this, you'd see all 4 frames across, by 11 poses down (based on current defaults). NOTE: You'd have to edit the frames and poses values at the top of THIS script to match those in Minkoff's script.

Scan Script / Minkoff Patch

Best bet is to download Trickster's Demo then replace the 'Steal Script' with this one.

Other instructions can be found in Trickster's Script found HERE!

This patch is designed for RTAB. Duh.

The Version 1.1 script works with both Steal v 6.2 (for SDK 1.5) and Steal v 6.3 (for SDK 2.0+). While the 6.2 version could remove the SDK dependencies, please note that Trickster's Steal version 6.3 is fully SDK dependent.

If used with Minkoff's Animated Battlers script, it will cause some battlers to move slowly. Merely turn the @calculated_speed value in Minkoff's script to false to correct this. Same problem occurs with Trickster's original version and Minkoff's script. Same fix.

Credits and Thanks
Definitely Trickster for this system, and Sol_Fury for suggesting a Scan ability be added.

Author's Notes
Mostly... Trickster's the author. I just know enough RTAB to be dangerous... :D

[Image: xp_warning.png]
Image has link to Enterbrain's Download Page

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