03-02-2008, 06:56 AM
Stealing, Mugging, and Scanning
Version: 6.3
Version: 6.3
This script lets heroes and enemies to steal exp, gold, items, and skills (for a certain amount of turns, the rest of the battle, or permanently). Also from this update lets the battlers steal + attack (mug) and also adds a scan skill that scans a enemy (stats, exp and gold carrying, weaknesses, strengths, and the items able to be stolen from them). This is the First Revision of this script It does not add any features, but It does fix some coding, looks neater and a few bugs may have been fixed.
- The ability to steal gold from monsters and have gold stolen from you
- The stealback ability allows you to stealback the gold/item the monster stole from you (can be turned off)
- The ability to steal items from monsters and have items stolen from you
- Monsters may hold three items (the regular item, secondary item, and rare item
- The ability to steal skills from monsters and have skills stolen
- The ability to steal the commonly used skill from a monster
- The ability to steal a skill for a certain amount of turns and have skills stolen from you for a certain amount of turns
- The ability to steal a skill forever and have monsters steal skills from you forever *coughcruelcough*
- The ability to steal exp from a monster and have exp stolen from you
- Display what was stolen from you
- Help window edit to allow for color changes/bold and italic toggling
- You may have items/skills that are unstealable
- Enemies may use stolen skills against you
- Damage Display using the help window
- Copy Skills from the enemy instead of stealing them
- Steal/Copy the last skill the enemy used
- Can be used with encrypted projects
- Mugging skills (stealing and attacking)
- A scan skill that displays enemy stats, stealable items, and strengths and weaknesses
- Stuff I'm probably forgetting to mention ;)
![[Image: scanningrb3.png]](http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/1593/scanningrb3.png)
![[Image: scanning2bv5.png]](http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/2818/scanning2bv5.png)
![[Image: stealingyw8.png]](http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/6941/stealingyw8.png)
Download Here
Also Copy the File Steal.rxdata from the data folder to the data folder of your demo.
Create five new elements named Steal, Copy, Last Skill, Mug, and Scan
Edit in the script these lines each with their corresponding element id
# * Steal Element
Steal_Element = 20
# * Copy Skill Element - Copies Skills instead of stealing them
Copy_Element = 21
# * Steal Last Skill - Steals Last Skill Target Used
Steal_Last_Skill = 22
# * Mugging Element - Steals + Attacks Target
Mug_Element = 23
# * Scanning Element - Note: Do not use in conjunction with above
Scan_Element = 24
You may either edit the skills directly in the database or you can do this in the file Steal.rxdata located in the data folder of the demo (see below). If you don't plan on using the Text file then set the option Using_Steal_Rxdata to false.
Here is how you set up a skill steal
Quote:Here is how you set up a skill steal
* means the argument is required
The id of the skill to overwrite
The steal type (Item, Gold, Exp, Skill, HRSkill)
note: HRSKill = Highest Rated Skill
set this to true if you want the skill user to also attack the enemy
For Gold and Exp Stealing the base amount stolen
note: (leave blank for base = enemy gold)
For Skill Stealing The amount of turns the skill is stolen
note: Set this to true = stolen forever and set to false to steal just for the battle
For Item Stealing The id of the item given to the player
note: (leave blank for item = enemy item)
For Item Stealing The type of the item given 1 item 2 weapon 3 armor
For Skill Stealing 1 = steal last skill 2 = copy skill 3 = copy last skill
The maximum number that could be stolen
Agility influence
Dexerity influence
10)Theft Defense
For Exp and Gold Stealing the Defensiveness Influence
For Gold and Exp Stealing the variance
NEW Setting up unstealables
Look in script Steal Setup and see these constants
# * Actor Unstealable Items
Actor_Items = []
# * Actor Unstealable Weapons
Actor_Weapons = []
# * Actor Unstealable Armors
Actor_Armors = []
# * Actor Unstealable Skills
Actor_Skills = []
# * Enemy Unstealable Items
Enemy_Items = []
# * Enemy Unstealable Weapons
Enemy_Weapons = []
# * Enemy Unstealable Armors
Enemy_Armors = []
# * Enemy Unstealable Skills
Enemy_Skills = []
and add the corresponding id of the unstealable item in the array
NEW Setting up secondary/rare items
This was changed as well in the Script Steal Setup find these constants
# * Enemy Secondary Stealable Items
# syntax enemy_id => [id, type, chance]
# where id is the id of the id
# type is 1: item, 2: weapon, 3:armor
# chance is the chance of stealing
Secondary_Items = {
1 => [5, 1, 40]
# * Enemy Rare Stealable Items (see Secondary Items)
Rare_Items = {
1 => [3, 1, 20]
Now in the Secondary Items you can define the enemies second stealable item. and in the Rare Items hash you can define the enemies rare stealable items (when scanning they show in a golden color)
So From My Example Above
1 => [5, 1, 40] interprets as Ghost Also Holds High Perfume as a secondary item and you have a 40% chance of taking it
1 => [3, 1, 20] interprets as Ghost Also Holds Full Potion as a Rare Item and you have a 20% chance of taking it
Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.
Should not pose much of a compatibility problem
Yes Still Incompatible with RTAB. No we are not going in that direction again, if you really want to use this script then make a request in the Script Requests Forum asking for a merge. Lets Keep it out of this thread this time, thanks.
Credits and Thanks
Sol_Fury for suggesting a Scan ability be added.
1) So what was sacrificed for SDK Dependancy? If you are using the Save Data option you must Go all the way to the first map (that is to a scene other than Scene_Title) as I have moved the main_database alias to the end of main (and this will be easier for me also).
2) Feel free to edit the scan window. If you have a redesign then post here or PM me with the redesign and I'll do it for you (Since I am soo nice)
3) This is the first revision of this script, I will fix bugs in the script if I find/ or someone tells me
4) What Did I do? I can't remember everything I did since this wasn't a one-day job. This script now uses MACL. This script is not dependent on SDK. I ran through the formulas/methods over 5 times catching errors and commenting code. The Setup has been cleaned and added more stuff to it. Redesigned the Scan Window a Bit and added the option to use a cropped picture or a zoom to fit picture.
5) This scirpt is also 2000 (1863) lines of code and has to be the most advanced stealing system out there as it allows you to steal skills, and exp.
6) This is also my very first script Enjoy
If you need any extra help/examples feel free to post here and I'll answer your question/problem and if you find any bugs tell me (please be detailed)
Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.