Old vBulletin styles showcase!
This is an old thread posted in some other forum.

Hi there. I am here today to show you skins that I have created in vBulletin. I would also like to know that I wasn't always a great vB skinner. I've had my tough times too.

Early 2006!
The following skins I am about to show you were old skins that I have created. These skins were made for a skinning contest I participated in. The best skins that were made got to be a part of the site while others...didn't. Here's one of them.
When I was first making these skins, I thought "these were the best." One day, I showed these to a group of people in IRC and they flat-out told me "they are fugly." Of course, I thought "but they're pretty" and I just didn't get why they're called ugly. I'm much older now and comparing this to my newer skins, I can see why they called this "fugly." But hey, I was a first timer at using css and a first timer at skinning a vB.

A few months later, I somewhat saw why the skin didn't receive positive feedback and I went on to create a new skin for the contest in hopes that it would be better than my first skin. I also hoped that this new one would win. It is inspired by a "create a character" menu in the wrestling game for Nintendo Gamecube called "WWE Day Of Reckoning 2"
I think it had some mixed reactions. Most were probably bad though. I do not recall. I'm guessing the skin just looked pretty funny or tacky.

A year ago
I used to have my own site and returned to creating skins for vBulletin. I was pretty nervous on how my first skin for my site was going to turn out but I think it turned out quite okay.
Rebirth (Not a Death Note episode!)
When I showed it around to a couple of people, they were very impressed. Particularly, a member named Andy6000. The same guy that truthfully critiqued my past two skins of 2006. He wasn't much of a fan of the banners for this skin and the following skins to come.

The next skin I created was "Poxel Voodont" originally titled "Mork" until I found out (thanks Urban Dictionary) that it meant some pretty bad stuff. This was simply Erk's Pixel Voodoo skin in my funny little vision. I made the gradients from scratch as well so whenever someone compares the pixel voodoo gradient to a gradient of my own, they can see the style is somewhat different.

I originally created this skin out of respect for Erk (sounds pretty kiss-uppy, I know) and because I just liked the pixel voodoo so much. I originally created this in my old invisionplus site. I was thinking of a name for the skin when it was first made and I thought "Mork" would be a good name for it since one would think I created the skin out of Mockery of the pixel voodoo, the skin was a part of rmxp.org and the creator went under the alias of erk. Combine those and I thought up of "Mork." When my site was moved from that to vBulletin with a fresh start, I just had to remake poxel voodont. I guess I wanted to remake it to test my vB skinning skills. I also have to thank a member named Yeyinde for thinking of the name "Poxel Voodont."
Poxel Voodont

I created this next skin to pay homage to Lord_Gradient and RMXP.net. RMXP.net was the first forum I registered in and I enjoyed being a part of RMXP.net. It was too bad I wasn't there in its final days.

The inspiration to create this next skin is a somewhat funny story, probably creepy too but that depends on who's the reader of this thread. I was listening to a band called Overture and I really liked this song called "Mystifies." Something I usually saw in their myspace were leaves and I always wanted to make a skin with leaves and whatnot. I'm not sure why I called this new skin "Mystifies" but I just like it. Here it is.

I felt my site needed a true dark skin so I felt like making it. Inspired by an old site of a member named Kip and IGN.

Lastly, I wanted to make a nice skin that was rather easy on the eyes and something that didn't have loads of "web 2.0" style in there. It then looked like IPB's default skin after I finished with it. I'll admit, I did have a look at the Creation Asylum a couple of times during and after the creation of this skin.

If you noticed, I'm very lazy on the buttons. Too much to do to be honest. So I'm pretty lazy when it comes down to making EVERY SINGLE BUTTON AND ICON for the site.

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