Skill Casting Time Counter
Skill Casting Time Counter
Ver 1.00
Original version found at

Originally posted in japanese, this is a translation of a script addition that allows you (the creator) to set how long it takes for a battler to use an individual skill. You can set simple skills to be instantaneous and more advanced ones to take forever.

  • Can (and must) tag individual skills by name (not id)
  • Each individual skill can have its own delay before use.
  • Fills the ATB bar of the using battler until skill actually used/triggered.

None. Other than a color difference in the ATB fill bar, you really don't see anything different.


In truth, the name was... paraphrased from the original Japanese version. Syntax differences and so on. So, I went with the closest definition.
Skill Casting Time Counter (Japanese Version)
Skill Casting Time Counter (English Translation)

Just copy/paste this code right under the HP/SP/EXP Gauge Script v1.00 (yep, I translated it) which is the last script in Minkoff's adaption of Cogwheel's RTAB system.

Each when statement in the case... end block targets a specific skill. The first one in the above script is "Heal" (the first default skill in the database). You could very well change it to "Greater Heal" if you wanted, just as long as Greater Heal is still in your database (and don't forget the quotes in the script). It doesn't make any difference what the ID number is for a skill OR the order you've entered them in the case... end block, just as long as each skill in the script matches (text-wise) the skill in the database.

The value of battler.rtp controls how long it takes for a skill to be used/triggered. The higher the number, the longer it takes. While waiting for the skill to be used, you will see the ATB bar fill up (in a different color). When filled... the skill is used. Simple.

This script IS pretty basic and has been in use quite a while... and still works with the newest versions of RTAB... probably even v 1.13 (though I haven't used THAT one yet.)

Credits and Thanks
Thanks to Cogwheel for making such a wonderful system, that has many adaptable features.

Author's Notes
I'm NOT the author. Oh, well...

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