Roguelike Dungeon Darkness
Roguelike Dungeon Darkness
Version: 0.9

This is a modification of the Fog of War script that uses shadowcasting to extend the visible area to what the player could reasonably see. This method allows the developer to hide monsters, chests, and other events that aren't in the player's line of sight. Suspenseful! Just like a rougelike!

[Image: D91fnEo.png]

Hosted on Github

I think this is everything


See Fog of War script for advanced usages.


Q: Why is it laggy though?
A: Use MKXP or lower the value at
max_row = 19 #maximum screen tiles, lower if you experience lag.

Compatible with anything the original Fog Of War script was. Probably NOT compatible with Random Maps, but hopefully will be fixed for a 1.0 release.

Credits and Thanks
Thanks to DerVVulfman for hosting this place all these years. Thanks to Wachunga for making the original Fog of War script, off of which this one is based.

Author's Notes
This uses 8 quadrant shadowcasting as described by this article by Bob Nystrom.

Terms and Conditions
Credits to Wachunga for doing all the hard work.

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