Speed Based Turns CBS
Speed Based Turns CBS
Version: 2.4

This script transforms the DBS (Group Turns Battle System) into an Speed Based CBS.


Ok this system works as follows

Here are our battlers Arshes/Aluxes, Basil, Gloria, Hilda, and a Ghost
[A, B, G, H, Gh]

Now Turn 0 all speeds are initialized (see make_action_speed of Game_Battler) suppose if their speeds are as follows for this round

[30A, 10B, 25G, 15H, 35Gh]

Now the script gets the magic value for this round which is the average of all speeds for this round and that value is 23. Their speed is added to their turn points. Now any battler with turn points under this value can't act this round so bye Basil and Hilda. So that leaves us with

[30A, 25G, 35Gh]

Ok now the battler with the most turn points (and fewest actions if turn points are the same) gets to act first so now

[35Gh,30A, 25G]

Now lets assume everyone attacks and attack are worth 100% of the magic number generated, Everyone who is able to attack attacks so now we have

[7A, 10B, 2G, 15H, 12Gh]

Turn Over. Next Turn New Speeds are generated, but lets say we get the same values here are the turn points in total

[37A, 20B, 27G, 30H, 47Gh]

Wow more people are able to act this round so the turn order is

[47Gh,37A, 30H,27G]

Everyones make their action and here is the total for all battlers now

[14A, 20B, 4G, 7H, 24Gh]

And Continue until the battle is over

Download Here

Script? There was never a script here. If you are a family member then you must be surely seeing things get the demo. The FAMILIES MUST DECIDE IN A GROUP WITHOUT SPEED

Add the MACL and SDK 2.x if not already done

This script has a setup section I will update this post with notes later (but the setup section is commented and shouldn't give people much trouble)

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

May not be compatible with some Battle Addons (I know for a fact it is not compatible with my Ally AI script) if you happen to find incompatibility ask me nicely and I may merge them (Depends though)

SDK 2.x compliant

Requires method and class library

Credits and Thanks
Me (Trickster) for betatesting

Author's Notes
Scripted in less than an hour
If you find any bugs please notify me

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.

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