My Son
I must admit... he's perfect in every way. :) Thanks guys!

Lil Blue Eyes is stylin' that cap nicely too. ;)
hahaha He's out of those. His hair is a light brown/dark blond, but it's getting lighter. Doc has predicted that it'll go solid blond in just a bit of time.
Lyricmaniac Wrote:Deacon, you're a class act flaming on a 3 week old. You're a very special person deacon.
[Image: Joker.gif]
Oh, yeah. Of course it was HIS decision with the name.... (irony, for those who don't understand -,-).
And of course presenting the own baby to the internet has a lot more style (irony again).

Es ist einfach nicht zu fassen, wie geschmacklos einige Leute sein können. Eigene Darmspiegelung live im Internet übertragen. Das wär noch geiler. ^o^

[This user has been warned and suspended for a week by PK8 for this post.]
Alright, Deacon, I've seen enough out of you for one day. Deacon's suspended for a week. Let's get back on topic (well, we were but yeah).

Aww, he does look cute. :P *waves*
I just logged in on my job, and my fellow co-workers say 'Oh, he's cute.' Cheery
Thanks all! Here's an updated one month birthday picture. It's his one month birthday today. He looks so different now.
I can't help but squeal at how cute your baby is.
hehehe Thank you :)
Awww he looks so cute and happy! Congrats!!
[Image: vy5afs.jpg]

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