The Edward Game!
The Edward Game!
[Image: circle-01.jpg]
The rules of this game Are Simple. theres two roles played,the bebop crew! and the Bad Man!

The Badman:rule You are first,Set up a plot;Defend it your gaol cannot be reached if edward can find you!Your supplies and man power is a total number seperated as you please.

Total # 100
Attributes you can use

Man power{Hired forces}
Speed{How quick you are}
And intellegence.{How much you can do in story.}

-Man power = how many times you can use a weapon defense,Decoy,or frame someone.
It takes 10 points to frame somone,and use decoys. but 5 = a weapon defense.

-Speed{Determines whether your able to fly a space craft-how many times your allowed to flee-and Or how soon you can "slip away" as well as the ability to use Smoke bombs!
20=slip away 10 = space ship ussage and 10=the ability to flee 5=smoke bombs.

-Intell {determines your ability to use strings of sentences to combat the Bebop.
10= 4 sentences a turn 20 = 8 and 30 =14

-Once a bad man sets his Permaters he cannot change it till he is caught and tries agian.
The story can be whatever and your allowed to paint the picture of your back ground in a Paragraph when you start.
-Parameters Can grow and shrink!
When Caught you lose 10 total points subtract them rounding them off by 5 or 10.
When you get away and defeat the bebop you gain 10 points to distribute agian roundiong by 5 or 10.

The bebop crew can do this too however the next bebop member will be able to sub the attributes not the one who lost them.

-You are allowed to co mingle and set up allies and they are allowed to interfere with your story at will.(as long as its their turn-Turn= post )

- Resource use whould be displayed at the end of the canon part of the post in red text.
to help make it easier to remember your currect status.

EXMPL: Total 100 P[20]-10 S[40]-10 I[40]-20

-Dialog rules{Dialog is not counted in the intel strings so it doesnt take away from your inmtell abilities.}
Dialog is of course im between " " marks
You can play the character or you can be goofy ,Cowboy bebop had goofy characters and set ups at times.You dont need to be all seriuos ,however Try to stick to the character and do not break the fourth wall.If you need to say something atop the fourth wall,do it after the entry in a seprate paragraph from the story.This is to cause less confusion.

-For Bebop members!!

In order to play the Edward game we need our lovable crew!
This crew will have to track down the Badman using the same Paramaters and limitations.
Except the bebop is a crew.So you can play a member of the Crew too.
The way you lose crewman ship is failure to captcher or death! in which case you get replaced by someone else.

Current Crew
Any one is allowed to be a bebop member,however I keep my Edward.
Everyone else is available to the first one who claims them.And MUST step down if they exhaust their resources.
  • Spike Paramaters P[30] S[50] I[20]
  • Jett Parameters P[50] S[30] I[20]
  • Faye Paramaters P[40] S[50] I[10]
  • Edward Parameters P[20] S[50] I[30] Rosair

The Bad Man!
the Requirments for badman!

parameters{ P} {S} {I}
back story paragraph {I wanna know who you are and why your a badman!}
Specialty and Gaol{ What are you good at and whats your gaols!}
I'll list the bad man's bellow once you create him and keep score of how many times you get caught.

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