IRC Quotes!
lol You asked for it Mercury, and that really was DerVVulfman so don't look at me! <3
[02 Jun 11 03:10] * Seth|NothingYet * geez, what does pk8 mean? I'm searching my name and I'm seeing it used to describe computers
[02 Jun 11 03:10] * Seth|NothingYet * and chairs
[02 Jun 11 03:10] * Seth|NothingYet * and other crap
[02 Jun 11 03:11] * Seth|NothingYet * I MADE "PK8" POPULAR >:(
[02 Jun 11 03:12] * Seth|NothingYet * "The PK8 – is part of Fritz Hansen's "Poul Kjaerholm collection". ... A notable chair, the PK8 follows the delicacy of Kjaerholm's design" WHAT
[02 Jun 11 03:12] * Seth|NothingYet * I have really terrible luck with nicknames
[02 Jun 11 03:13] * Seth|NothingYet * pk8 seemed like the most original nick ever
[02 Jun 11 03:13] * Seth|NothingYet * guess not
[02 Jun 11 03:17] * Cocoa * FAP
[02 Jun 11 03:17] * Cocoa * Seth
[02 Jun 11 03:17] * Cocoa * Seth

[15:27] rose: Im infecting another site with my adorablness
[15:28] xna: lol
[15:28] xna: I see ;p
[15:28] rose: Like my wonder full header?
[15:28] xna: sure
[15:28] rose: =-=
[15:29] xna: you should have a sig that links to sp
[15:29] xna: o=-=o
[15:29] rose: Your as enthusiastic as a monkeh on several sadatives
[15:29] xna: lol
[15:30] xna: you're as hot as mentioned above
[15:30] xna: you did link to sp on your current project fragile dreamers
[15:30] xna: I'll give you credit for that
[15:30] xna: c:
[15:30] rose has disconnected: Quit: ajax IRC Client
[15:32] xna evil laugh
[15:32] xna: I'm too mean to rose
[15:33] xna: -should be nicer
[15:35] mib_ewzgsp has joined
[15:35] mib_ewzgsp is now known as Metalrenard
[15:35] Metalrenard is now known as supremerenard
[15:36] supremerenard: yo
[15:36] xna: 0.0
[15:36] supremerenard: JUSTIN BIEBER IS MAH FAVORITE
[15:37] supremerenard is now known as Rose


(06-09-2011, 12:12 AM)MetalRenard Wrote: ROSE YOU'RE EVIL HOW DARE YOU!!

Your the one who likes justin bieber.
<xna>: Sadly, our blissful orgy is over too soon
<MetalFuax>: I want to have an orgy
<xna>: xD
<Pherione>: I want the moon
<MetalFuax>: I love penis'
I drink caffien Its my only sin,,,side from murder ,rape, stealing, being born this incredably Cute, Having that death ray in my trunk, Fisting that one guy when I was drunk, Creating Tohasaka ,Listening to Zepllin , the apple Iphone,and Rubbing on my mirror image: lol: You forgot mass devastation and seduction of the human race.

xna starts rubbing on rose's mirror image: xD

: I nearly forgot about that fiasko in detriot that created gangs,,,Can you believe I started the Black panthers HEEHEH funny story,It actualy has nothing to do with me I just dropped Hybrida in the middle of a poor black nieborhood for five minutes and Vwalala:

: I think seduction should go first unless there are survivors


[07/12/2011 -:- 03:17:24 AM] xna opens my legs for tohsaka
[07/12/2011 -:- 03:17:30 AM] Tohsaka castrates xna
[07/12/2011 -:- 03:17:35 AM] <xna> lol
[07/12/2011 -:- 03:17:39 AM] <xna> oh right
[07/12/2011 -:- 03:17:41 AM] <xna> owwww
[Image: TohsakaDono.png]
Quote:[22:49] rurose God dammit mibbit
[22:49] xna you only want to meat people you wanna sex rose
[22:49] rurose The Ad above is Furry related lol
[22:49] rurose MEAT?!
[22:49] DerVVulfman
[22:49] xna 0.0
[22:50] xna yes meat
[22:50] rurose I dont eat my partners
[22:50] DerVVulfman *COUGH* Well said
[22:50] rurose lol
[22:50] rurose DAMMIT
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
<~Olivia> i'm having code and chips for dinner
<~Olivia> err... *cod
<~Olivia> xD
<~Olivia> too many typos
<Pherione> isn't cod fish?
<@MetalRenard> XD XD XD XD XD
<~Olivia> yeah
<~Olivia> fish and chips

* Pherione nails a bill on the board: "big Moog hunting contest, winner gets head"
<~Olivia> :D
<@MetalRenard> LOL.
<@MetalRenard> erm
<@MetalRenard> reread that.

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