IRC Quotes!
[27 May 11 13:34] * kain * haha I had some lady come in yesterday, just looking for something to complain about I think
[27 May 11 13:34] * kain * She brought her burrito back all opened and was like
[27 May 11 13:34] * xna * xD
[27 May 11 13:34] * kain * "You expect me to eat this? It looks like a diaper in here"
[27 May 11 13:35] * xna * that's funny
[27 May 11 13:35] * xna * what did she expect a pad?
[27 May 11 13:35] * xna * LOL
[27 May 11 13:35] * kain * I couldn't help but crack up man, beef and guac in the same burrito
[27 May 11 13:35] * kain * her damn fault she ordered that shit that way
[27 May 11 13:35] * xna * heh yup
[27 May 11 13:35] * xna * mmm mexican food
[27 May 11 13:37] < Mercury has disconnected (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[27 May 11 13:37] * kain * lol her use of big words, "and theres beans in here. Thanks for serving me some geriatric burrito thats going to make me fart."
[27 May 11 13:37] * xna * lol fail
[27 May 11 13:40] * kain * ahaha and then we had this drunk asshole come by and make some rediculous order requests
[27 May 11 13:40] * xna * no suprise there
[27 May 11 13:40] * xna * :p
[27 May 11 13:40] * kain * he was like "yeah bro, make me a Mexican pizza, but instead of cutting it... karate chop it in eight pieces"
[27 May 11 13:40] * xna * xD
[27 May 11 13:41] * xna * that'd be funny and awesome
[27 May 11 13:41] * kain * "And I want my quesadilla microwaved, burn the edges together with your lighter so the chicken don't fall out"
[27 May 11 13:41] * xna * lol
[27 May 11 13:42] * kain * "Oh, and last thing, tell Huracio to use real sour cream this time, I'm tired of him cumming in my gf's taco"
[27 May 11 13:42] * xna * 0.0
[27 May 11 13:43] * xna * sounds so wrong
[27 May 11 13:43] * kain * Then when he pulled up, he accused me of having an office pet
[13:43] kain: "Yo bro, is that a cat?"
[13:43] kain: "Oh shit, its the chiuauah"
[13:44] xna: LOL
[13:44] xna: chiuauah!
[13:44] kain: "Dude, are you holding the Taco Bell chiuauah for good work *hiccup* reward or uh"
[13:44] kain: " he going to be in my taco?"

here's another one from "Cocoa"!

[15:31] Cocoa: xna
[15:31] Cocoa: What are you doing in my channeL?
[15:32] xna: lul
[15:32] xna: nice food pic
[15:32] xna: um...who knows
[15:32] xna: o_O
[15:33] Cocoa: /kick xna lol
[15:33] xna: o^__^o
[15:34] Cocoa: Is Mercenary still raping save-point these days?
[15:35] xna: nope
[15:35] xna: I knew you were him!'s a good one from "theartfulfox" ;)

[27 May 11 15:02] * TheArtfulFox * that's impossible
[27 May 11 15:02] * TheArtfulFox * you can't always be the same
[27 May 11 15:02] * xna * why not
[27 May 11 15:03] * TheArtfulFox * "today was boring so I'm bored", "today was fun, I'm happy"
[27 May 11 15:03] < Mercury has disconnected (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[27 May 11 15:03] * xna * good point
[27 May 11 15:03] * TheArtfulFox * "today I went hunting, I'm aroused"
[27 May 11 15:03] * Venus * xD
[27 May 11 15:03] * xna * lol
[27 May 11 15:03] * Venus * lol
[27 May 11 15:03] * TheArtfulFox * "today I met an alien, I'm... oh no, same as yesterday".
[27 May 11 15:03] * xna * fine fine
[27 May 11 15:04] > Mercury has joined
[27 May 11 15:04] * xna * wb merc
[27 May 11 15:04] * TheArtfulFox * DEAD THINGS GET ME HOT
[27 May 11 15:04] * xna * ;p
[27 May 11 15:04] * TheArtfulFox sighs
[27 May 11 15:04] * Mercury stops being a necromancer
[27 May 11 15:04] * Mercury * And thanks
[27 May 11 15:04] * TheArtfulFox * for?

[12:25] Pherione: do you know anyone on sp who might know?
[12:25] MetalRenard: Chuck Norris...?
[12:25] MetalRenard: or is that joke getting old?
[12:25] Olivia: nope :( maybe derv
[12:26] xna: lol
[12:26] Pherione: ok
[12:26] MetalRenard: ok
[12:26] Pherione: thx
[12:26] Pherione: and Chuck Norris doesn't know things
[12:26] Pherione: knowledge comes present itself
[12:26] MetalRenard: XD
[12:27] xna: I knew you were chuck norris!
[12:27] xna jumps on pherione like a bullrider
[12:27] xna: giddy up!
[12:27] Pherione roundhouse kicks xna
[12:28] MetalRenard shoots the bull

X) Some funny times, eh?
(05-28-2011, 07:20 PM)MetalRenard Wrote: X) Some funny times, eh?

without a doubt. Very cheery

[17:37] Cocoa: [05/28/2011 -:- 05:37:49 PM] <QueueMan> He went on about how great it looked
[17:37] Cocoa: [05/28/2011 -:- 05:37:53 PM] <QueueMan> Then completely pulled out
[17:37] Cocoa: [05/28/2011 -:- 05:38:00 PM] <crim|Quizes> :|
[17:37] Cocoa: [05/28/2011 -:- 05:38:03 PM] <Kirotan> That's what she said.
[17:38] Olivia: huh?

[13:54] Olivia: :o
[13:54] Olivia: invisible?
[13:55] Mercury makes a VN
[13:57] Mercury I am the slam of my jam. Slam is my body, and jam is my blood. I have slammed over a thousand jams. Unknown to slam. Nor known to jam. Withstood DMCA takedown notices to slam many jams. Yet these slams will never jam anything. So as I jam, Unlimited Slam Works.
[13:58] MetalRenard: O.o
[13:59] Mercury is now known as Battler
[13:59] xna: lol
[13:59] MetalRenard: dunno why, but I read "Hitler".
[13:59] Battler: ..
[13:59] xna: xDDDDDDDD
[13:59] Battler is now known as Hitler
[13:59] MetalRenard: !kick Hitler
[13:59] ChanServ kicked Hitler: (MetalRenard) No reason given
[13:59] MetalRenard: XD
[13:59] xna: LOL
[13:59] MetalRenard: I KICKED HITLER
[14:00] MetalRenard: SHIIIIT couldn't resist
[14:00] MetalRenard: lmfao
[14:00] MetalRenard: rofl
[14:00] Mercury has joined
[14:00] Mercury: Fufufu
[14:00] MetalRenard: SORRY
[14:00] Mercury: I has diplomatic immunity

Epic moment X)
>22:00 xna: mmm
>22:00 xna: nice size
I've met widows who've cried less than you
[Image: userbar.png]
<22:54> DerVVulfman Haha. Diplomatic immunity from being kicked, Merc?
<22:54> *** Mercury is now known as DerWulfman
<22:54> DerVVulfman Good one
<22:54> DerWulfman What, xna?
<22:54> xna LOL
<22:54> DerWulfman (;
<22:55> xna that convo was funny
<22:55> xna shh merc
<22:55> DerWulfman @DerVV, I felt so insulted by Renard. D:
<22:55> *** DerWulfman is now known as Mercury
<22:55> xna -giggles-
<22:55> DerVVulfman Ya know... I never did this be--- aw.
<22:55> DerVVulfman I was gonna KICK myself
<22:55> DerVVulfman Now you went and changed back!
<22:55> Mercury I had to take precautions
<22:55> Mercury : D
<22:55> DerVVulfman XD
<22:55> xna xD
<22:56> xna good mercy
<22:56> *** Mercury is now known as DerWulfman
<22:56> DerVVulfman !kick DerWulfman
<22:56> *** DerWulfman was kicked by ChanServ ((DerVVulfman) No reason given)
<22:56> !!! You have been kicked from #save-point
<22:56> *** DerWulfman joined #save-point

<22:56> DerVVulfman I was SOO ready
<22:56> *** DerWulfman is now known as Mercury
<22:56> Mercury hay guyz
<22:56> Mercury I think Renard has been abusing his powers again
<22:56> Mercury I was just kicked
<22:56> Mercury D:
<22:56> xna
<22:57> xna -is not going to post it on the forums, been doing lots
I've met widows who've cried less than you
[Image: userbar.png]

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