Ending Credits Script
Note: This is NOT my script. I found it in the Project Zelda Engine. I did, however, edit it so that it may be called with $scene = Scene_Credits.new instead of having it appear on the Title Screen (which is very annoying). Also, it was edited by AvatarMonkeyKirby to actually end by itself. So if used, at least give credit to the two of us, and label one other as "Unknown" as I currently don't know who made it.
If you are the original author of this script, please say so and I will give credit ASAP (basically...whenever I see your post).

CREDITS_FONT = "Times New Roman"
CREDITS_OUTLINE = Color.new(0,0,127, 255)
CREDITS_SHADOW = Color.new(0,0,0, 100)
CREDITS_FILL = Color.new(255,255,255, 255)

# ¦ Scene_Credits
#  ??????????????????

class Scene_Credits

  # This next piece of code is the credits. Please keep the Zelda teams credits.

#Edit here

def main

# Animated Background Setup

@sprite = Sprite.new
#@sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)
@backgroundList = [""] #Edit this to the title screen(s) you wish to show in the background. They do repeat. Just put a comma in between each like this ["title1","title2"]
@backgroundGameFrameCount = 0
# Number of game frames per background frame.
@backgroundG_BFrameCount = 3.4
@sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(@backgroundList[0])

# Credits txt Setup

credit_lines = CREDIT.split(/\n/)
credit_bitmap = Bitmap.new(640,32 * credit_lines.size)
credit_lines.each_index do |i|
line = credit_lines[i]
credit_bitmap.font.name = CREDITS_FONT
credit_bitmap.font.size = CREDITS_SIZE
x = 0
credit_bitmap.font.color = CREDITS_OUTLINE
credit_bitmap.draw_text(0 + 1,i * 32 + 1,640,32,line,1)
credit_bitmap.draw_text(0 - 1,i * 32 + 1,640,32,line,1)
credit_bitmap.draw_text(0 + 1,i * 32 - 1,640,32,line,1)
credit_bitmap.draw_text(0 - 1,i * 32 - 1,640,32,line,1)
credit_bitmap.font.color = CREDITS_SHADOW
credit_bitmap.draw_text(0,i * 32 + 8,640,32,line,1)
credit_bitmap.font.color = CREDITS_FILL
credit_bitmap.draw_text(0,i * 32,640,32,line,1)
@credit_sprite = Sprite.new(Viewport.new(0,50,640,380))
@credit_sprite.bitmap = credit_bitmap
@credit_sprite.z = 9998
@credit_sprite.oy = -430 #-430
@frame_index = 0
@last_flag = false

# Setup

#Stops all audio but background music.


loop do


if $scene != self

##Checks if credits bitmap has reached it's ending point
def last?
    if @frame_index > (@credit_sprite.bitmap.height + 500)
       $scene = Scene_Map.new #change this to Scene_Title.new if you wish it to go to title screen instead.
       Audio.bgm_fade(10000) #aprox 10 seconds
      return true
      return false

#Check if the credits should be cancelled
def cancel?
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      $scene = Scene_Map.new #change this to Scene_Title.new if you wish it to go to title screen instead.
      return true
      return false
def update
@backgroundGameFrameCount = @backgroundGameFrameCount + 1
if @backgroundGameFrameCount >= @backgroundG_BFrameCount
@backgroundGameFrameCount = 0
# Add current background frame to the end
@backgroundList = @backgroundList << @backgroundList[0]
# and drop it from the first position
@sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(@backgroundList[0])
return if cancel?
return if last?
@credit_sprite.oy += 1 #this is the speed that the text scrolls. 1 is default
#The fastest I'd recomend is 5, after that it gets hard to read.
@frame_index += 1 #This should fix the non-self-ending credits
So, anyway, what this does is it plays the ending credits. You simply start the music you want (usually I put the player on a special map specifically for the Ending Credits) and then run an Auto-run process and call the script "$scene = Scene_Credits.new" (without the quotation marks...DUH!!!)

It will automatically put the words in the center of the screen, so you won't have to worry about that. Any questions, feel free to ask...not sure if I can answer or not, though...It is SDK compatible (thanks to Master Inuyasha for finding out for me.)
This is a very useful script. Especially if you realize (as I did) that this script is totally not limited to just ending credits.
You can also use it to make for example a splash screen of scrolling text for your game to, for example, tell the game's story.

How? All you gotta do is duplicate the script, change the name and call command, write the text you want and call the script on the correct point of your game.
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In a distant future an ancient threat stirs...heroes of old take up their arms once more.
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