Array to arguments for a method?
I feel like I've asked this before, and I'm sure I managed to make this work at least once. I don't think I remember how. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to turn an array into a set of arguments for a method.

Quick example I'm putting out there, just because it's something I'm trying to figure out: Turning this array
@sound = ["Audio/SE/002-System02", 80, 100]

into a set of arguments for
Audio.se_play(filename[, volume[, pitch]])
Well you can do:
Audio.se_player(@sound[0], @sound[1], @sound[2])

If you want it automated you can use the eval(string) function which is used to execute a string as code.
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
Val! Thanks, but I figured it out, sorry to say. I forgot about how useful *array can be.

somearray = [0, 1, 2]


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