What's up, RMers?
I was officially asked to make a metal cover of the Arcan Chronicles theme. Their first episode which aired just a week ago has already had over 70 000 views, so this is a big deal. :3
Warning, Youtube video.
I've been busy as all get out lately, in every department of development! Hey, its just how I like it! Anyways, I'll try and give a run-down of what I've been up to and what I've gone through the last five days, but I'm going to leave some things out because there is no way I could type it all.

First off, I've made a major revision to my world map tileset! Biggest challenge was limited auto-tiles, so I laid out each individual auto-tile position on an unrelated map, for all 7 of them, and began making manual sheets for what I need using that method. What does that mean? Right now I have 20 "auto-tiles" laid out manually onto my tileset sheet; different sands, dirts, grasses, snow tiles, mountains, etc. that all tile together smoothly, horray! I made a bunch of blank space and filler tiles for the 'automanual' tiles that I'll be needing in the future, mainly for the ocean terrain (frosted water mountains, icebergs, etc...) so I've got huge blank spots on the set that urge me to get to them soon :D

With scripting, I've done some study of Animated Battlers, plus I've been messing with a couple other battle system demos. Thing is, I already have the bones of a CBS laid out for what I'm wanting to do, portions of the script I made are working, but then I want to combine with... blah, thats a discussion I should bring up with a therapist haha! Either way I'll get it done.

Music remastering has been the roughest and most rewarding quest of them all! The other day I discovered that a bunch pieces I composed weren't working in RMXP, but instead of sitting around and crying about it I manned up and did something about it! I sat for twenty-some odd hours (seriously) and remastered, extended and/or remixed every last damn track in my OST! I had some 160-170 or so pieces to work on, I made sure that even the least appealing of them all would sound absolutely awesome by the time I was done... and I did it! Best of all, they are all fully tagged with info and cover art and everything and, better yet, they all work in XP now!

Oh yeah, before I go, I'll post some tracks for your listening pleasure. These first two are almost the same, but despite their similiarities they have their own separate personalities so I'll post them both for you to listen to.

Verge of Depression
Verge of Depression
This one doesn't have any drums. This track sounds like you're going through some somewhat sad times, I suppose things aren't too bad yet, but you're waiting for something else to happen.

Valley of Death
Valley of Death
PK8 said to add drums! So I added drums and some reeverb and such to the lead instruments! While this one is a VoD twin (they both have V O D as their initials, heh...), this one seems so much more upbeat and happy than the previous one, thus two identities were born!

Zynth's Theme (Metal Version)
Zynth's Theme (Metal Version)
A long time ago I wrote about a comical but deadly side-kick named Zynth! He was an enemy drone bot, but the team disabled him and made him friendly. Anyways, I had composed him a cute little theme a long time ago, but it was more techno-ish, this one is a little more heavy metal and not as cutesy as the old theme.

Zynth's Theme
Zynth's Theme
I figured somebody would've asked me to post it anyways, so this is the classic theme!

...Oh yeah, prior to all this I became the sickest I've ever been in a decade, but the medicine came on strong haha! Rain or shine, moon or sun, either way I always have to get shit done! Its been a great week, see ya guys next time! And I'll try and chat in IRC a little more when I'm not so busy :D
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Zynth's Theme (Metal Version) has an awesome drum beat at the beginning. :)

Just posted one of my tracks on Bandcamp, for sale this time, since someone asked if they could buy it.
One day I hope to make that song's idea into a concept album, but time will tell.
got a small usb keyboard. now i can put Reason 5 to good use. i think if i use the music i'm using already, all sorts of musicians are going to come after me.
I came up with another random concept tonight while procrastinating, a collectible of sorts that I might or might not do due to the fact that the art department is currently tied up at the moment lol. Let me introduce you to...

Sexy Propaganda Posters

How they're introduced : While sneaking through a slightly guarded compound, you come across an enemy patrol slacking off to a "While you're away, she's..." poster. You have no choice but to waste the guy and, when you do, your partner states "Well... I'm going to take this poster, unless you want it!" The player can either opt to take the poster, let the friend have it, or to "Focus on the damn objective!"

How they affect the game : I was thinking it would be good for trade, but that leads to the question of who exactly you can trade what posters for what? I can't see somebody giving you super powerful weapons and/or promoting you to general for the fact that you have a mass quantity of propaganda smut, but then again you never know...

Oh yeah, more music work has been done! My soundtrack is pretty well remastered and I've changed up a ton of tracks already, but I feel like this is going to be another long cycle of just general improvement. I'll go ahead and post the one I did tonight...

Monster Bumps (Extended)
Monster Bumps (Extended)

I revisited this track again mainly because the effects chain got messed up, but I wound up really putting my foot down and improving it. I don't want to bother linking the old version, it starts out good and turns sour, but this newer edition is rather pleasing to listen to (imho).
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Excellent work there Kain. The drums are a bit loud but the track is very interesting throughout and I enjoyed the industrial feel it has a lot.
As for the propaganda posters you could add a sleazy character who trades them for stat upgrades (posters for drugs?) maybe. Just an idea since you weren't too sure.
I'm just learning the finer points of Blender 3D, so I can make character models and building textures in there and render/condense them down to a RMVXAce level. This would hopefully give the characters a little more depth than your average sprite. I'm actually way better with 3D than other sprite editing.
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D
Wait, what did I miss. Compression of the RTP? Compression of the encrypted packages? How is it limited?

I haven't touched either of my projects in a while. Been arting in general instead.

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