What's up, RMers?
Whew I finally got some content done. Just a small belated video for valentines~!
Valentines 2023

Edit: Oh yea, it seems my burn out is finally on the decline... Here's some proof of that effect~!
Update: my burn out is DEFINITELY gone.

Stayed up all night due to playing games late, but worth it! For I made this:

This leaves 15 boss fights.
That was one chaotic boss fight.

Also, I must say that Velvet Marzipan looks pretty yummy too Yum. Dang, now I'm hungry! Curse my sweet tooth!
Oh, that boss fight is only Medium difficulty.

Here's what Hard looks like.

The True Administrator

Don't get me started on SURREAL difficulty. or heaven forbid INSANE.

The numbers in the medium fight above will be adjusted. Right now they deal way too much damage.
Hahaha, let's see somebody try to do a NO DAMAGE SPEED RUN on THAT!
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(02-21-2023, 04:02 AM)Kain Nobel Wrote: Hahaha, let's see somebody try to do a NO DAMAGE SPEED RUN on THAT!

Hahahaha. I'd almost be willing to pay to see that!

Oh yea, nice change of aesthetic from the techno-blue sci-fi of Galaxia to the industrial smokey wood of Tekerlek.

A real piradical pissfight, this one!

Had a lot of fun giving it characterization.
"Is this a banana, or is it a sword?! Arrrr, the mysteries!" Pirate

So I'm going through a "Twilight Zone" moment with the REGAL project. Nothing makes sense.

I'm trying to build the project's dependencies but running into oddball problems (SFML Support Topic)

Kain can't figure it out on his own and ChatGPT's help only goes so far. One must still resort to relying on other humans to help them out.

(I don't think people quite realize the limitations of even the most impressive of technologies. Listen closely as our prompts have changed. Press 2 for English. How can I help you...? *Click* <...Dial Tone...>)

The issues started on Friday. I'm working diligently to get everything resolved by next Friday. Should the issue persist, I'm switching priorities over to the Music Department because I can only spend so long fighting the machine :3

The writing for this year's album is almost finished. The writing for next year has already started. It's goddamn electric!
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Green dot= Done

[Image: OvAEBFS.png]
Yet another one done. Due to the amount of placeholders, I've decided to refrain from showing this one in a video format. Here is some dope screenshots though!

Troublesome Trio of Trickery
[Image: SAAz0Wh.png]
[Image: mu9rYxh.png]
[Image: Ka7SGOO.png]
[Image: FhUQTDN.png]

Oh and, you may remember this from a while ago...
[Image: BH1I8Oj.png]
My, what good progress! As you can see, I've done 7, leaving only 12, and I've also numbered the order I intend to do them in.

Fatty Mclarge is next, then we're onto Anathema, that will finish Tekerlek. Then I'm jumping over to Byteopia to do the finale of those tournaments with Cid and Kyu. Once that is done all optional events in the Magenta Sector are finished.

Then my next list of orders are the optional bosses in Zen Aneia and Zen Nekoma, finishing which will complete all optional events in the Amethyst sector. leaving only the four fights in the Turquoise sector.

Then at last, I will do the last HARD difficulty fight, a duel with Kikiyo Kasanavi, then move onto the Surreal Obstacle course, clearing Postmartia. I'll then move over to Haven and give Catmum her surreal battle. After that point, all that remains is Xaramitsi who awaits on Zirkov.

Once I finish her, I'm done with all of the optional events for this disk at last! Then, I've gotta go and make Apophis Labs and Sanctuary. Ashe will get some events on Apophis Labs, I don't know much about Sanctuary yet.

I've also gotta do the unwinnable boss fight with Ashe the Enma. That will likely be the last thing I do.

My momentum of doing one bossfight a day has been good. If i keep it up at this rate i might actually be able to make it in time for 3/14.
That is awesome, keep riding the wave!

My momentum status is currently "hitting a brick wall". Currently re-evaluating the needs for the current project roadmap and considering alternative avenues.

While some very interesting potential solutions have come to the forefront, it would still be an extremely expensive task to perform. What would not be guaranteed is time spent on the solution giving me results in regards to probable future time savings and increased speed of development and deployment. There could possibly be some positive return on investment, yes, but nothing is guaranteed and the risk isn't exactly negligible.

I must defer to a lyrical words of wisdom by the Desert Rose Band.

"One step forward and two steps back. Nobody gets to the bar like that."
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