What's up, RMers?
(02-23-2023, 08:11 PM)KasperKalamity Wrote: Green dot= Done

(02-23-2023, 08:20 PM)Remi-chan Wrote: Yet another one done. Due to the amount of placeholders, I've decided to refrain from showing this one in a video format. Here is some dope screenshots though!

Oh and, you may remember this from a while ago...
My, what good progress! As you can see, I've done 7, leaving only 12, and I've also numbered the order I intend to do them in.

Fatty Mclarge is next, then we're onto Anathema, that will finish Tekerlek. Then I'm jumping over to Byteopia to do the finale of those tournaments with Cid and Kyu. Once that is done all optional events in the Magenta Sector are finished.

Then my next list of orders are the optional bosses in Zen Aneia and Zen Nekoma, finishing which will complete all optional events in the Amethyst sector. leaving only the four fights in the Turquoise sector.

Then at last, I will do the last HARD difficulty fight, a duel with Kikiyo Kasanavi, then move onto the Surreal Obstacle course, clearing Postmartia. I'll then move over to Haven and give Catmum her surreal battle. After that point, all that remains is Xaramitsi who awaits on Zirkov.

Once I finish her, I'm done with all of the optional events for this disk at last! Then, I've gotta go and make Apophis Labs and Sanctuary. Ashe will get some events on Apophis Labs, I don't know much about Sanctuary yet.

I've also gotta do the unwinnable boss fight with Ashe the Enma. That will likely be the last thing I do.

My momentum of doing one bossfight a day has been good. If i keep it up at this rate i might actually be able to make it in time for 3/14.
You two... That's some impressive progress in your respective games.

@Kasper: Something that I meant to ask before: How you will approach NPCs? I figure that city maps as big as those will require an awe-inspiring number of people wandering about and the sheer effort that entails is making me dizzy.

@Remi-chan: Something that I meant to ask before as well: In the previous boss battle videos you posted, I noticed the Fantasia Trio going down but not out i.e they seem to recover after a while as the battle rages on. How does that cooldown system work exactly?
(02-24-2023, 07:50 PM)Steel Beast 6Beets Wrote: You two... That's some impressive progress in your respective games.

@Remi-chan: Something that I meant to ask before as well: In the previous boss battle videos you posted, I noticed the Fantasia Trio going down but not out i.e they seem to recover after a while as the battle rages on. How does that cooldown system work exactly?

Yeah, after 30 seconds after being knocked out the Angel of Hope can re-enter the fight. However, if all three and Sacreblu (shortly after Disk 1) are brought down in that time, that's how one gets a game over.

Also while Sacreblu has a lot more Health and serves as a second wind once all three of the girls are knocked out, she can only be called on once. Despite how easy you might think this may make the game, there are some fights, namely the INSANE difficulty superbosses where the only way to win is to survive an onslaught of crazy attacks. There's also some bosses who remove a party member from the field of play completely if they are struck down.

You can find more out by simply opening up the Delta Build you received, if you are so inclined. I leave it unencrypted for the benefit of eager folks, but also because I'm not the sort of person who is so conceited i think my resources are going to be unduly stolen. My art style, bright and colorful as it is, isn't generic enough for general use.

As for what I got done, no boss fight tonight, but somewhat of a database overhaul, mostly in regards to Medals and Pamphlets. There will now be a lot more Pamphlets which is needed given how many characters are introduced, especially in optional content.
[Image: X38oI9j.png]
I also, as a result, am getting stuck into making more Pamphlets as a result.

Here's just a few.
[Image: efRzFKf.png]
[Image: 2duIl0B.png]
[Image: 2c8NnhX.png]
[Image: 6wj1zv7.png]
That last one won't even be any use until Disk 3 lmao.
lmao I'm over here trollin' the SFML forums over stupid problems.


After flying on a magic carpet for 4 near perfect quarters, now I'm remembering what "problems" used to be, When you haven't had problems for quite awhile it's kind of disorienting to run into a problem lol
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]

(02-25-2023, 03:20 AM)Remi-chan Wrote:
(02-24-2023, 07:50 PM)Steel Beast 6Beets Wrote: You two... That's some impressive progress in your respective games.

@Remi-chan: Something that I meant to ask before as well: In the previous boss battle videos you posted, I noticed the Fantasia Trio going down but not out i.e they seem to recover after a while as the battle rages on. How does that cooldown system work exactly?

Yeah, after 30 seconds after being knocked out the Angel of Hope can re-enter the fight. However, if all three and Sacreblu (shortly after Disk 1) are brought down in that time, that's how one gets a game over.

Also while Sacreblu has a lot more Health and serves as a second wind once all three of the girls are knocked out, she can only be called on once. Despite how easy you might think this may make the game, there are some fights, namely the INSANE difficulty superbosses where the only way to win is to survive an onslaught of crazy attacks. There's also some bosses who remove a party member from the field of play completely if they are struck down.

You can find more out by simply opening up the Delta Build you received, if you are so inclined. I leave it unencrypted for the benefit of eager folks, but also because I'm not the sort of person who is so conceited i think my resources are going to be unduly stolen. My art style, bright and colorful as it is, isn't generic enough for general use.

As for what I got done, no boss fight tonight, but somewhat of a database overhaul, mostly in regards to Medals and Pamphlets. There will now be a lot more Pamphlets which is needed given how many characters are introduced, especially in optional content.
[Image: X38oI9j.png]
I also, as a result, am getting stuck into making more Pamphlets as a result.

Here's just a few.
That last one won't even be any use until Disk 3 lmao.
That's a really interesting mechanic. And so is the talk about bosses that force you to not rely on it.

As for database revamps, I did my share back then. It was mostly reorganizing items, enemies and troops.

It was a pain in the neck.
Thankfully i didn't have to alter much. I've already updated and fixed all known entries and their in-event relations.

So tonight I got back to making bosses~

This is a Hard difficulty boss. You don't see the machanic that makes it difficult because i manage to avoid it, but getting hit by Fatty's melee attacks when he is in cat or bear form gives the presently out party member a state called vulnerable, which means all but attacks which inflict it, do double damage.

The Druid's Shakedown

Of note, he also has a very dangerous ability from Menagerie that serves as his overdrive, his ability to summon a fragmented piece of the Gatekeeper.

In Menagerie: Remastered, this cost 80 mana, which he had only 80 base, and after use, inflicted a state called INSANE which increases attack damage by 800%, confused him and gave him borderline invincibility, and it persisted through death. It could only be cured by getting to the end of battle. For this reason, it tended to be a fairly unused very high damage nuke for finishing off an intense fight. Using it early meant Fatty was inoperable for the rest of battle, and due to hitting 8x harder and having a chance to attack fellow party members, an annoyance at best and a scourge at worst to boot.

521 years later, it seems he no longer falls prey to insanity when using the ability.

It hits for 10 fatal damage and inflicts vulnerable every 3 frames if you do not stand behind Tiramisa on the SAFE square. In just over 3 seconds, that's an entirely party's worth of base HP wiped out. it's only because of intended death delay that this doesn't happen. Nonetheless, failing this machanic for long will absolutely result in a game over.

614 HP Baseline (100+50+150+314) with 200 damage per second. (10*60/3) means if you stand in it for 3.07 seconds disregarding death waits, it's a wipe. It's half a second Death delay lasts, so if we factor that in 4 times, it would still take only 5.07 seconds for your party to be completely wiped out.

That said, the mechanic only lasts for 200 frames. Or approxrimately 2.2 seconds. So this wont be something that causes a wipe, but it might certainly finish off an unsuspecting player, that said by the time they can do this fight, this mechanic will have occurred at least 2 times already.
Update! All but five of the optional events are done. I've been steadily knocking out one per day. Now, we are scheduled to finish all the optional events by the 10th!

Then on the 11th I will do the Ashe boss fight. Then on the twelfth, I will stream as I fix up all of the remaining mistakes DerVVulfman spotted. I will then do a full play through of the game to ensure there's no soft-locks or game-breakers, and package it up ready for release.

Then! Over the next two days, I will make a trailer and the 3/14 video.

Yes. We will make it. Fantasia Demo 3 WILL be ready for 3/14! The day of the CCC's 10th anniversary!

So, you might wonder... where are the rest of the boss fights?

Well, that's easy: They're all down below! You are welcome!

Spiralling Fan of Blades

This fight is a Surreal Difficulty fight and feels like one. Between Anathema finishing off low health party members and healing from their demise, the absolute shit-storm of projectiles and the time warping mechanics that also disable skedaddle. Is it any wonder the sixth of the grand Archdemons smiles so confidently!?

The Final Death Match

A continuation of the fight with Rex Flexin, using those same mechanics, only being somewhat actually challenging. It's still fun to watch Lumi fire a laser blaster, it only happens in two battles though, so... Enjoy it while it lasts!

Shadowflame Sisters

Really earning it's hard difficulty. Like how the non-blood related sisters are themed on fire and shadow, their attacks are a combination of purple and orange. Purple = MOVE IDIOT while orange = DEFEND IDIOT. There's also some fatal RED attacks thrown in for good measure.

Foxfire Flurry

I personally find this fight fairly easy. But I'm leaning on the likelihood that me fighting Renae and Cathy way too many fucking times frankly, is probably giving me a wacky case of repetition bias. Lily adds some new mechanics to the fight, including yet another game over mechanic if you do something to make her feel lonely. This bitch is actually scary, please try not to piss her off!

Crimson Demonium

Never have I watched a fight I've made and thought in purest terms: Holy fuck, this is just touhou now. What have I done? This fight is honestly a tad too hard and feels like a slightly easier Anathema. Really putting the "High Acceleration Reaction Demand" in HARD am I right?

The Court Magician

And before you ask; Yes, I did finish this one just an hour ago! And if you saw the thumbnail and imagined flurries of purple and blue attacks, then... YOU ARE CORRECT! She also turns you into a slow sheep, conjures a crystal that stops you damaging her health until it is destroyed, and like Remira has a sick mid-fight transition. Oh, and after said transition, she throws in MORE purple and blue mechanics just because you obviously didn't have enough to worry about already!

So as this probably reveals I kind of broke the original order I had planned. I don't know what possessed me to have me think doing Akra Olna before the Shadowflame sisters was a good idea, or why I didn't do Postmartia in one lot. But that's all going to be corrected.

Because yes; I DO have a new road map to show you.
[Image: d7cbgAb.png]
So this one is a lot more straight forward just due to the small amount of entries left. Akra Olna is my next target, which will entirely finish off the Amethyst system. All I have left then is the Turquoise System, where the last of the Hard difficulty fights resides with Kikiyo, whose event picture is a display of Cid and Kyu for some reason.

It is then on that same planet that I will do the Surreal Difficulty obstacle course.

After that, we're off to Planet Haven to have a good old ass kicking with Svoli in her apotropaic form. Then finally, the dreaded Xaramitsi awaits us on the shadow-blackened moon of Zirkov. The first and only insane difficulty boss fight in this version of the game.

So yeah, we're on the tail end of this thing!
Due to the future occurring, computers for some reason no longer have cd drives built in. I had to order an external one that finally arrived yesterday from Taiwanistan, and can start working on updating my ultimate tileset all over again [sarcastic]woooo[/sarcastic] I've been working on this for so long I'm using Illustrator 10, and Photoshop 7 because it's what I learned on and I'm too stupid/lazy/busy to learn these new fangled updated versions and pay a monthly subscription fee
My antediluvian relic of a computer still has a cd drive. It no longer works though (the last time I tried to use it, it caused a forced shutdown).
Welp, on my end... I might have done a crazy.

Yesterday, I did the Kikiyo boss fight as planned. Yet, because it was only four hours of time I spent on it, I still had loads of energy. So I went ahead and did the Surreal Difficulty optional event as well! Getting me ahead of schedule!

Bane of Polaris

All of her attacks are named after computing terms. Firewalls are obvious. The lasers are called Antivirus, and the yellow crescents are called Crescent.exe.

Screenshots from Surreal Obstacle Event.
[Image: 9MhDTDg.png]
[Image: 4P9pR8m.png]
[Image: 5hoTD1R.png]
[Image: qATvJQ3.png]
[Image: hvyI89c.png]
I didn't feel like prepping a video for this one. it's best enjoyed in game, anyway.

Then, today... I got this done. Granted, due to some distractions and it just being a bloody crazy boss fight, it took about 10 hours.

The Apotropaic Goddess

R A I N B O W S !

So... With that done and dusted... you may wonder what is even left of the events.

[Image: BJWKC89.png]
Just the one. I will do it on the 9th.

After that, I have to do the impossible to win boss fight with Ashe the Enma. It will be done on the 10th.

On the 11th, I will do the final polishing stream, and fix the remaining errors, typos and such that DerVVuklfman laboriously jotted down.

On the 12th, I will be busy implementing VA and quite likely, all the portraits I don't yet have. This is also when I will do a full playthrough of the game in a timely manner to make sure there's no softlocks or game-breakers. if i have time, I will begin working and possibly even finish the release trailer for Demo 3.

On the 13th, I will produce the 3/14 video.

14th is release.
You can almost see it, all tucked away up there like Oklahoma

[Image: c5PkJwX.png]

it's progress even if it's tiny, so let's zoom in on that foilage

[Image: 7oKcTKb.png]

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