Stand/Walk/Run (Disabling Idle)
Wondering if any of you guys would know how to use the CALL SCRIPT command to turn the idle graphic to FALSE in an event.
Not sure how I would format the code... it must be possible to disable it and then enable it once a cut-scene is over.
# Stand/Walk/Run Script --- RMXP Version
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 2.50
# January 26, 2008 (v1)
#     Revised: March 1, 2008 (v2)
#     Revised: September 4, 2010 (v2.5)
# Customization
module StandWalkRun
  Use_run = true   # Use Run Points?
  Use_run_sprite = true    # Use a Running sprite?
  Run_speed = 5   # Player speed while running
  Walk_speed = 4  # Player speed while walking
  Run_sprite_suffix = '_run'   # Running Sprite Suffix
  Run_points = 100   # The maximum amount of Run Points
  Run_points_restore = 20   # 1 Run Point is restored in X Frames
  Restore_run_while_walking = true   # Restore points while walking?
  Use_idle_sprite = true   # Use Idle Sprite?
  Idle_sprite_suffix = '_idle'   # idle Sprite Suffix
  Use_anime = true   # Animate your Idle Sprite?
  Idle_time = 240    # Time before sprite is animated
# Scene_Map:: The main functions of the script are here
class Scene_Map
  # Aliases
  alias syn_map_update update
  # Initiate variables
  def initialize
    if $game_player.old_character_name == nil
    $game_player.old_character_name = $game_player.character_name
    @wait_time = 0
    @wait_time2 = 0
  # Update:: Update the scene
  def update
    if Input.dir4 == 0
      wait(1, false) if StandWalkRun::Use_idle_sprite
      if $game_player.move_route_forcing == false
        call_idle($game_player.character_name + StandWalkRun::Idle_sprite_suffix, StandWalkRun::Use_anime) if @wait_time == StandWalkRun::Idle_time
        $game_temp.syn_state = "idle"
      restore_run if StandWalkRun::Use_run
      $game_temp.syn_state = ""
      restore_run if StandWalkRun::Restore_run_while_walking
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false) if $game_player.character_name != $game_player.old_character_name
      @wait_time = 0
      if $game_temp.sprite_changed == true
      $game_player.old_character_name = $game_player.character_name
      $game_temp.sprite_changed = false
  # Call_Idle:: Sets and animates the idle Sprite
  def call_idle(sprite, anime)
  # Restore_Run: Restore Run Points
  def restore_run
    if $game_player.run_points < $game_player.max_run_points
      wait(1, true)
      $game_player.run_points += 1 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore
      @wait_time2 = 0 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore
  # Wait:: Allows Wait Times
  def wait(duration, value)
    for i in 0...duration
      @wait_time += 1 if value == false
      @wait_time2 += 1 if value
      break if i >= duration / 2
# Game_Temp:: Create current state
class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :syn_state
  attr_accessor :sprite_changed
  alias syn_temp_init initialize
  def initialize
    @syn_state = ""
    @sprite_changed = false
# Game_Character:: Create the Change_Sprite method
class Game_Character
  # Attr(s)
  attr_accessor :old_character_name
  attr_accessor :run_points
  attr_accessor :max_run_points
  alias syn_ch_init initialize
  # Initialize Variables
  def initialize
    @run_points = StandWalkRun::Run_points
    @max_run_points = @run_points
  # Set Setp Animation
  def set_step_anime(value)
    @step_anime = value
    return @step_anime
# Game_Player:: This handles the dash process
class Game_Player < Game_Character
  alias syn_player_update update
  def dash?
    return false if @run_points == 0 and StandWalkRun::Use_run
    return true if
  # Update:: Update the scene
  def update
    if dash?
      if Input.dir4 == 0
      unless $game_temp.syn_state == "idle"
        set_graphic(@character_name + StandWalkRun::Run_sprite_suffix) if StandWalkRun::Use_run_sprite
        @move_speed = StandWalkRun::Run_speed
        @run_points -= 1
      @move_speed = StandWalkRun::Walk_speed
  def set_graphic(character_name)
    @tile_id = 0
    @character_name = character_name
#            * This script is not compatible with RPG Maker XP *
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 2.00
# Requested by Cerulean Sky
# Stand/Walk/Run   - RMXP Version

used call script and put this : Use_idle_sprite = false
if you want an idle movement after you call script : Use_idle_sprite = true
I think ....
(05-15-2013, 02:29 AM)daylights Wrote: used call script and put this : Use_idle_sprite = false
if you want an idle movement after you call script : Use_idle_sprite = true
I think ....
I tried this earlier, it did not work, it needs to be a more specific line

Errr... not exactly inserting this into a project. Gonna just take a guess. But, I did take a look.

You cannot use the 'Use_idle_sprite' or any other value in the StandWalkRun module. Those are the configurables and are fixed. So, you have to look at it in another way.

Fortunately, he did code a little thing for you. He created the 'set_step_anime' method in Game_Character, which is likely able to be referenced by calling a game event. So try this:

$[1].set_step_anime(false) The 1 designates event_ID 1

If it freezes, use 'nil' instead of false in the parenthesis. It's a bug with the Interpreter class... unless you have the easy fix. That's a different topic.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Close but no dice!

I've been practicing RGSS like crayfish recently, when revisiting this I figured it out instantly.
It's as simple as Call Script "StandWalkRun::Use_anime = false" StandWalkRun is the actual name reference of the script.
Woot zombie posting, just thought I'd share with whoever wanted to use this in their game.


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