01-24-2014, 08:07 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Substitute Edit
Version: v1.01b
IntroductionVersion: v1.01b
In the default setting, if more than one battler in the same side have the substitute flag, the one with the lowest id(the leftmost one) will always do the job, even if his/her/its hp isn't the highest among them all.
With this script, it's the one with the highest hp that'll always do the job, thus increasing the effectiveness of the substitute flag if more than one battler in the same side have it.
(v1.00b+)Substitute flag applies to magic reflection and counterattack as well.
(v1.00d+)Battlers resisting state with death_state_id take the substitute role.
* Plug and play(You don't need to edit anything in this script but you may still do so)
Believe it or not, in the following 2 screenshots, Eric, Terence and Ernest have substitute flag while Isabelle doesn't.
Default setting:
![[Image: bandicam2014-01-0221-08-47-281.jpg]](http://i402.photobucket.com/albums/pp101/AvatarArcaneKLOTZ/bandicam2014-01-0221-08-47-281.jpg)
With this script:
![[Image: bandicam2014-01-0221-11-18-906.jpg]](http://i402.photobucket.com/albums/pp101/AvatarArcaneKLOTZ/bandicam2014-01-0221-11-18-906.jpg)
# ** DoubleX RMVXA Substitute Edit v1.01b |
# * Changelog |
# v1.01b(GMT 1200 21-7-2014): |
# - Compatible with DoubleX RMVXA Formulae Edit |
# v1.01a(GMT 0700 4-7-2015): |
# - Lets users set if the substitute only triggers if the skill/item hits |
# - Improved this script's readibility |
# v1.00h(GMT 0200 5-7-2014): |
# - Improved the compatibility with DoubleX RMVXA Counterattack Edit |
# v1.00g(GMT 0500 14-3-2014): |
# - Substitute flag applies to mp damage also |
# v1.00f(GMT 1200 8-2-2014): |
# - Substitute flag doesn't apply to item targeting friends |
# v1.00e(GMT 0900 16-1-2014): |
# - Fixed a & b bug in damage formula of counterattack skills |
# v1.00d(GMT 0000 9-1-2014): |
# - Battlers resisting state with death_state_id take the substitute role |
# v1.00c(GMT 0400 5-1-2014): |
# - Compatible with DoubleX RMVXA Counterattack Edit(by putting below it) |
# v1.00b(GMT 0000 5-1-2014): |
# - Substitute flag applies to MRF and CNT also |
# v1.00a(GMT 1200 2-1-2014): |
# - 1st version of this script finished |
# * Author |
# DoubleX |
# * Terms of use |
# None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except |
# DoubleX or his alias |
# * Prerequisites |
# Scripts: |
# - none |
# Knowledge: |
# - nothing special |
# * Functions |
# - Alters the effect of special flag substitute to be the one with the |
# highest hp among all having this flag to take the substitute role |
# * Manual |
# To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an |
# open slot between ▼ Materials and ▼ Main. Save to take effect. |
# * Compatibility |
# Scripts aliasing or rewriting: |
# - item_apply under Game_Battler |
# - substitute_battler under Game_Unit |
# - invoke_item, invoke_counter_attack, invoke_magic_reflection or |
# check_substitute under Scene_Battle |
# may have compatibility issues with this script |
# Place this script above those aliasing any of these methods if possible |
($imported ||= {})["DoubleX RMVXA Substitute Edit"] = true
# ** You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does |
module DoubleX_RMVXA
module Substitute_Edit
# * (v1.01a+)Hit_Substitute, default = false |
# If Hit_Substitute is true, substitute won't trigger if the skill/item |
# would miss the original target |
Hit_Substitute = false
end # Substitute_Edit
end # DoubleX_RMVXA
# ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works |
# * (v1.00g+)Edit class: Game_Temp |
class Game_Temp
# New public instance variable |
attr_accessor :substitute_edit
end # Game_Temp
if DoubleX_RMVXA::Substitute_Edit::Hit_Substitute
# * (v1.01a+)Edit class: Game_Battler |
class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase
# Rewrite method: item_apply |
def item_apply(user, item)
@result.used = item_test(user, item)
@result.missed = @result.used && rand >= item_hit(user, item)
@result.evaded = !@result.missed && rand < item_eva(user, item)
return unless @result.hit?
# Added to apply substitute only if the skill/item would hit the target
if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
substitute = SceneManager.scene.apply_substitute(self, item)
return substitute.item_apply(user, item) if substitute != self
unless item.damage.none?
@result.critical = rand < item_cri(user, item)
# Added to be compatible with DoubleX RMVXA Formulae Edit
if $imported["DoubleX RMVXA Formulae Edit"] && @result.critical
@user = user
make_damage_value(user, item)
item.effects.each {|effect| item_effect_apply(user, item, effect) }
item_user_effect(user, item)
end # item_apply
end # Game_Battler
end # if DoubleX_RMVXA::Substitute_Edit::Hit_Substitute
# * Edit class: Game_Unit |
class Game_Unit
# Rewrite method: substitute_battler |
def substitute_battler
# Rewritten to return the one with highest hp among all with substitute flag
member_hp = member_temp_hp = 0
member_temp = []
members.each { |member|
next unless member.substitute?
if $game_temp.substitute_edit == :mp
break member_hp = 0 if member.mp == 0
member_hp = member.mp if member_hp < member.mp
elsif $game_temp.substitute_edit == :hp
if member.state_resist?(member.death_state_id)
break member_temp_hp = 0 if member.hp == 0
member_temp_hp = member.hp if member_temp_hp < member.hp
member_hp = member.hp if member_hp < member.hp
if member_temp.empty?
member_temp_hp = member_hp
member_temp = members
if $game_temp.substitute_edit == :mp
member_temp.find {|m| m.substitute? && m.mp == member_temp_hp}
elsif $game_temp.substitute_edit == :hp
member_temp.find {|m| m.substitute? && m.hp == member_temp_hp}
end # substitute_battler
end # Game_Unit
# * Edit class: Scene_Battle |
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
if DoubleX_RMVXA::Substitute_Edit::Hit_Substitute
# (v1.01a+)Rewrite method: invoke_item |
def invoke_item(target, item)
if rand < target.item_cnt(@subject, item)
invoke_counter_attack(target, item)
elsif rand < target.item_mrf(@subject, item)
invoke_magic_reflection(target, item)
# Rewritten to apply the item effects to the target first
apply_item_effects(target, item)
@subject.last_target_index = target.index
end # invoke_item
end # if DoubleX_RMVXA::Substitute_Edit::Hit_Substitute
# Rewrite method: invoke_counter_attack |
def invoke_counter_attack(target, item)
icnte = $imported["DoubleX RMVXA Counterattack Edit"]
cnte = DoubleX_RMVXA::Counterattack_Edit if icnte
@log_window.display_counter(target, item)
@cnt_subject = target if icnte && cnte::Keep_Ani
if icnte
attack_skill = $data_skills[target.counterattack_skill_id]
attack_skill = $data_skills[target.attack_skill_id]
# Rewritten to apply substitute to cnt
repeats = icnte && cnte::Keep_Times ? attack_skill.repeats : 1
if attack_skill.for_opponent?
if icnte && cnte::Keep_Scope
scope = targets_for_opponents_counterattack_edit(target, attack_skill)
scope = [@subject]
show_animation(scope, item.animation_id) if icnte && cnte::Keep_Ani
scope.each { |s|
repeats.times {
if DoubleX_RMVXA::Substitute_Edit::Hit_Substitute
s.item_apply(target, attack_skill)
@log_window.display_action_results(s, attack_skill)
sub = apply_substitute(s, attack_skill)
sub.item_apply(target, attack_skill)
@log_window.display_action_results(s, attack_skill) if sub == s
elsif attack_skill.for_friend?
if icnte && cnte::Keep_Scope
scope = targets_for_friends_counterattack_edit(target, attack_skill)
scope = [target]
show_animation(scope, item.animation_id) if icnte && cnte::Keep_Ani
scope.each { |s|
repeats.times {
s.item_apply(target, attack_skill)
@log_window.display_action_results(s, attack_skill)
@cnt_subject = nil if icnte && cnte::Keep_Ani
end # invoke_counter_attack
# Rewrite method: invoke_magic_reflection |
def invoke_magic_reflection(target, item)
@subject.magic_reflection = true
@log_window.display_reflection(target, item)
# Rewritten to apply substitute on mrf
if DoubleX_RMVXA::Substitute_Edit::Hit_Substitute
apply_item_effects(@subject, item)
apply_item_effects(apply_substitute(@subject, item), item)
@subject.magic_reflection = false
end # invoke_magic_reflection
# (v1.00g+)Rewrite method: check_substitute |
def check_substitute(target, item)
# Rewritten to check substitute only if item is for opponents
if item && item.damage
if item.damage.to_hp?
$game_temp.substitute_edit = :hp
elsif item.damage.to_mp?
$game_temp.substitute_edit = :mp
return true unless item
return false unless item.for_opponent?
return false if item.certain?
return false unless item.damage
target.hp < target.mhp / 4 && item.damage.to_hp? ||
target.mp < target.mmp / 4 && item.damage.to_mp?
end # check_substitute
end # Scene_Battle
Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between Materials and Main. Save to take effect.
Scripts aliasing or rewriting method:
- substitute_battler under class Game_Unit
- invoke_counter_attack or invoke_magic_reflection under class Scene_Battle
may have compatibility issues with this script
Place this script above those aliasing any of these methods if possible
Credits and Thanks
Author's Notes
Terms and Conditions
None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except DoubleX or his alias