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 Problems with counteraatack addon of Atoa Custom Battle System
So... it's still this script you tried to post:
# Atoa's Active Time Battle Version
# By Atoa
# This script adds an CTB System (FFX like)
# The configurations are explained below
# For obvious reasons, you can't use together with the "Atoa CTB"

module Atoa  
  # Do not remove or change these lines
  Cast_Time = {}
Yeah, it comes with Atoa's system. No biggie.

So what you're saying is:
FRED is casting a fireball skill.
While FRED is casting, he gets hit.
FRED'S fireball gets cast prematurely when it should have been cancelled.
FRED'S counter-attack skill is cast too?????
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png] [Image: liM4ikn.png] [Image: fdzKgZA.png] [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png] [Image: uSqjY09.png] [Image: GAA3qE9.png] [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png] [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
Above are clickable links

Reply }
Its like this: when my hero is in the auto counter state and if I cast a skill which has casttime and got attacked while casting the skill. the skill is unleashed without being fully casted.
So basically the counter attack ignores the fact that a user is in a cast mode. When an hero is hit, it triggers counter attacks even when skills are about to cast.
Thats my problem. I really dont know how to fix it.
And heres my setting for the counter skill.
Either the script itself must be edited or the counter setting could be formulated in a way where the counter attacks wont trigger when the Hero is casting a skill.

Counter_Setting['State'][25] = {
   {'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'user.is_a?(Game_Enemy)'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},
Reply }
Update: Okay, i think I managed to somehow solve this problem on my own, but Im not sure if some bugs will happen or not, Im going to test it out.
In the counter_Setting I put a line called: additional and not self.casting
So the counter_Setting reads as:

Counter_Setting['State'][25] = {
  {'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'user.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and not self.casting'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},

So, our hero from now on will counter every skill used on him except when he is casting something.

And the whole scripts

# Counter Attack
# by Atoa
# This script allows actors/enemies to use counter-attack with
# different conditions.

module Atoa
 # Don't change or delete these lines.
 Counter_Setting = {'Actor' => {}, 'Enemy' => {}, 'Skill' => {}, 'State' => {},
   'Armor' => {}, 'Weapon' => {}}
 # Don't change or delete these lines.

 # Counter_Setting[Type][ID] = {Activation => Effect,...}

 # Type : Counter-Attack Type
 #     'Actor' for actors
 #     'Enemy' for enemies
 #     'Skill' for skills (the skill has to be learnt)
 #     'State' for effects
 #     'Armor' for armors
 #     'Weapon' for weapons
 # Activation = {'type' => type, 'condition' => condition, 'action' => specific action}
 #  Type: Action which will activate the counter
 #   0 = Normal Attack
 #   1 = Attack Skills
 #   2 = Magic Skills
 #   3 = Specific Actions
 #   4 = Any attack or skill
 # Condition: Needed Conditions to counter
 # This can be left out (counter will always be executed)
 # Text String with the condition to be used can be script commands and available
 # methods from Game_Battler Class.
 # You can add other atrributes using its respective script commands
 #      "user" - user/attacker (the one who is attacking)
 #      "target" - target (the one who is being attacked and will counter)
 #      "skill" - skill
 #      "damage" - damage dealt on the target
 #    Examples:
 #      "damamge.numeric? and damage >= 200" # if damage is a numeric value
#      #greater or equal to 200
 #      "damamge.numeric? and damage > 50 * target.maxhp / 100" # if damage is a numeric value
 #                       #greater than  50% target max hp
 #      "damage == Miss_Message" # if damage is not a value but a message error
 #                       #  (when "miss" message shows up)
 #      "rand(100) < 50" # If random value from 0 to 100 is less than 50
 #                       # (50% chance of countering)
 #      "rand(100) < 70 and target.hp < target.maxhp / 2" # If random value from 0 to 100
 #                       # is less than 70 (70% chance of countering) and only
 #                       # if taget has half of its full hp
 #     IMPORTANT: to verifuy if a value is "greater or less" when damage is related,
 #       it's extremely important to use 'damage.numeric?' method to check
 #       if damage is a numberic value. If you use operator like "<" and ">" for verifications
 #       using texts, there will be an error, since damage can be shown as texts.
 #  Specific Action : This value can only be used if "Type" is equal to 3
 #    It has to be a list containing all skill IDs that will make counter
 #    work

 # Effect = [[Type, Target(, [ID], Cost)],...]
 # Effect = {'type' => Type, 'target' => Target, 'id' => [ID], 'cost' => Cost, wait => Wait}
 #  Type : Attack Type
 #    0 = Normal Attack
 #    1 = Skill
 #    2 = Itens
 #  Target: Action target, it can be left out. If left out the target will be
 #   the action default ones
 #    0 = Enemies (one only target actions will always hit the target battler)
 #    1 = Allies (one only target actions will always hit the user)
 #  ID : Numeric value or list containing action/skill IDs available
 #    only if type is 1 or 2
 #    If more than one value is set, the action will be random among
 #    available actions.
 #  Cost : Action cost, true or false. Only if type is 1 or 2.
 #    If true, the skill will just be executed if the cost can be payed
 #    and it will consume its SP or Item cost.
 #  Wait : Waiting time, true or false, it can be left out.
 #    If true, after attackin, the battler will hold on until counter-attack action ends,
 #    and then returns to its position.

 Counter_Setting['State'][91] = {
   {'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'user.is_a?(Game_Enemy)'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},
   #{'type' => 0, 'condition' => 'damage != Miss_Message'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},
   #{'type' => 1, 'condition' => 'damage != Miss_Message'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},
   #{'type' => 3, 'condition' => 'Specific Action => 998'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},
   #{'type' => 4} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false}, (eski version)
   # Counter any physical attack and target waits until action ends.
   #{'type' => 2, 'condition' => 'target.in_danger?'} => {'type' => 2, 'id' => 1, 'cost' => true},
   # Counter against magic using potions if the battler hp is in danger
  # {'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'damage.numeric? and damage > 1000'} => {'type' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'cost' => true},
  #{'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'damage.numeric? and damage > 1'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},  
  # Counter any attack that can deal more than 1000 damage using Cure in him/herself
  Counter_Setting['State'][110] = {
   {'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'user.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and not self.casting'} => {'type' => 1, 'id' => 312, 'cost' => false},
   #{'type' => 0, 'condition' => 'damage != Miss_Message'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},
   #{'type' => 1, 'condition' => 'damage != Miss_Message'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},
   #{'type' => 3, 'condition' => 'Specific Action => 998'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},
   #{'type' => 4} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false}, (eski version)
   # Counter any physical attack and target waits until action ends.
   #{'type' => 2, 'condition' => 'target.in_danger?'} => {'type' => 2, 'id' => 1, 'cost' => true},
   # Counter against magic using potions if the battler hp is in danger
  # {'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'damage.numeric? and damage > 1000'} => {'type' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'cost' => true},
  #{'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'damage.numeric? and damage > 1'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => false},  
  # Counter any attack that can deal more than 1000 damage using Cure in him/herself

 #Counter_Setting['Enemy'][11] = {
  # {'type' => 0, 'condition' => 'damage != Miss_Message'} => {'type' => 0, 'wait' => true},
   # Counter any pysical attack if damage is dealt and target wait until counter ends
  # {'type' => 2, 'condition' => 'target.hp < 50 * target.maxhp / 100'} => {'type' => 1, 'id' => 3, 'cost' => true},
   # Counter against skills using Cura in him/herself if HP is 50%
 #  {'type' => 4, 'condition' => 'damage.numeric? and damage > 1000'} => {'type' => 1, 'id' => 110, 'cost' => true},
   # Counter against any attack that deals more than 1000 damage using
   # skill "Celcius Attack"
# ** Atoa Module
$atoa_script = {} if $atoa_script.nil?
$atoa_script['Atoa Counter Attack'] = true

# ** Game_Battler
#  This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor
#  and Game_Enemy classes.

class Game_Battler
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :counter_action
 attr_accessor :counter_action_set
 attr_accessor :counter_targets
 attr_accessor :counter_cost
 attr_accessor :wait_counter
 attr_accessor :valid_counters
 attr_accessor :counter_waiting
 # * Object Initialization
 alias initialize_counter initialize
 def initialize
   @counter_targets = []
   @valid_counters = []
 # * Applying Normal Attack Effects
 #     attacker : battler
alias attack_effect_counter attack_effect
 def attack_effect(attacker)
   effective = attack_effect_counter(attacker)
   if $game_temp.in_battle and attacker != self and not attacker.counter_action_set
     damage = attacker.target_damage[self]
     set_counter_condition(attacker, damage)
   return effective
    if attacker.states.include?(95)
    self.critical = true
# * Apply Skill Effects
# user : user
# skill : skill
alias skill_effect_counter skill_effect
def skill_effect(user, skill)
effective = skill_effect_counter(user, skill)
if $game_temp.in_battle and user != self and not user.counter_action_set
damage = user.target_damage[self]
set_counter_condition(user, damage, skill)
return effective
if skill.element_set.include?(30) and if user.states.include?(95)
 self.critical = true
 # * Consume skill cost
 #     skill : skill
 alias consume_skill_cost_counter consume_skill_cost
 def consume_skill_cost(skill)
   return if self.counter_action_set and not self.counter_cost
 # * Set counter condition
 #     user    : user
 #     damage  : damage
 #     skill   : skill
 def set_counter_condition(user, damage, skill = nil)
     set_counter(user, damage, skill, 'Actor')
     set_counter(user, damage, skill, 'Skill')
     set_counter(user, damage, skill, 'Armor')
     set_counter(user, damage, skill, 'Weapon')
     set_counter(user, damage, skill, 'Enemy')
   set_counter(user, damage, skill, 'State')
   return if @valid_counters.empty?
   self.counter_action = @valid_counters[rand(@valid_counters.size)]
 # * Set counter
 #     user    : user
 #     damage  : damage
 #     skill   : skill
 #     kind    : kind
 def set_counter(user, damage, skill, kind)
   if kind == 'Actor' and Counter_Setting['Actor'][] != nil
     counter = Counter_Setting['Actor'][].dup
     set_counter_values(user, damage, skill, kind, counter)
   if kind == 'Enemy' and Counter_Setting['Enemy'][] != nil
     counter = Counter_Setting['Enemy'][].dup
     set_counter_values(user, damage, skill, kind, counter)
   if kind == 'State'
     for id in self.states
       if Counter_Setting['State'][id] != nil
         counter = Counter_Setting['State'][id]
         set_counter_values(user, damage, skill, kind, counter)
   if kind == 'Skill'
     for id in self.skills
       if Counter_Setting['Skill'][id] != nil
         counter = Counter_Setting['Skill'][id]
         set_counter_values(user, damage, skill, kind, counter)
   if kind == 'Armor'
     for armor in self.armors
       id =
       if Counter_Setting['Armor'][id] != nil
         counter = Counter_Setting['Armor'][id]
         set_counter_values(user, damage, skill, kind, counter)
   if kind == 'Weapon'
     for weapon in self.weapons
       id =
       if Counter_Setting['Weapon'][id] != nil
         counter = Counter_Setting['Weapon'][id]
         set_counter_values(user, damage, skill, kind, counter)
 # * Set counter values
 #     user    : user
 #     damage  : damage
 #     skill   : skill
 #     kind    : kind
 #     counter : settings
 def set_counter_values(user, damage, skill, kind, counter)
   for condition in counter.keys
     current = counter[condition]
     next if skill.nil? and not [0, 4].include?(condition['type'])
     next if skill != nil and not skill.magic? and not [1, 4].include?(condition['type'])
     next if skill != nil and skill.magic? and not [2, 4].include?(condition['type'])
     next if skill != nil and condition['action'] != nil and not
     next if condition['condition'] != nil and not eval(get_condition(condition))
     next if current['cost'] and current['type'] == 1 and cant_counter_skill(current['id'])
     next if current['cost'] and current['type'] == 2 and cant_counter_item(current['id'])
     @valid_counters << set_counter_action(current)
 # * Get condition
 #     condition : current setting
 def get_condition(condition)
   current = condition['condition']
   current.gsub!(/target/i) {"self"}
   return current
 # * Allow skill for counter
 #     current : current setting
 def cant_counter_skill(current)
   return (not skill_can_use?(current)) if current.numeric?
   for skill_id in current
     return false if skill_can_use?(skill_id)
   return true
 # * Allow item for counter
 #     current : current setting
 def cant_counter_item(current)
   return ( and not $game_party.item_can_use?(current)) if current.numeric?
   for item_id in current
     return false if $game_party.item_can_use?(item_id) or not
   return true
 # * Set counter action
 #     current : current setting
 def set_counter_action(current)
   if current['type'] == 1 and current['id'].is_a?(Array)
     available_skills = []
     for skill_id in current
       available_skills << skill_id if skill_can_use?(skill_id) or not current['cost']
     action = available_skills[rand(available_skills.size)]
   elsif current['type'] == 2 and current['id'].is_a?(Array)
     available_skills = []
     for item_id in current
       available_skills << skill_id if $game_party.item_can_use?(item_id) or not
                                       current['cost'] or not
     action = available_skills[rand(available_skills.size)]
     action = current['id']
   return current.dup

# ** Scene_Battle
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
 # * Start battler turn
 #     battler : battler
 alias battler_turn_counter battler_turn if $atoa_script["Atoa ATB"] or $atoa_script["Atoa CTB"]
 def battler_turn(battler)
   return if battler.counter_action_set
 # * Update battler phase 5 (part 1)
 #     battler : active battler
 alias step2_part1_counter step2_part1
 def step2_part1(battler)
   for target in $game_party.actors + $game_troop.enemies
     if target.dead?
       target.counter_action = nil
       target.counter_action_set = false
       target.counter_waiting = nil
       target.wait_counter = false
       target.counter_cost = false
       target.action_scope = 0
   if battler.counter_action != nil and battler.counter_action_set
     battler.current_phase = "Phase 2-1"
 # * Update battler phase 5 (part 1)
 #     battler : active battler
 alias step5_part1_counter step5_part1
 def step5_part1(battler)
   if battler.counter_waiting != nil
     battler.counter_waiting.wait_counter = false
     battler.counter_waiting = nil
   for target in $game_party.actors + $game_troop.enemies
     if target.counter_action != nil and target.inputable? and not
        target.hp0? and not battler.counter_action_set
       set_counter_action(battler, target)
       target.counter_action_set = true
       if target.returning? and target.moving?
         target.current_phase = 'Phase 2-1'
         target.target_x = target.actual_x
         target.target_y = target.actual_y
     target.counter_action = nil
 # * Update battler phase 5 (part 2)
 #     battler : active battler
 alias step5_part2_counter step5_part2
 def step5_part2(battler)
   return if battler.wait_counter
 # * Update battler phase 5 (part 4)
 #     battler : active battler
 alias step5_part4_counter step5_part4
 def step5_part4(battler)
   battler.counter_action_set = false
 # * Set action cost
 #     battler : battler
 alias set_action_cost_counter set_action_cost if $atoa_script['Atoa CTB']
 def set_action_cost(battler)
   if battler.counter_action_set
     battler.current_cost = 0
 # * ATB reset
 #     battler : active battler
 alias reset_atb_counter reset_atb if $atoa_script['Atoa ATB']
 def reset_atb(battler)
   return if battler.counter_action_set
 # * Set item consum
 #     battler : battler
 alias consum_item_cost_counter consum_item_cost
 def consum_item_cost(battler)
   return if battler.counter_action_set and not battler.counter_cost
 # * Set counter action
 #     battler : battler
 #     target  : target
 def set_counter_action(battler, target)
   action = target.counter_action
   #target.counter_info = [target.current_action.kind, target.current_action.basic,
     #target.current_action.skill_id, target.current_action.item_id, target.action_scope]
   target.current_action.kind = action["type"]
   target.current_action.basic = 0 if action["type"] == 0
   target.current_action.skill_id = action["id"] if action["type"] == 1
   target.current_action.item_id = action["id"] if action["type"] == 2
   target.counter_cost = action["cost"]
   if action["type"] == 1 or action["type"] == 2
     id = target.current_action.skill_id if action["type"] == 1
     id = target.current_action.item_id if action["type"] == 2
     target.current_skill = $data_skills[id] if action["type"] == 1
     target.current_item = $data_items[id] if action["type"] == 2
   target.current_action.target_index = battler.index
   if action["type"] == 1
     scope = 7
     target.action_scope = scope
   elsif action["type"] == 0
     scope = oposite_side(battler, target) ? 1 : 3
     target.action_scope = scope
   elsif action["type"] == 3
     scope = -1
     target.action_scope = scope  
   if (target.current_skill != nil or target.current_item != nil) and not
      oposite_side(battler, target)
     current_action = target.current_skill if target.current_skill != nil
     current_action = target.current_item if target.current_item != nil
     case current_action.scope
     when 1 then scope = 3
     when 2 then scope = 4
     when 3 then scope = 1
     when 4 then scope = 2
     when 5 then scope = 1
     when 6 then scope = 2
     target.action_scope = scope
   set_target_battlers(target, scope)
   target.action_scope = 0
   if action["wait"]
     battler.wait_counter = true
     target.counter_waiting = battler
     battler.pose_id = @spriteset.battler(battler).set_idle_pose

class Game_Battler

 define_method(:cast_action) { |*a| }  unless method_defined?(:cast_action)
 define_method(:counter_info=) { |*a| }  unless method_defined?(:counter_info=)
alias_method(:inputable_by_status?, :inputable?)
 def remember_current_action
   @remembered_action = [@current_action.clone, self.action_scope]

 def restore_current_action
   @current_action, self.action_scope = *@remembered_action

 def clear_remembered_action
   @remembered_action = nil

class Scene_Battle

 # * Check allow next action
 # EDIT: Always allow Counter-Actions
 def allow_next_action
   return false if cant_if_same
   return false if cant_if_damaged_or_invisible
   return false if cant_target_invisible
   return true if @active_battlers.empty?
   # --- EDIT: ---
   @action_battlers.each_with_index do |battler, index|
     next  unless battler.counter_waiting != nil
     next  unless battler.counter_waiting.wait_counter
     next  if @active_battlers.include?(battler)
     return true
   # -------------
   return false if cant_if_enemy_target and not Allow_Enemy_Target
   return false if cant_target_active and not Allow_Active_Target
   return false if cant_target_moving? and not Allow_Moving_Target
   return true if next_before_return? and Next_Before_Return
   return true if allow_same_targets? and Allow_Same_Target
   return true if allow_diff_targets? and Allow_Diff_Targets
   return false

 # * Update battler phase 5 (part 1)
 #     battler : active battler
 # EDIT: Do not remove Countering Targets from the queue!
 def step5_part1(battler)
   if battler.counter_waiting != nil
     battler.counter_waiting.wait_counter = false
     battler.counter_waiting = nil
   for target in $game_party.actors + $game_troop.enemies
     if target.counter_action != nil and target.inputable_by_status? and not
        target.hp0? and not battler.counter_action_set
       set_counter_action(battler, target)
       target.counter_action_set = true
       if target.returning? and target.moving?
         target.current_phase = 'Phase 2-1'
         target.target_x = target.actual_x
         target.target_y = target.actual_y
     target.counter_action = nil

 # * Set counter action
 #     battler : battler
 #     target  : target
 # EDIT: Remember original action to restore it after Execution;
 #       Force Counter Action to suppress Restriction-Effects.
 alias_method(:set_counter_action_ILC_remember_action, :set_counter_action)
 def set_counter_action(battler, target)
   set_counter_action_ILC_remember_action(battler, target)
   target.current_action.forcing = true

 # * Update battler phase 5 (part 4)
 #     battler : active battler
 # EDIT: Restore remembered Action when terminating a Counter
 def step5_part4(battler)
   # ---
   battler.restore_current_action  if battler.counter_action_set
   # ---
   battler.counter_action_set = false


 I replaced the Quote bbcode with CODE bbcode Laughing - DerVV
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