07-12-2015, 02:58 PM
Hello, dear forum. Im a user of the ATOA ACBS, which can be downloaded here. http://workupload.com/file/OOmU2prO. The script itself has many modifications from the the creaotr of this script which are under main, so they're uneffective until they are put above main. Well I wanted to use the drain scritpt and put it above main, but the scirpt didint do anything. I really believe, that it was coded wrong. In the script I posted, the skill 116 is meant to drain HP from the enemy, but when I use it, nothing happens. Can anyone help me by looking at the code and try it out himself? I posted this in several forums, but didint get any help...
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
# Skill Drain
# By Atoa
# This script allow to create skills and equips that adds the effect 'drain'
# of HP and SP.
# That way attacks and skills can absorb part of the damage caused
module Atoa
# Do not remove this line
Drain_Action = {'Skill' => {}, 'Weapon' => {}, 'Item' => {}}
# Do not remove this line
# Drain_Action[action_type][id] = {drain_type => [success, rate, anim_id, pop, show_excedent],...}
# action_type = action type
# action_type = 'Skill' for skills, 'Weapon' for weapons, 'Item' for items
# id = ID of the skill/weapon/item
# drain_type = drain type
# 'hp' for HP drain, 'sp' for SP drain
# success = absorb success rate
# rate = % of damage converted in HP/SP
# anim_id = ID of the animation shown when absorb HP/SP, leave nil or 0 for
# no animation
Drain_Action['Skill'][116] = {'hp' => [100, 50, nil, true, false],
'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true, false]}
Drain_Action['Weapon'][43] = {'hp' => [50, 50, nil, true, true]}
# ■ Atoa Module
$atoa_script = {} if $atoa_script.nil?
$atoa_script['Atoa Drain'] = true
# ■ Game_Battler
# Esta classe gerencia os jogadores da batalha.
# Esta classe identifica os Aliados ou Heróis como (Game_Actor) e
# os Inimigos como (Game_Enemy).
class Game_Battler
# Variáveis Públicas
attr_accessor :base_absorb
# Inicialização do Objeto
alias initialize_drain initialize
def initialize
@base_absorb = 0
# ■ Scene_Battle
# Esta classe processa a tela de Batalha
class Scene_Battle
# Atualização da fase 4 do personagem (parte 1)
# battler : Battler ativo
alias step4_part1_drain step4_part1
def step4_part1(battler)
# Atualização da fase 4 do personagem (parte 3)
# battler : Battler ativo
alias step4_part3_drain step4_part3
def step4_part3(battler)
action = battler.now_action
if action != nil and Drain_Action[action.type_name] != nil and
absorb_damage(battler, battler.base_absorb, Drain_Action[action.type_name][action_id(action)].dup)
# Definir dano do dreno
# battler : Battler ativo
def set_drain_damage(battler)
battler.base_absorb = 0
for target in battler.target_battlers
battler.base_absorb += target.damage if target.damage.numeric?
# Absover dano
# battler : Battler ativo
# absorb : valor de absorção
# action : Ação
def absorb_damage(battler, absorb, action)
for type in action.keys
if type == 'hp' and (action[type][0] >= rand(100))
base_absorb = ((absorb * action[type][1]) / 100).to_i
if base_absorb > 0
difference = battler.maxhp - battler.hp
base_absorb = [base_absorb, difference].min
elsif base_absorb < 0
base_absorb = [base_absorb, - battler.hp].max
if base_absorb != 0
battler.damage = - base_absorb
battler.hp -= battler.damage
battler.animation_id = action[type][2].nil? ? 0 : action[type][2]
battler.damage_pop = action[type][3]
wait(3) if battler.damage != 0
if type == 'sp' and (action[type][0] >= rand(100))
base_absorb = ((absorb * action[type][1]) / 100).to_i
if base_absorb > 0
difference = battler.maxsp - battler.sp
base_absorb = [base_absorb, difference].min
elsif base_absorb < 0
base_absorb = [base_absorb, - battler.sp].max
if base_absorb != 0
battler.damage = - base_absorb
battler.sp -= battler.damage
battler.animation_id = action[type][2].nil? ? 0 : action[type][2]
battler.damage_pop = action[type][3]
battler.sp_damage = action[type][3]
wait(3) if battler.damage != 0