Destiny of End
Tina's house looks a bit empty, I'd say.

I quite like the dirty blackboard windowskin.
(11-19-2015, 12:14 AM)Steel Beast 6Beets Wrote: Tina's house looks a bit empty, I'd say.

I'm still moving things around in there, don't you worry!  Tongue sticking out

I mean, I did say...
Quote:Bounty Hunter Lani
There are also things missing from the Tina's House map that I'll be adding in later.

There'll be more in it when I make the next update. Hold your horses  Confused

(11-19-2015, 12:14 AM)Steel Beast 6Beets Wrote: I quite like the dirty blackboard windowskin.

Ahh, JayRay made that  Happy  (Again, that was also mentioned)

I really do quite like it, I was just exploring my options with some others.  Blushing + Cheery
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
Hey, your game sounds really interesting.

Your animated battlers and the animations are awesome.

I'm looking forward to see more of it. :)
(11-19-2015, 01:59 AM)Melana Wrote: Hey, your game sounds really interesting.

Your animated battlers and the animations are awesome.

I'm looking forward to see more of it. :)

Thanks! I should be able to have some more for you all soon!  Grinning

Of course, I won't show anything until the first continental map is finished, and I'm not putting timetables on myself anymore since I don't know when I can do things... but I can definitely say it won't be too much longer than a week, if even that!  Blushing + Cheery
Don't quote me on that though  Confused

I have a ton I COULD show, but where's the fun in showing it all at once?  Winking
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
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Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
I made a boss too strong.

[Image: 06JKtfl.png]
(Before anyone says anything... I forgot to change the battle background. This one isn't gonna be in the game-- unless I decide to shrink everyone, of course. Hmmm...  Winking  )

Wanted level 40-50s to be able to fight him, but my party was level 55 with the best equipment in the game and got crushed in literally 3 enemy turns.
Whoops   Confused

I'm working super hard on my first continental map, and it's coming along great, but I need more time... should be able to have it done  within a week!
Can't do anything tomorrow though, but I'm glad it's almost done!  Grinning 
(And yes, I multitask a lot. I'm still working on the map, but inspiration struck me! And it shot me a whole lot, too  Laughing Laughing Laughing )

Also, I realized that Sheena's little face thing at the bottom isn't a properly-edited png file, so there's that, too.  Confused
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
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Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)

First thing's first...
1 - I worked for a while on the game's first continental map, getting advice and such on what changes needed to be made... and I finally have Version 1.0 done!  Blushing + Cheery

Without rivers:
[Image: 1RTGhFl.png]

With rivers: 
[Image: qDonp05.png]

River placements are subject to change, as are a few other minor things... Otherwise, this is it!  Grinning
Don't ask about the color choices. Cartographers can be weird, like the one who made this map Sarcasm  
...  Tongue sticking out

The "Unknown" areas are areas that are way too unsafe for a silly little cartographer to go. And no known person has ever made it through the big "?" area and come back alive to tell the tale. SPOOOOKY~  Laughing

Okay, now on to more thingies! 

2 - I gave all allies a BIG HP boost. They seriously needed it, with how difficult the bosses can get, and how much damage they can put out if you're too weak  Confused
I actually increased their maximums by a few thousand each, so it should be a very welcome change.  Happy

3 - I've been working on positioning of the party, and I think I've found a better balance than was there before. 
What do YOU think?
[Image: OSbQsed.png]

The two in front, Zoleon and Kollin, are both Summons. I'm still working on the positioning, since I'll need to make room in case there are two summoners in the party and fill up all 8 slots!   Sweat

4 - I've been working on making "Distorted" versions of certain enemies.
[Image: VWfnJgy.png]
The one on the very left is the original sprite, and the rest are different distortions I'm testing out.
Which do YOU think looks best? I got two votes for one of them already, but I'm curious  Winking

Story-related updates!

1 - Oftentimes when the party enters a new town, the party will split up and "do their own thing"
This leads to storyline scenes, comical scenes, meeting new people, etc. 
Some choices you make can change small things, like items in a shop or optional characters you can get. It's just a little fun thing I decided to add in  Blushing + Cheery 

2 - Speaking of the party... Ikuno and Tina are LOCKED IN THE MAIN PARTY!
Pipsqueak and Sheena can be switched out for any of the 4 optional allies that may have joined you. (Again, there are 17 total, but you can only hire 4 of them in one playthrough!)

3 - Tina can't and won't use magic. I may have shown or may show screenshots with her having "White Arts" and "Black Arts", but no. She doesn't really have any. Those are just animation test abilities that I didn't take away  Tongue sticking out
As a strongly religious person, she believes magic is Witchcraft, and even if she could manage to use it... she wouldn't.  Winking

4 - Speaking of Tina... I mentioned that her father died a few years ago in her initial description. 
Truthfully, his body was never found. Only his arm and a massive amount of blood and gore were found where he was hunting. 
He's assumed to have been eaten...

5 - Finally... The quest to the Capital City of Bline at the beginning of the game seems to be a treacherous one. 
For an "idea" of where you're starting out, they went through Yazzuu a day prior, and went straight North from there as a major shortcut. 
"She" is supposed to be waiting on that straight-line Northern path beyond where the road stretches, at a meeting point somewhere before an oasis city that's rumored to exist. 

There truly is no road there past a certain point, as you can see by the map above. Good luck to them, huh?  Winking
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
I'm just interested in your battle system.
Is it a self creation or who has done that?

It looks really cool :)
(12-04-2015, 06:50 PM)Melana Wrote: I'm just interested in your battle system.
Is it a self creation or who has done that?

It looks really cool :)

It's the CTB by Charlie Fleed!  Grinning 

Link to the thread for it here:

It has built-in summons, among many other cool additions, but resources can be a bit scarce if you don't know where to look for them  Confused

I'm gonna be making some visual edits to many things for the next update, so look forward to many minor changes and new sprites!  Blushing + Cheery 
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
Um.... As the guy who worked upon the 'Animated Battlers' sprite system that Charlie used (we collaborated here and there), one can use default battlers as well as charactersets too. But people recognize it because of the more advanced-looking battlers from the demos. THOSE are not so easy to develop.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
(12-05-2015, 04:28 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: Um....  As the guy who worked upon the 'Animated Battlers' sprite system that Charlie used (we collaborated here and there), one can use default battlers as well as charactersets too.  But people recognize it because of the more advanced-looking battlers from the demos.  THOSE are not so easy to develop.

And you guys did quite excellently  Winking 

I've gotta try and figure out how to make those darn battlers. I have spritesheets I could use, but the positioning looks to be the only problem  Confused
Oh well  Tongue sticking out

So anyway, yeah, Dervy-kun and Charlie-sama made something epic that's well-known for its quality. (What a surprise, right? Winking  )
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)

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