Destiny of End
Yep ,it seems to be really epic.
Thank you for the information. I've never seen it before though. ^^

I think I will take a dive into the demo.
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House interiors are rough...  Confused 

[Image: tLOfsSs.png]
(Ignore the guy with red eyes, he's just a battle test guy)

Still a WIP, but this is what I've gotten done so far for Tina's house. I'm currently sprite editing, which will take quite a while... but I'm kinda happy with what I've done so far  Blushing + Cheery
Tina's mother is super lucky. She gets two battler sprites all to herself!  Laughing + Tongue sticking out 
(And I have to edit them both to perfection, too!)
Plus, I've gotta give Tina FOUR different battler sprites! And Ikuno THREE! And Pipsqueak THREE! And Sheena THREE! 
This is gonna be one long week...  Feeling sick

Edit: I just remembered, I need to give Pipsqueak FIVE battler sprites... Woohoo...
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

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Hey, that house looks homely already.
I like it so far.

But that dark cloaked something seems to be not that friendly. ^^
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(12-07-2015, 01:44 AM)Melana Wrote: Hey, that house looks homely already.
I like it so far.

But that dark cloaked something seems to be not that friendly. ^^

He's just there for battle testing. I put it in small italicized letters under the picture  Blushing + Cheery

And thanks, I've really been trying hard to make the house look nice  Happy
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

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Since editing a ton of sprites is gonna take me a long time, I might as well give another quick update!  Tongue sticking out

There will be some fighting institutions/dojos across the continents the party visits throughout the game that teach the party members new abilities, or level up older ones!

Sheena learns less abilities from these institutions, because she uses a fan and not many places would teach... fan techniques... but there are a few magic institutions for her as well  Blushing + Cheery 

The characters also learn abilities as they level up, through storyline, through sidequests, and even some through items, etc.
The Dojos prevent people from getting TOO strong by just "Grinding" weak monsters for a while (Hate that word...) and beating down a boss with a level 5 version of a skill that kills the boss in a couple simple casts. Not gonna be that easy now  Winking

Not every Master is gonna wanna teach anything though... Some just wanna beat the party up.  Confused 
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

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I updated the main post to include some more info that was previously given in the thread. I forgot to do it before!  Laughing

Working on the images got severely delayed recently, but I'm back on track! (For now!)
When I've got a respectable amount of them complete, I'll make another update.  Blushing + Cheery 
I got some more image edits slapped onto my plate (My brother's game, mostly) so those will come first. Just letting ya know  Winking

Okay, thanks for reading! 

[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

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Been a while since I've given a bump to the thread. I'm still working on the game, and I've been mostly stat balancing more than anything. I had a rough patch with figuring out skill strengths, but that's been all fixed up! Grinning

I've been having a lot of my time devoured by lots of important things lately, many of which I'd rather not discuss right now, but I am going to start finishing up some of the images I've been working on pretty soon. 
Tina's mother is going to have a new battler sprite, and I'm excited to show you guys what I've done!  Blushing + Cheery

Ahh yes, have I told you guys her name yet? Her name is Lana. Lana Zarell. And she's awesome. 
Jussayin'  Tongue sticking out

Now I've gotta write a few speeches by our "Beloved" Emperor Karula... Woohoo!  Laughing 

Thanks for reading! There is MUCH more to come!  Happy

EDIT: I forgot to mention... Superarts are going to be renamed to "Calls".
There is a reason behind it, which I'll discuss in the next big update!
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

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I've kind of been lurking around this site lately and just wanted to say it's good to see other people still working on RMXP projects. I haven't seen those Dollmage battlers for a while, I always liked them (and was actually using them in my project for a while). Since I changed my battle system I ended up using different sprites, but I posted some color edits I had made so if any of these are useful to you feel free to use them:
[Image: 403089fd-8655-4933-856d-34b1f3ca91a6.png]
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Wow, those are wonderful!  Grinning Grinning Grinning
I may use one or two... or a few! And I'll credit you (And Dollmage, of course) for the edit if I do!  Blushing + Cheery
(Accidentally rhymed... oh well!)

Battler sprites take so long to edit, I think I should put the edits I'm doing on hold until I get more stuff implemented.  Confused
OH! I have lots of new stuff to tell and show you all, so if I do decide to put the current editing projects on hold, LOOK OUT! BIG UPDATE MIGHT BE INCOMING!  Grinning

New characters, new this and that... WOOHOO!  Very happy + Tongue sticking out
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

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I have decided that, instead of one bulk update at a time, I'll do smaller updates more frequently. (At least, more frequently than the bigger updates, which take a while to gather up!)
That way, a single picture taking forever to edit doesn't stop me from giving you guys more info!  Laughing + Tongue sticking out 

Alrighty, let's get started on today's update! 


"Iron" Ceasar! 

[Image: LdI8AZD.png]

Caesar is from Tina's world, and joins the party after she returns home for the first time.
A strange man who has taken it upon himself to defend Tina, he does his best to help in any way possible!
Unfortunately, despite his task of defending the girl, he cannot use a weapon very well. As such, he does not join the party in battles, and instead, focuses on a support role outside the realm of battle.
He travels with the party, easing the party's plight one trade at a time!
He got his really sweet armor for a bowl of rice, so this guy knows what he's doing! 

At least he can take a hit with that armor of his!  So there's that!  Laughing

He may look cool, but his way of talking does tend to be... goofy?  Confused 
He likes to quote things, but... well...

Some of his greatest hits include:

Today's future is tomorrow's past!

I hope you had your breakfast, 'Cuz you're about to be LUNCHED ON!

Poplar among the poisoned linguini.

I wanted to be a pirate, but that would've meant I had to live on the sea and steal stuff! I don't wanna do EITHER!

Water is like beer, just without the alcohol! *Tries to swim across a large river* H-Help!!! This isn't like beer at all!

Robot robot on the wall, who's the most Ferrous of them all?

The early bird eats the tree!

And many more!

That's all for this update! I hope you enjoy "Iron" Caesar's excellent wordplay!  Laughing 

(As always, any info could end up changing. For now though, this is what it will be!)
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

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