12-01-2015, 01:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2024, 03:27 PM by DerVVulfman.)
DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Rate
Version: v1.00b
* Lets users alter individual battlers' atb rate by data notetags
* DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core
* Little Javascript coding proficiency to fully utilize this plugin
* DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Rate
* None so far
Credits and Thanks
* None
Author's Notes
* None
Terms and Conditions
* You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact
* You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
* None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases
v1.00b(GMT 0900 31-1-2016):
1. Fixed user atb rate notetag updates not reflected to the atb rate
v1.00a(GMT 0500 23-1-2016):
1. Fixed undefined DataManager.this bug
2. Fixed not loading this plugin's notetag bug
3. Fixed name clashes between function patb_rate and getter patb_rate
4. Deleted some meaningless, pointless and useless documentations
5. 1st completed version of this plugin finished
v0.00a(GMT 1300 29-11-2015):
1. 1st testing version of this plugin finished