What's up, Kainers?!
Quote:Could you imagine Trump passing out and falling on his face, at the 9/11 memorial nonetheless, then turning around and bringing in a bunch of guest speakers to fill in for him? Could you imagine the Trump Foundation advertising donations to Haiti and him pocketing 94%? Could you imagine him spearheading a genocidal campaign in Libya to kill all the black-skinned devils?
Actually I could, except for the one regarding guest speakers because he sure loves to receive attention.

Quote:Meanwhile, in liberal lollipop land, they're pushing their favorite conspiracy theory of all time... CLIMATE CHANGE! With that racist, sexist Hurricane Matthew rolling in, we need some sort of cliche political football to kick around!

Yes, we have real, man-made problems. Oil spills. Pollution. Litter. Deforestation. Nuclear reactor mishaps. Useless eaters who continue to breed. Oceans of garbage...

However, if you believe in "man-made climate change" and are still driving some sort of automobile... QUIT YOUR JOB, SELL YOUR VEHICLE AND GO ON WELFARE! The only way we can beat this thing is if everybody stops driving, stops working, stops using their air conditioner and stops their consumerism! Sitting on one's ass all day and not contributing to society can potentially prevent deadly hurricanes.

You sound incredibly far-right/alt-right when you say stuff like this. And if you don't believe that anthropogenic/human-influenced climate change isn't a thing (or you downplay its seriousness by a lot) that also makes you scientifically ignorant.

For another thing, here in the first world we can't quit using cars and other sources of pollutants cold-turkey, we can only wean ourselves off of them by finding alternatives. In the second and third world, they need that for economic development. It isn't easy telling a man in India, "hey man, I know your workplace is 70km away but I need you to stop driving your car".
So we have to wean ourselves off of these pollutants rather than quit outright, since the world is rather dependent on them.

In summary I don't know how you make the ridiculous connection between "believes in climate change" to "if leftists believe it so much they should just give up everything and do nothing all day". It's a strawman fallacy really.
"Turning iron ore into iron swords is a hard process, for one must first dig out the rock, and melt it to refine it, then one must pour that metal into a mould, let it cool a bit, and pound on it while it cools even further. Games are no different." - Ahzoh

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Vrkhazhian
ʾEšol ḵavud ʾelẕakud lav ʾezʾaẕud zwazaršeru ya lit žalneru lav lit t͛enud. Ṗal sa-ražheru lav raržižu paplam lav ṗal widsaṟam bemaḵu šuku lit ʾeyṭu waẏnilaẇ.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
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To be honest, the liberal elitists are of the 'Do what I want, not as I do' crowd. Afterall, wasn't it Leonardo DeCaprio along with over 1000 others who took private jets to a Climate Change conference this past July? Hypocritical if you ask me. If the climate was important, FLY COACH!

Meanwhile, there's enough buzz around Killery Klinton to avoid voting for her. I mean, if it came down to words or actions, it's simple. Trump may have SAID some rude things in the past. But the Clintons actively performed the actions. One example would be from former Arkansas colleague Juanita Broderick who Bill Clinton assaulted and was then threatened by Hillary to keep silent. I know some will say 'faker', but there are too many who have come forward, and there is a hella track record. On morals, the Clintons are more bankrupt than what they claimed to have been when they left the White House.

The recently released eMails are a treasure trove, showing how she wants a borderless America (no security at all), scoffs at the regular citizenry and has a distain for the Catholic church and religion. Now I am not Catholic, but this is clearly not someone I want in office. The Office of the President must have someone who is supposed to uphold the laws of the Constitution. Her viewpoint clearly contradicts having a secure America and a willingness to ignore the religious clauses of the 1st Amendment. But meh, she hates everyday Americans according to leaked eMails: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4433

Oh, and I so enjoyed reading the released eMails that showed how the DNC freaked when it was revealed that Hillary erased the eMails herself! Yes, boys and girls... she personally destroyed Subpoenaed evidence. Don't buy the 'didn't know it was subpoenaed' line. Even her lawyers knew her server was under Congressional Subpoena. They admitted it, and that it was evident that the erasal took place days after the subpoena.

Oh, and if you wanna trust CNN, don't. They got caught stacking the deck with after-debate interviews right here:

As if the leaked eMail that the DNC gave instructions to MSNBC's 'Meet the Press' wasn't enough.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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0 coverage from the media on this, but Hillary's supporters beat up a protester and they all knew to have the signs attempt to cover the beating from the media's cameras.


Has this happened more than once? Did signs cover the other incidents as well? I thought they were supposed to be the ones bashing TRUMP for the so-called violent rallies?
Of course, the Clintons will get away with literal murder, so it doesn't matter.

Discussing "Wet works" (Assassinations) in emails days before Justice Scalia dies is kinda strange, don't you think?

Nahh... nothin' there.
Move on.
Nothing to see here. 
Just conspiracies and a mean Trump.
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Violent... rallies. All the violence came from those protesting the Trump rallies. MoveOn groups illegally blocked roadways to Trump rallies in Arizona during the primaries. They were so violent in Chicago he left, and they Cheered. And now this. While these people wish so-called safe zones so nothing can upset them, they are the true violent and upsetting individuals with would think nothing of stripping anyone their 1st Amendment right of free speech.

And insofar as the Clintons getting away with murder.... Shawn Lucas is now dead. The name may not be familiar to most, but he was a young man who sought a lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee for Fraud, alleging the DNC had stacked the deck in favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary process.... not that the Wikileaks didn't help. So, why would a YOUNG man just turn up dead just months after serving the papers? But yeah.... Not sure Hillary would like to see her campaign stalled on account of voter fraud in the DNC itself.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
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Appears that Nation of Islam members may be leaning Trump? Makes total sense.

Anybody who votes for her, at this point, needs a check up from the neck up. I laugh as the mainstream media try to literally prop this creature up and convince people to take her seriously. I'd imagine it's pretty embarrassing to be working for a major news network at this point, especially Communist News Network... err, CNN.

Oh wow, Trump has a Japan ad o.o

I can already see the future...

CNN Exclusive : Hillary Clinton's First Interview From Prison. They'll probably have Don Lemon up there asking what she thinks might've gone wrong.
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Ask yourself this:
If you go shopping and five stores sell a product for one price, but one sells the same product for a different price, does it seem that the most stores got the price right?

With that in mind:
If most news agencies (*COUGH*) tell the same story while one says something different, who is to be believed?

Granted, it has been uncovered that the DNC had a relationship with MSNBC, that MSNBC spread out a story to other news agencies (even so-called competition) to spread false stories. And even more recently had CNN been caught in telling members of a Focus Group what to say after the 2nd Trump/Clinton Debate! Actually busted.

However, it's a matter that she's using the main stream to her advantage, them and the Hollywood Elite (Film Actor's Guild). "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." That is a strength of the Liberal party.

Insofar as their lies, There's the recent scandals that Trump is enduring. These women coming from no-where. Lou Dobbs tore into one and had her shown for the phony she was. Another, witnesses tearing into her story. Another who claimed to have been a Republican for years turning out to be a Clinton supporter and never anything but Democrat. I would love to see the opening of the Trump Debate #3 would be "Here are all court papers, witnesses and proof denouncing these women as frauds, and the lawsuits against all of them and the Times for liable and slander. Proof of which I can not only go into detail, but have witnesses in the audience to back me up. Soooo.... what's the first topic of this Debate?"

This third debate will finally be FAIR. No score like Moderators interrupting Trump 40 times, Interrupting Hillary 5 times.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
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Project Veritas exposed that Hillary's people are going out and ripping up Republican ballots as they claim to be from an early voting committee who takes ballots to the voting places for them. 
Basically, the Hillary operatives check who the person is voting for, and if it's for Trump, they rip it up. If it's for Hillary, they do take it to the polling place.
Meanwhile, the media still reports that there is ZERO voter fraud, despite reporting on other examples of widespread voter fraud taking place, with hundreds of dead people voting for Hillary.

And now, there's this.

Hillary operatives say they use mentally ill people to do their bidding, whether it be protesting or yelling during Trump speeches, to anything else they need done, for a quick buck.

Also, Wikileaks proved that Hillary is in direct contact with SuperPACs, which is ILLEGAL.

Will anything be done?
Nope. She's Hillary freaking Clinton, untouchable at every level. Everyone in the FBI unanimously wanted to prosecute her, but Comey said no. Every prosecutor said PROSECUTE HER, but Comey said no.
And now we find out the FBI was in contact with Hillary's people attempting to hide the classified emails so the Director of the FBI, Comey, wouldn't find them and mention them. 
Obviously it didn't work out, but the FBI in direct contact with Hillary's people to hide evidence? That's collusion at the highest level.
Also, it was proven that Obama was also in contact with her, discussing how he would try to help hide the evidence as well. Shortly after, he said he found out about her email server "From the news like everyone else".

And will anything be done?

No. Hillary will become President and pardon herself, she'll drone Julian Assange for exposing her as the most corrupt politician in all of history (If he's not dead by now, John Kerry is working on faking his suicide in prison when it's a straight-up assassination), and she'll have the most corrupt administration since Barack Obama!
Oh wait...

Also, if you weren't convinced the media is in Hillary's pockets yet...
This Politico reporter admits he's a hack.
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Hillary bus takes a dump on the streets of Atlanta, Georgia. You can read the story here.

[Image: CvFKWRjW8AAAPAp.jpg]

What's the bus for? Who is on the bus? Is it coming or going? Are any of the Clinton campaign surrogates on the bus? Were they on the way to a speech? Is the bus carrying carpet-bagger voters?

My forecast for Atlanta, Georgia within the next few days; RIOTS!

Watch, there are probably Black Lives Matter agent provocateurs traveling on that bus. They'll be in the area, waiting for some cop to shoot some black man, just so they can have an excuse to riot and tear up the city. While they're setting fire to local businesses, the news crews will be on the ground, the protesters will be speaking of how unjustified the shooting was and how Donald Trump is a racist and how their protest is oh so peaceful while they're assaulting white people, mostly women.

I hope I'm wrong. Atlanta, Georgia seems like a perfect target for a Black Lives Matter riot.

You might think I'm crazy, but hear me out...

Okay, so the Black Lives Matter Atlanta chapter took part in a peaceful protest after Caine Rogers was shot. Yes, a peaceful protest, not a riot, at least as far as I know of. Very civilized, they even talked with local law enforcement and others about prosecuting the officer.

"That's not so bad," you're probably thinking.

Well, approximately a year ago, Black Lives Matter members confronted Hillary Clinton on her 1994 crime bill during her speech at Atlanta University Center. Whether or not she has the black vote in that city, she's desperate, so MoveOn.org will probably incite a riot and politicize the event to blame it on "racist cops" and "Donald Trump's rhetoric" as they tend to do.

Another "October Surprise" to be watching for.

Again, I hope I'm wrong. There is definitely a recognizable pattern to Hillary's criminality. However, since the bus itself has made news, maybe they'll back off on this plan. If the event does happen to take place, it'll be the first recorded instance of a DNC bus being used to ship rioters to a hot spot.

The Black Lives Matter movement, as a whole, is not entirely a racist black supremacist movement. There are decent people within these organizations that only desire justice. The problem with the movement is that it has been compromised by the U.S. State Department and other government agencies. The lunatics at the top want a race war to distract from a terrible economy and government corruption. The problem with these kinds of movements is that they get taken over by the loudest psychopaths within the group.

Herd mentality at it's finest.
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First recorded instance, maybe. But not the first time, definitely. Project Veritas exposed THAT.

But what it DOES show is Hillary's people illegally dumping waste multiple times, and finally being CAUGHT DOING IT. 
There is another picture of Hillary getting off of her bus while dumping is going on right behind her. She's waving like the goof she is, with her fakest smile possible, and there's literal crap behind her. Everywhere she goes, she leaves her crap behind, and people are VERY unhappy about this.

Here are some facts about the dumping incident:

1 - They had to call in Hazmat to deal with the utterly obscene mess.
2 - The DNC "Apologized" for it, but nobody is taking responsibility. 
3 - The DNC claims it was a one-off incident (It wasn't)
4 - The police are "Investigating", but nothing is likely to be done, because Hillary.

And by the way, I wouldn't be surprised if they were busing in BLM protesters with their buses. They admit to doing it already, and BLM protesters always get bused in in droves to overrun the cities in the first night or two before the National Guard is called, then they go home with all of the stuff they've looted and stolen. They are a domestic terrorist organization, a band of thieves who couldn't care less about anyone around them.

There are a few good apples in the group, simply because they are being LIED TO about the true intents of the group. And that is the saddest part of all. The amount of LIES that come out of there, and the people who are too ignorant to know any better than to believe their every words.

Or rather... too INNOCENT to realize they're being lied to.
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Destiny of End Thread: http://save-point.org/thread-5585.html
Destiny of End Twitter: https://twitter.com/DestinyofEnd
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
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Wow, it's almost like God himself (if you believe) is trying to warn us. The lady in white wants to appear to us as an angelic being coming to save us from the evil Donald, standing in front of the Bill of Rights. Behind her, "Rig it" stands out.

Here is just a small list of the crimes we could (and should) be able to investigate and charge Mrs. Clinton with...
  • Murder
  • Conspiracy to commit murder
  • Treason
  • Racketeering
  • Election fraud
  • Mishandling of classified materials
  • Threatening an FBI agent
  • Bribing an FBI agent
  • Threatening a Federal judge
  • Bribing a Federal judge
  • Racial hate crimes
  • Money laundering
  • Charity fraud
  • Domestic violence
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Witness intimidation
  • Inciting riots
  • Destruction of property
  • Assaulting a government official
Now, is she guilty of everything above, either directly or indirectly? Most of it, yeah, it appears so. There might be something she honestly had nothing to do with. Did she really rape Cathy O'Brien? Did she really hit her husband in the face with a book? Did she really assault a secret service agent with another book? Have FBI agent James Comey and Department of Justice head Loretta Lynch been bribed or threatened to not prosecute? Oh, what about Black Lives Matter riots and the paid anti-Trump "bird dogging" protesters? How about that "charity" organization?

You notice how the discredited CNN presstitutes have the nerve to call the undercover journalist "discredited"? Anderson Cooper needs to pull that "I'm With Her" thong out of his ass. Maybe I should print up and mail him a "Lock Her Up" thong so he has something to wear on Sundays. Then you've got that goofy looking David Brock guy sitting next to him, another pseudo-intellectual fop; this dude needs to go flip burgers or something.

Edward Bernays is rolling in his grave, these folks have officially lost the game of propaganda.

...I don't know what to say anymore. The bullshit meter is on overdrive.
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