DoubleX RMMV Status Bars
DoubleX RMMV Status Bars

Version: v1.01b


* Lets you use bars to show battler statuses on their sprites


* Nothing special for most rudimetary use cases
* Little RMMV plugin development proficiency for most ordinary uses
* Some RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully utilize this


 *    ## Plugin Info
 *    # Plugin Name
 *      DoubleX RMMV Status Bars
 *    # Terms Of Use
 *      1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
 *      2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.
 *      3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than
 *         DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from
 *         using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.
 *      4. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies
 *         to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
 *      5. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin
 *         anymore if you've violated any of the above.
 *    # Prerequisites
 *      Abilities:
 *      1. Nothing special for most rudimetary use cases
 *      2. Little RMMV plugin development proficiency for most ordinary uses
 *      3. Some RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully utilize this
 *    # Links
 *      This plugin:
 *      1.
 *      Video:
 *      1.
*      Mentioned Patreon Supporters:
 *    # Author
 *      DoubleX
 *    # Changelog
 *      v1.01b(GMT 1200 7-7-2019):
 *      1. Fixed the invisible status bars not being able to be visible again
 *      2. Fixed the equips, classes and actors status bar data not being used
 *      v1.01a(GMT 1400 12-8-2017):
 *      1. Lets you set the status bars to show the stat change processes via
 *         showProc, procUpdateRate, procColor1 and procColor2 in SBX
 *      2. Fixed crashes for status bars having the same minimum and maximum
 *      v1.00a(GMT 1700 16-9-2016):
 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished
 * @plugindesc Lets you use bars to show battler statuses on their sprites
 * @author DoubleX
 * @param isEnabled
 * @desc Sets whether this plugin will be enabled
 *       It'll be stored as a boolean, and will be regarded as true if and only
 *       if it's true
 *       Don't change this during the same battle unless you really know what
 *       you're truly foing
 *       E.g.: Setting isEnabled as false will disable this plugin
 * @default true
 * @help
 * You're supposed to open this plugin js file to edit its configurations
 * The default plugin file name is DoubleX RMMV Status Bars v101b
 * If you want to change that, you must edit the value of
 * DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_File, which must be done via opening this plugin
 * js file directly
 *    ## Notetag Info
 *    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/Enemy/State Notetags:
 *      State notetags take the highest priority, followed by enemy, weapon,
 *      armor, class and actor
 *      1. <status status bar: SBX>
 *         - Sets the battler to setup a status bar of status using
 *           configurations set in function name SBX, which can only be edited
 *           in this plugin js file directly
 *         - status must be included in STATUSES, which can only be edited in
 *           this plugin js file directly
 *         - E.g.:
 *           <hp status bar: HP> will set the battler to setup a hp status bar
 *           using configurations set in HP, which can only be edited in this
 *           plugin js file directly
 *         - Only the 1st effective notetag among all having the same status
 *           will be used(Reference tag: NOTETAG_MONO)
 *    ## Plugin Call Info
 *    # Configuration manipulations
 *      1. $gameSystem.statusBars.param
 *         - Returns the stored value of param listed in the plugin manager
 *         - E.g.:
 *           $gameSystem.statusBars.isEnabled will return a Boolean indicating
 *           whether this plugin's enabled
 *      2. $gameSystem.statusBars.param = val
 *         - Sets the stored value of param listed in plugin manager as val
 *         - E.g.:
 *           $gameSystem.statusBars.isEnabled = false will set the stored
 *           value of parameter isEnabled shown on the plugin manager as false
 *         - All $gameSystem.statusBars.param changes will be saved
 *    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/Enemy/State notetag manipulations
 *      1. meta.statusBars[status]
 *         - Returns the function name SBX for String status specified in
 *           <status status bar: SBX> if there's any
 *         - E.g.:
 *           $dataStates[1].meta.statusBars[hp] will return the function SBX
 *           specified in <hp status bar: SBX> notetag of state with id 1
 *      2. meta.statusBars[status] = SBX
 *         - Sets the String status in <status status bar: SBX> notetag to use
 *           the function with name SBX which is a String
 *         - E.g.:
 *           $dataEnemies[2].meta.statusBars['mp'] = 'MP' will set the SBX
 *           specified in <mp status bar: SBX> notetag of enemy with id 2 as
 *           MP
 *         - All meta.statusBars changes can be saved if
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used
 *    # Battler manipulations
 *      1. isStatusBarChanged[status] = true
 *         - Notifys the status status bar of the battler to use a new
 *           configuration object
 *         - It'll be reset as false once a new configuration object's used
 *         - E.g.:
 *           $gameParty.aliveMembers()[0].isStatusBarChanged['tp'] = true will
 *           notify the tp status bar of the battler to use a new
 *           configuration object
 *    # Status bar manipulations
 *      1. new Window_Status_Bar(battler, status)
 *         - Creates a new status bar showing the status status of battler
 *           battler
 *         - E.g.:
 *           new Window_Status_Bar($gameTroop.aliveMembers()[0], 'hp') will
 *           create a new status bar showing the hp status of the 1st troop
 *           member

var DoubleX_RMMV = DoubleX_RMMV || {};
DoubleX_RMMV['Status Bars'] = 'v1.01b';

// The plugin file name must be the same as DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_File
DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_File = 'DoubleX RMMV Status Bars v101b';

 *    ## Plugin Configurations
 *       You only need to edit this part as it's about what this plugin does

DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars = {

    /* Setups the list of statuses that can have their status bars drawn
     * Each status must be represented by the name of its battler getter

     *    Status Bar Functions
     *    - Setups SBX used by <status bar: SBX>
    /* SBX are used by Window_Status_Bar at this._cfg = SB[this._cfgName](); in
     * _updateCfg
     * SBX are Javascript functions which must return an Object having at least
     * the following:
     * {
     *     visible: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     opacity: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     backColor: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     color1: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     color2: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     x: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     y: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     w: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     h, function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     text, function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     textX: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     textY: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     textSize: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     textColor: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     min: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     max: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     (v1.01a+)showProc: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     (v1.01a+)procUpdateRate: function(battler) // Hotspot
     * }
     * All functions will be bound to the Window_Status_Bar upon its creation
     * and must take the battler and database item using the SBX as their
     * arguments
     * Status bar configuration functions:
     * The function result of visible, which is the status bar visibility, will
     * be interpreted as truthy or falsy only
     * The function of opacity, which is the status bar opacity, must return a
     * Number between 0 and 255
     * The functions of backColor, color1 and color2, which are the status bar
     * back, 1st and 2nd colors respectively, must return a Number between
     * #00000000 and #FFFFFFFF
     * The functions of x and y, which are the status bar x and y offsets from
     * the battler sprites respectively, must return a Number
     * The functions of w and h, which are the status bar width and height
     * respectively, must return a positive Number
     * The function of text, which is the status bar description text, must
     * return a String
     * The functions of textX, textY and textSize, which are the status bar
     * description text x and y offset from the status bar, and size
     * respectively, must return a positive Number
     * The functions of min and max, which are the minimum and maximum value of
     * the status respiectively, must return a Number that must be not greater
     * than and not less than all the possible values of the current value
     * respectively
     * (v1.01a+)The functions of showProc, which is whether the stat change
     * processes will be shown on the status bars, will be interpreted as truthy
     * or falsy only
     * (v1.01a+)The functions of procUpdateRate, which is the rate relative to
     * the max length of the stat bar per second, must return a Number between 0
     * and 1
     * (v1.01a+)The functions of procColor1 and procColor2, which are the status
     * bar 1st and 2nd stat change colors respectively, must return a Number
     * between #00000000 and #FFFFFFFF
     * SBX names can only use alphanumeric characters
     * The below SBX are examples added to help you set your SBX
     * You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples
     * Advanced:
     * The status bar prototype's inherited from Window_Base.prototype
     * All status bar configuration functions are used by Window_Status_Bar
     * visible and opacity are used in _updateBarVisibility
     * backColor, color1, color2, textColor, text, textX and textY are used in
     * _updateSetting
     * x, y, w and h are used in initialize
     * x is also used in _updateX
     * y is also used in _updateY
     * w is also used in _updateW
     * h is also used in _updateH
     * min and max are used in _updateFillW
     * (v1.01a+)showProc

    // Sets the status bar to display the battler's hp statuses
    HP: function() { // v1.00a - v1.01a; Potential Hotspot
        return {
            // Sets the hp bar to be always visible only for alive battlers
            visible: function(battler) { return battler.isAlive(); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar opacity to be always 255
            opacity: function(battler) { return 255; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar color 1 to be always text color 15
            backColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(15);
            // Sets the hp bar color 1 to be always text color 20
            color1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(20); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar color 2 to be always text color 21
            color2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(21); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar x offset from battler sprite to be always 0
            x: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar y offset from battler sprite to be always 16
            y: function(battler) { return 16; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar width to be always 87
            w: function(battler) { return 87; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar height to be always 16
            h: function(battler) { return 16; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar description text to be always hp/mhp
            text: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return battler.hp.toString() + '/' + battler.mhp.toString();
            // Sets the hp bar description text size to be always 0
            textX: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar description text size to be always 0
            textY: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar description text size to be always 13
            textSize: function(battler) { return 13; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets hp bar description text color to be always text color 0
            textColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(0);
            // Sets the minimum hp to be shown on the hp bar to be always 0
            min: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the maximum hp to be shown on the hp bar to be always mhp
            max: function(battler) { return battler.mhp; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the hp change processes to be always shown
            showProc: function(battler) { return true; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the hp change processes rate to be 100% of the
            // max length of the hp bar per second
            procUpdateRate: function(battler) { return 0.2; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp change process color 1 to be always text color 6
            procColor1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(6); },
            // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp change process color 2 to be always text color 17
            procColor2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(17); }
            // Hotspot

    // Sets the status bar to display the battler's mp statuses
    MP: function() { // v1.00a - v1.01a; Potential Hotspot
        return {
            // Sets the mp bar to be always visible only for alive battlers
            visible: function(battler) { return battler.isAlive(); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar opacity to be always 255
            opacity: function(battler) { return 255; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar color 1 to be always text color 15
            backColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(15);
            // Sets the mp bar color 1 to be always text color 22
            color1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(22); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar color 2 to be always text color 23
            color2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(23); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar x offset from battler sprite to be always 0
            x: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar y offset from battler sprite to be always 32
            y: function(battler) { return 32; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar width to be always 87
            w: function(battler) { return 87; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar height to be always 16
            h: function(battler) { return 16; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar description text to be always mp/mmp
            text: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return + '/' + battler.mmp.toString();
            // Sets the mp bar description text size to be always 0
            textX: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar description text size to be always 0
            textY: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar description text size to be always 13
            textSize: function(battler) { return 13; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets mp bar description text color to be always text color 0
            textColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(0);
            // Sets the minimum mp to be shown on the hp bar to be always 0
            min: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the maximum mp to be shown on the hp bar to be always mmp
            max: function(battler) { return battler.mmp; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the mp change processes to be always shown
            showProc: function(battler) { return true; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the mp change processes rate to be 100% of the
            // max length of the mp bar per second
            procUpdateRate: function(battler) { return 0.2; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp change process color 1 to be always text color 1
            procColor1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(1); },
            // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp change process color 2 to be always text color 4
            procColor2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(4); }
            // Hotspot

    // Sets the status bar to display the battler's tp statuses
    TP: function() { // v1.00a - v1.01a; Potential Hotspot
        return {
            // Sets the tp bar to be always visible
            visible: function(battler) { return battler.isAlive(); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar opacity to be always 255
            opacity: function(battler) { return 255; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar color 1 to be always text color 15
            backColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(15);
            // Sets the tp bar color 1 to be always text color 28
            color1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(28); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar color 2 to be always text color 29
            color2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(29); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar x offset from battler sprite to be always 0
            x: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar y offset from battler sprite to be always 48
            y: function(battler) { return 48; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar width to be always 87
            w: function(battler) { return 87; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar height to be always 16
            h: function(battler) { return 16; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar description text to be always tp/maxTp()
            text: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return + '/' + battler.maxTp().toString();
            // Sets the tp bar description text size to be always 0
            textX: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar description text size to be always 0
            textY: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar description text size to be always 13
            textSize: function(battler) { return 13; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets tp bar description text color to be always text color 0
            textColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(0);
            // Sets the minimum tp to be shown on the hp bar to be always 0
            min: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets maximum tp to be shown on the hp bar to be always maxTp()
            max: function(battler) { return battler.maxTp(); }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the tp change processes to be always shown
            showProc: function(battler) { return true; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the mp change processes rate to be 100% of the
            // max length of the mp bar per second
            procUpdateRate: function(battler) { return 0.2; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp change process color 1 to be always text color 3
            procColor1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(3); },
            // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp change process color 2 to be always text color 24
            procColor2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(24); }
            // Hotspot

    // Adds new SBX here

}; // DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars

 *    ## Plugin Implementations
 *       You need not edit this part as it's about how this plugin works
 *    # Plugin Support Info:
 *      1. Prerequisites
 *         - Decent RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully comprehend
 *           this

DoubleX_RMMV.Is_Status_Bar_Notes_Loaded = false; // v1.00a - v1.00a

DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_Params = { // v1.00a - v1.00a

    isEnabled: 'Boolean', // Marks that isEnabled is a Boolean

    /* Checks whether the passed configuration value's truthy or falsy
     * Functional cohesion/Data coupling/Referentially transperant
     * (String)param: The param to have its boolean value checked
     * Return: The boolean value of the param
    Boolean: function(param) { return param === 'true'; }

}; // DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_Params

function Window_Status_Bar() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }

(function(SB) {

    'use strict';

    SB.DataManager = {};
    var DM = SB.DataManager;

    DM.isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
    DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; Extended
        // Rewritten to read all notetags of this plugin as well
        return DM.isDatabaseLoaded.apply(this, arguments) && DM._loadAllNotes();
    }; // DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded

    /* Reads all notetags of this plugin from the database
     * Return: True
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    DM._loadAllNotes = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New
        // Ensures the notetags will only be read exactly once upon game start
        if (DoubleX_RMMV.Is_Status_Bar_Notes_Loaded) return true;
        var types = [$dataActors, $dataClasses, $dataWeapons, $dataArmors];
        types.concat([$dataEnemies, $dataStates]).forEach(function(type) {
            type.forEach(function(data) { if (data) DM._loadNotes(data); });
        DoubleX_RMMV.Is_Status_Bar_Notes_Loaded = true;
        return true;
    }; // DM._loadAllNotes

    /* Reads all notetags of this plugin from a dataum of the database
     * (Object)datum: The datum to have its notetags of this plugin read
     * Functional cohesion/Data coupling/Idempotent
    DM._loadNotes = function(datum) { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New
        var statusBars = datum.meta.statusBars = {}; // Plugin call
        var regExp = /< *(\w+) +status +bar *: *(\w+) *>/i, status;
        // Refer to reference tag NOTETAG_MONO
        datum.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).forEach(function(line) {
            if (!line.match(regExp)) return;
            status = RegExp.$1;
            statusBars[status] = statusBars[status] || RegExp.$2;
    }; // DM._loadNotes

    SB.Game_System = {};
    var GS = SB.Game_System;

     *    New public instance variable
    // (Plugin call)The container of all parameters shown on the plugin manger
    Object.defineProperty(Game_System.prototype, "statusBars", {
        get: function() { /* Hotspot */ return this._statusBars; },
        configurable: true

    GS.initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
    Game_System.prototype.initialize = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; Extended
        GS.initialize.apply(this, arguments);; // Added to setup configurations
    }; // Game_System.prototype.initialize

    /* Initializes all parameters of this plugin shown on the plugin manager
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    GS._initializeStatusBars = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New
        this._statusBars = {};
        var params = PluginManager.parameters(DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_File);
        var SBP = DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_Params;
        // Lets parameters to use their strategies to have their desired formats
        Object.keys(params).forEach(function(param) {
            this._statusBars[param] = SBP[SBP[param]](params[param]);
        }, this);
    }; // GS._initializeStatusBars

    SB.Game_BattlerBase = {};
    var GBB = SB.Game_BattlerBase;

     *    New public instance variable
    // (Plugin call only)Container of all status bar change notification flags
    Object.defineProperty(Game_BattlerBase.prototype, "isStatusBarChanged", {
        get: function() { /* Hotspot */ return this._isStatusBarChanged; },
        configurable: true

     *    New private instance variable
    // _statusBars: The container of all status bar configurations

    GBB.initMembers = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers;
    Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Extended; // Added
        GBB.initMembers.apply(this, arguments);
    }; // Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers

    GBB.refresh = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.refresh;
    Game_BattlerBase.prototype.refresh = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Extended
        GBB.refresh.apply(this, arguments);
        // Added to notify that the status bar configurations might be changed
        if (!$gameSystem.statusBars.isEnabled) return;;
    }; // Game_BattlerBase.prototype.refresh

    /* Setups the change notification flags of all statuses for this battler
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    GBB._initStatusBarChanges = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New
        this._statusBars = {};
        this._isStatusBarChanged = {};
        SB.STATUSES.forEach(function(status) {
            this._isStatusBarChanged[status] = true;
        }, this);
    }; // GBB._initStatusBarChanges

    /* Marks that a new status bar configuration might need to be used
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    GBB._notifyStatusBarChanges = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New
        // Raises the change notification flags of all statuses for this battler
        Object.keys(this._isStatusBarChanged).forEach(function(status) {
            this._isStatusBarChanged[status] = true;
        }, this);
    }; // GBB._notifyStatusBarChanges

    /* Returns the latest status bar configuration object for the given status
     * Sequential cohesion/Data coupling/Idempotent
     * (String)status: The battler status shown by the status bar
     * Return(Object): The status bar configuration object for the given status
    GBB.statusBarCfg = function(status) { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New; Hotspot
        // Setups a new status bar configuration only when it might be needed
        if (!this._statusBars[status] || this._isStatusBarChanged[status]) {
            this._isStatusBarChanged[status] = false;
            this._statusBars[status] =, status);
        return this._statusBars[status];
    }; // GBB.statusBarCfg

    /* Returns a new status bar configuration object for the given status
     * Functional cohesion/Data coupling/Referentially transperant
     * (String)status: The battler status shown by the status bar
     * Return(Object): A new status bar configuration object for the status
    GBB._newStatusBarCfg = function(status) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; New; Potential Hotspot
        // Refer to reference tag NOTETAG_MONO
        var datum = this._statusBarData().filter(function(data) {
            return data.meta.statusBars[status];
        return datum ? datum.meta.statusBars[status] : '';
    }; // GBB._newStatusBarCfg

    /* Returns all database items that might have status bar configuration notes
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Referentially transperant
     * Return(Array): An array of database item used by this battler
    GBB._statusBarData = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New; Potential Hotspot
        return this.states(); // Game_BattlerBase is abstract so GBB can be used
    }; // GBB._statusBarData

    /* Returns all database items that might have status bar configuration notes
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Referentially transperant
     * Return(Array): An array of database item used by this actor
    Game_Actor.prototype._statusBarData = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; New; Potential Hotspot
        // Use polymorphism at the cost of not using GA
        var data =;
        return data.concat(this.equips().filter(function(equip) {
            return equip;
    }; // Game_Actor.prototype._statusBarData

    /* Returns all database items that might have status bar configuration notes
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Referentially transperant
     * Return(Array): An array of database item used by this enemy
    Game_Enemy.prototype._statusBarData = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; New; Potential Hotspot
        // Use polymorphism at the cost of not using GE
    }; // Game_Enemy.prototype._statusBarData

    SB.Sprite_Battler = {};
    var SBSB = SB.Sprite_Battler;

     *    New private instance variable
    // _statusBars: The container of all status bars for the battler

    SBSB.setBattler = Sprite_Battler.prototype.setBattler;
    Sprite_Battler.prototype.setBattler = function(battler) {
    // 1.00a - v1.00a; Extended; Hotspot
        // Added to reconfigure the status bars upon battler change
        var change = battler !== this._battler;
        SBSB.setBattler.apply(this, arguments);
        // Added
        if (!$gameSystem.statusBars.isEnabled || !battler || !change) return;
        if (!this._statusBars) return;;
    }; // Sprite_Battler.prototype.setBattler

    /* Setups all status bars for this battler
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    SBSB._initStatusBars = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New
        this._statusBars = {};
        SB.STATUSES.forEach(function(status) {
            this._statusBars[status] =
                    new Window_Status_Bar(this._battler, status);
        }, this);
    }; // SBSB._initStatusBars

    /* Updates the owner info stored in all status bars
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    SBSB._setStatusBarBattlers = function() { // v1.00a - v1.00a; New
        SB.STATUSES.forEach(function(status) {
            this._statusBars[status].battler = this._battler;
        }, this);
    }; // SBSB._setStatusBarBattlers

     *    # New class: Window_Status_Bar

    Window_Status_Bar.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype.constructor = Window_Status_Bar;

     *    New public instance variable
    // battler: The battler owning this status bar
    Object.defineProperty(Window_Status_Bar.prototype, "battler", {
        set: function() { /* Hotspot */ return this._battler; },
        configurable: true

     *    New private instance variables
    /* _backColor: The back color of this status bar
     * _cfgName: The name of the configuration object used by this status bar
     * _cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
     * _color1: The 1st color of this status bar
     * _color2: The 2nd color of this status bar
     * _fillW: The width of the filled portion of the status bar
     * _isRedraw: The flag indicating whether the status bar needs to be redrawn
     * (v1.01a+)_procFillW: The width of the stat change process bar
     * _status: The battler status shown by this status bar
     * _text: The status bar description text
     * _textColor: The color of the status bar description text
     * _textX: The x offset of the status bar description text from this bar
     * _textY: The y offset of the status bar description text from this bar

    Window_Status_Bar.prototype.initialize = function(battler, status) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a
        this._battler = battler;
        this._status = status;
        this._updateCfg(battler, status);
        if (this._cfg) {
  , this._cfg.x(battler),
            this._cfg.y(battler), this._cfg.w(battler), this._cfg.h(battler));
        } else {
  , 0, 0, 0, 0);
        this.opacity = 0; // Only the status bar needs to be shown
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype.initialize

    Window_Status_Bar.prototype.standardFontSize = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        if (this._cfg) return this._cfg.textSize(this._battler);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype.standardFontSize

    Window_Status_Bar.prototype.standardPadding = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        // The whole window is just the statu bar
        return this._cfg ? 0 :;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype.standardPadding

    Window_Status_Bar.prototype.resetFontSettings = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        if (this.contents.fontSize === this.standardFontSize()) return;;
        this._isRedraw = true;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype.resetFontSettings

    Window_Status_Bar.prototype.update = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype.update

    /* Updates all statuses of this status bar
     * Sequential cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateBarStatuses = function(battler) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        if (!battler) return this.visible = false;
        this._updateCfg(battler, this._status);
        this._updateBarVisibility(battler, this._cfg);
        if (!this.visible || this.contentsOpacity <= 0) return;
        this._updateDimensions(battler, this._cfg, this._status);
        if (!this.visible) return;
        this._updateColorText(battler, this._cfg);
        if (!this.visible || !this._isRedraw) return;
        this._isRedraw = false;
        this._redraw(battler, this._cfg);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateBarStatuses

    /* Updates all configurations used by this status bar
     * Functional cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (String)status: The battler status shown by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateCfg = function(battler, status) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        if (!battler) return;
        var lastCfgName = this._cfgName;
        this._cfgName =, status);
        if (lastCfgName === this._cfgName) return;
        if (this._cfgName.length <= 0) return this._cfg = null;
        this._cfg = SB[this._cfgName]();
        Object.keys(this._cfg).forEach(function(cfg) {
            this._cfg[cfg] = this._cfg[cfg].bind(this);
        }, this);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateCfg

    /* Updates all visibility settings used by this status bar
     * Functional cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateBarVisibility = function(battler, cfg) {
    // v1.00a - v1.01b; Hotspot
        this.visible = battler && cfg && cfg.visible(battler);
        if (this.visible) this.contentsOpacity = cfg.opacity(battler);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateBarVisibility

    /* Updates all dimensional settings of this status bar
     * Sequential cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
     * (String)status: The battler status shown by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateDimensions =
    function(battler, cfg, status) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        this._updateW(battler, cfg);
        this.visible = this.visible && this.width > 0;
        if (!this.visible) return;
        this._updateH(battler, cfg);
        this.visible = this.visible && this.height > 0;
        if (!this.visible) return;
        this._updateX(battler, cfg);
        this._updateY(battler, cfg);
        this._updateFillW(battler, cfg, status);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype.updateDimensions

    /* Updates the width of this status bar and the redraw flag
     * Sequential cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateW = function(battler, cfg) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        var newW = battler && cfg ? cfg.w(battler) : 0;
        if (this.width === newW) return;
        this.width = newW;
        this._isRedraw = true;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateW

    /* Updates the height of this status bar and the redraw flag
     * Sequential cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateH = function(battler, cfg) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        var newH = battler && cfg ? cfg.h(battler) : 0;
        if (this.height === newH) return;
        this.height = newH;
        this._isRedraw = true;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateH

    /* Updates the x offset of this status bar from the battler sprite
     * Functional cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateX = function(battler, cfg) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        if (!battler || !cfg) return;
        var newX = cfg.x(battler);
        if (this.x !== newX) this.x = newX;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateX

    /* Updates the y offset of this status bar from the battler sprite
     * Functional cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateY = function(battler, cfg) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        if (!battler || !cfg) return;
        var newY = cfg.y(battler);
        if (this.y !== newY) this.y = newY;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateY

    /* Updates the fill width of this status bar and the redraw flag
     * Sequential cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
     * (String)status: The battler status shown by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateFillW = function(battler, cfg, status) {
    // v1.00a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        var lastFillW = this._fillW;
        var statusRange = cfg.max(battler) - cfg.min(battler);
        this._fillW = battler && cfg && statusRange > 0 ?
                this.width * battler[status] / statusRange : 0;
        this._procFillW = this._procFillW || this._fillW;
        this._isRedraw = this._isRedraw || lastFillW !== this._fillW ||
                this._procFillW !== this._fillW;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateFillW

    /* Updates all color and text settings of this status bar
     * Sequential cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateColorText = function(battler, cfg) {
    // v1.00a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'backColor');
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'color1');
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'color2');
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'textColor');
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'text');
        this.visible = this.visible && !this._isTransperant();
        if (!this.visible) return;
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'textX');
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'textY');
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'procColor1');
        this._updateSetting(battler, cfg, 'procColor2');
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype.updateDimensions

    /* Updates specified setting of this status bar that can change redraw flag
     * Sequential cohesion/Data coupling
     * (Game_Battler)battler: The battler owning this bar
     * (Object)cfg: The configuration object used by this status bar
     * (String)name: The setting name
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateSetting = function(battler, cfg, name) {
    // v1.00a - v1.00a; Hotspot
        if (!battler || !cfg) return;
        var _name = '_' + name, last = this[_name];
        this[_name] = cfg[name](battler);
        this._isRedraw = this._isRedraw || last !== this[_name];
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._updateSetting

    /* Checks if the whole status bar's transperant
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Referentially transperant
     * Return(Boolean): Whether the whole status bar's transperant
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._isTransperant = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        var opagueColor = 0x01000000;
        if (this._backColor >= opagueColor) return false;
        if (this._color1 >= opagueColor) return false;
        if (this._color2 >= opagueColor) return false;
        if (this._procColor1 >= opagueColor) return false;
        if (this._procColor2 >= opagueColor) return false;
        return this._textColor < opagueColor || this._text.length <= 0;
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._isTransperant

    /* Redraws the whole status bar
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redraw = function() {
    // v1.00a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        if (this._cfg.showProc(this._battler)) return this._redrawWithProc();
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redraw

    /* (v1.01a+)Redraws the whole status bar with the stat change process shown
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawWithProc = function() {
    // v1.01a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        if (this._procFillW < this._fillW) return this._redrawWithProcAbove();
        if (this._procFillW > this._fillW) return this._redrawWithProcBelow();
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawWithProc

    /* (v1.01a+)Redraws the whole status bar with the stat change process shown
     * Sequential cohesion/Message coupling
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawWithProcAbove = function() {
    // v1.01a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        this.contents.gradientFillRect(0, 0, this._fillW, this.height,
                this._color1, this._color2);
        this.contents.gradientFillRect(0, 0, this._procFillW, this.height,
                this._procColor1, this._procColor2);
        // Otherwise the stat change process bar would show after it's done
        if (this._procFillW >= this._fillW) this._redrawWithoutProc();
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawWithProcAbove

    /* (v1.01a+)Increases the stat change process fill width in the stat bar
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._addProcFillW = function() {
    // v1.01a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        // Fps's assumed to be always 60
        this._procFillW = Math.min(this._procFillW + this._cfg.procUpdateRate(
                this._battler) * this.width / 60, this._fillW);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._addProcFillW

    /* (v1.01a+)Redraws the whole status bar with the stat change process shown
     * Sequential cohesion/Message coupling
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawWithProcBelow = function() {
    // v1.01a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        this.contents.gradientFillRect(0, 0, this._procFillW, this.height,
                this._procColor1, this._procColor2);
        this.contents.gradientFillRect(0, 0, this._fillW, this.height,
                this._color1, this._color2);
        // Otherwise the stat change process bar would show after it's done
        if (this._procFillW <= this._fillW) this._redrawWithoutProc();
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawWithProcBelow

    /* (v1.01a+)Decreases the stat change process fill width in the stat bar
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._minusProcFillW = function() {
    // v1.01a - v1.01a; Hotspot
        // Fps's assumed to be always 60
        this._procFillW = Math.max(this._procFillW - this._cfg.procUpdateRate(
                this._battler) * this.width / 60, this._fillW);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._addProcFillW

    /* Redraws the whole status bar without showing the stat change processes
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawWithoutProc = function() {
    // v1.01a - v1.01a; Potential Hotspot
        this.contents.gradientFillRect(0, 0, this._fillW, this.height,
                this._color1, this._color2);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawWithoutProc

    /* Redraws the whole status bar without showing the stat change processes
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawBack = function() {
        this.contents.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, this._backColor);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawBack

    /* Redraws the whole status bar without showing the stat change processes
     * Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
    Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawText = function() {
    // v1.01a - v1.01a; Potential Hotspot
        var text = this._text;
        this.contents.drawText(text, this._textX, this._textY,
                this.textWidth(text), this.height);
    }; // Window_Status_Bar.prototype._redrawText







* None so far

Credits and Thanks

* None

Author's Notes

* None so far

Terms and Conditions

* Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
* You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.
You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.
* CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
* I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin anymore if you've violated any of the above.


v1.01b(GMT 1200 7-7-2019):
1. Fixed the invisible status bars not being able to be visible again
2. Fixed the equips, classes and actors status bar data not being used
v1.01a(GMT 1400 12-8-2017):
1. Lets you set the status bars to show the stat change processes via showProc, procUpdateRate, procColor1 and procColor2 in SBX
2. Fixed crashes for status bars having the same minimum and maximum
v1.00a(GMT 1700 16-9-2016):
1. 1st version of this script finished
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
v1.01a(GMT 1400 12-8-2017):
1. Lets you set the status bars to show the stat change processes via showProc, procUpdateRate, procColor1 and procColor2 in SBX
2. Fixed crashes for status bars having the same minimum and maximum
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:
v1.01b(GMT 1200 7-7-2019):
1. Fixed the invisible status bars not being able to be visible again
2. Fixed the equips, classes and actors status bar data not being used
My RMVXA/RMMV/RMMZ scripts/plugins:

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