Scan skill should show states
Greetings, happy that I've refound this Forum :)
I have a problem/request on a little scriptie that us troubling me.
Its regarding a Scan skill script from Atoas acbs. It analyses the HP/SP, lvl, STR,AGI,DEX,INT, elemental weakness when used on an enemy. Only problem I have is that the script doesnt analyses the states weakness of the enemy like if its weak or immune against poison, blind. Whats gives me bigger headache is that the negative states in my game are not in a direct order. It would be very good wise if I could actually chose which states should be displayed and which not. Also since I've many states It would be useful if its would be possible to display many states. It would'nt disturb me at all if the scan window would fully cover the screen.
So, my question is actually if its possible to edit the script like explained above. :))

# Skill Scan
# By Atoa
# With this you can create an 'scan' skill
# wich allows you to check enemy status.

module Atoa
  # ID of the scan skills
  Scan_Skills_ID = [109]
  # Enemies that can't be scanned
  No_Scan_Enemies = []
  # Scan text font size
  Scan_Window_Font_Size = 18
  # Scan_Window_Settings = [Position X, Position Y, Width, Height, Opacity, Trasparent Edge]
  Scan_Window_Settings = [0 , 0, 352, 320, 160, false]
  # Image filename for window background, must be on the Windowskin folder
  Scan_Window_Bg = ''

  # Position of the backgroun image
  # Party_Command_Window_Bg_Postion = [Position X, Position Y]
  Scan_Window_Bg_Postion = [0 , 0]
  # Information shown in the window
  Scan_Infos = ['name', 'level', 'class', 'hp', 'sp', 'status', 'exp', 'element']
  # Add the name of the info you wish to show
  # 'name' = Shows target name
  # 'level' = Shows target level, for enemies check 'Scan_Enemy_Level'
  # 'class' = Shows target class, for enemies check 'Scan_Enemy_Class'
  # 'hp' = Shows target HP
  # 'sp' = Shows target SP
  # 'status = Shows target Status
  # 'exp' = Shows Exp given by target
  # 'elements' = Shows target elemental resistance
  # Postion of target name in the window
  Scan_Name_Postion = [0,0]
  # Postion of target hp in the window
  Scan_Hp_Postion = [0,52]
  # Postion of target sp in the window
  Scan_Sp_Postion = [0,76]
  # Postion of target exp in the window
  Scan_Exp_Postion = [184,0]
  # Postion of target status in the window
  Scan_Status_Postion = [0,104]

  # Status shown
  Scan_Status_Shown = ['atk','pdef','mdef','str','dex','int','agi']
  # Add here the name of the status you wish to show:
  # 'atk','pdef','mdef','str','dex','int','agi'
  # Distance between the status name and the value
  Scan_Status_Distance = 96
  # Postion of target level in the window
  Scan_Level_Postion = [128,0]

  # Enemies level, this have no influence in the enemy power, it's just
  # the value shown in the scan window
  # Scan_Enemy_Level = {Enemy_ID => Level}
  Scan_Enemy_Level = {1 => 1}
  # Postion of target class in the window
  Scan_Class_Postion = [0,24]
  # Enemies class, this have no influence in the enemy power, it's just
  # the value shown in the scan window
  # Scan_Enemy_Class = {Enemy_ID => Class}
  Scan_Enemy_Class = {1 => 'Undead'}
  # Postion of target elemental resistance in the window
  Scan_Element_Position = [196,64]
  # Max number of elements shown in a column, max value = 8
  Scan_Max_Elements_Shown = 8
  # Exhibition of elemental resistance
  Scan_Element_Resists_Exhibition = 0
  # 0 = custom exhibition
  # 1 = exhibition by numbers, value shows target resistance
  # 2 = exhibition by numbers, value damage multiplication
  # Elemental resist text if 'Element_Resists_Exhibition = 0'
  Scan_Element_Resist =  ['Weakest','Weak','Normal','Resist','Imune','Absorb']
  # Configuration of the elemental resist text color
  #                             red blue green
  Scan_Weakest_Color =,   0,   0)
  Scan_Weak_Color    =, 128,  64)
  Scan_Neutral_Color =, 255, 255)
  Scan_Resist_Color  =  0, 128, 255)
  Scan_Imune_Color   =  0, 255, 255)
  Scan_Absorb_Color  =  0, 255,   0)

# ** Atoa Module
$atoa_script = {} if $atoa_script.nil?
$atoa_script['Atoa Scan'] = true

# ** Game_Battler
#  This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor
#  and Game_Enemy classes.

class Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :target_scan
  attr_accessor :scan_count
  # * Object Initialization
  alias initialize_scan initialize
  def initialize
    @target_scan = []
    @scan_count = 0

# ** Game_Enemy
#  This class handles enemies. It's used within the Game_Troop class
#  ($game_troop).

class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :level
  attr_accessor :class_name
  # * Get level
  def level
    return Scan_Enemy_Level[@enemy_id] if Scan_Enemy_Level.include?(@enemy_id)
    return 1
  # Definir nome da Classe
  def class_name
    return Scan_Enemy_Class[@enemy_id] if Scan_Enemy_Class.include?(@enemy_id)
    return ''

# ** Window_Scan
#  This window shows enemy information

class Window_Scan < Window_Base
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :battler
  # * Object Initialization
  #     battler : battler
  def initialize(battler)
    x,y = Scan_Window_Settings[0], Scan_Window_Settings[1]
    w,h = Scan_Window_Settings[2], Scan_Window_Settings[3]
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    self.z = 4950
    if Scan_Window_Bg != nil
      @background_image =
      @background_image.bitmap = RPG::Cache.windowskin(Scan_Window_Bg)
      @background_image.x = self.x + Scan_Window_Bg_Postion[0]
      @background_image.y = self.y + Scan_Window_Bg_Postion[1]
      @background_image.z = self.z - 1
      @background_image.visible = self.visible
    self.back_opacity = Scan_Window_Settings[4]
    self.opacity = Scan_Window_Settings[4] if Scan_Window_Settings[5]
    @battler = battler
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
    @background_image.dispose if @background_image != nil
  # * Window visibility
  #     n : opacity
  def visible=(n)
    @background_image.visible = n if @background_image != nil
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    fake = (No_Scan_Enemies.include?( and not
    if Scan_Infos.include?('name')
      draw_actor_name(@battler, Scan_Name_Postion[0], Scan_Name_Postion[1])
    if Scan_Infos.include?('class')
      draw_actor_class(@battler, Scan_Class_Postion[0], Scan_Class_Postion[1])
    if Scan_Infos.include?('element')
      draw_element_resist(@battler, Scan_Element_Position[0], Scan_Element_Position[1])
    if Scan_Infos.include?('level')
      draw_actor_level(@battler, Scan_Level_Postion[0], Scan_Level_Postion[1], fake)
    if Scan_Infos.include?('hp')
      draw_actor_hp(@battler, Scan_Hp_Postion[0], Scan_Hp_Postion[1], 160, fake)
    if Scan_Infos.include?('sp')
      draw_actor_sp(@battler, Scan_Sp_Postion[0], Scan_Sp_Postion[1], 160, fake)
    if Scan_Infos.include?('status')
      for i in 0...Scan_Status_Shown.size
        draw_actor_parameter(@battler, Scan_Status_Postion[0],
          Scan_Status_Postion[1] + i * (Scan_Window_Font_Size + 2), Scan_Status_Shown[i],
          Scan_Status_Distance, fake)
    if Scan_Infos.include?('exp') and not
      x, y = Scan_Exp_Postion[0], Scan_Exp_Postion[1]
      self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 72, 32, 'Exp:')
      exp = fake ? '?????' : @battler.exp.to_s
      self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 128, 32, exp, 2)
  # * Draw Name
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 32,
  # * Draw Class
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_actor_class(actor, x, y)
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 236, 32, actor.class_name)
  # * Draw Level
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_actor_level(actor, x, y, fake = false)
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    size = contents.text_size(name).width
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, size + 4, 32, name)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    level = fake ? '??' : actor.level.to_s
    self.contents.draw_text(x + size, y, 24, 32, level, 2)
  # * Draw Parameter
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     type  : parameter type
  #     w     : width
  #     fake  : hide parameter
  def draw_actor_parameter(actor, x, y, type, w = 132, fake = false)
    case type
    when 'atk'
      parameter_value = actor.atk
    when 'pdef'
      parameter_value = actor.pdef
    when 'mdef'
      parameter_value = actor.mdef
    when 'str'
      parameter_value = actor.str
    when 'dex'
      parameter_value = actor.dex
    when 'agi'
      parameter_value = actor.agi
    when 'int'
      parameter_value =
    when 'eva'
      parameter_value = actor.eva
    when 'hit'
      parameter_value = actor.hit
    when 'crt'
      parameter_value = actor.crt
    when 'dmg'
      parameter_value = actor.dmg
    when 'rcrt'
      parameter_value = actor.rcrt
    when 'rdmg'
      parameter_value = actor.rdmg
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, w + 32, 32, parameter_name)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    status = fake ? '???' : parameter_value.to_s
    self.contents.draw_text(x + w, y, 64, 32, status, 2)
  # * Draw HP
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     width : draw spot width
  #     fake  : hide parameter
  def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 144, fake = false)
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 32, 32, $data_system.words.hp)
    self.contents.font.color = actor.hp == 0 ? knockout_color :
      actor.hp <= actor.maxhp / 4 ? crisis_color : normal_color
    hp_x = x + width - 108
    hp = fake ? '????' : actor.hp.to_s
    self.contents.draw_text(hp_x, y, 48, 32, hp, 2)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(hp_x + 48, y, 12, 32, '/', 1)
    self.contents.font.bold = true
    maxhp = fake ? '????' : actor.maxhp.to_s
    self.contents.draw_text(hp_x + 60, y, 48, 32, maxhp)
    self.contents.font.bold = false
  # * Draw SP
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     width : draw spot width
  #     fake  : hide parameter
  def draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144, fake = false)
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 32, 32, $data_system.words.sp)
    self.contents.font.color = actor.sp == 0 ? knockout_color :
      actor.sp <= actor.maxsp / 4 ? crisis_color : normal_color
    sp_x = x + width - 108
    sp = fake ? '????' : actor.sp.to_s
    self.contents.draw_text(sp_x, y, 48, 32, sp, 2)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(sp_x + 48, y, 12, 32, '/', 1)
    self.contents.font.bold = true
    maxsp = fake ? '????' : actor.maxsp.to_s
    self.contents.draw_text(sp_x + 60, y, 48, 32, maxsp)
    self.contents.font.bold = false
  # * Draw elemental resistance
  #     battler : actor
  #     x       : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y       : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_element_resist(battler, x, y)
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    max_elment = [Scan_Max_Elements_Shown, 8].min
    y = y + (200 - (max_elment * 25)) / 2
    if and not $atoa_script['Atoa New Resistances']
      elements = $data_classes[battler.class_id].element_ranks
    elsif and $atoa_script['Atoa New Resistances']
      elements = battler.elemental_resist
      elements = $data_enemies[].element_ranks
    base = value = 0
    case Scan_Element_Resists_Exhibition
    when 0
      table = [0] + Scan_Element_Resist
    when 1
      table = [0] + ['-100%','-50%','0%','50%','100%','200%']
      table = [0] + ['200%','150%','100%','50%','0%','-100%']
    for i in 0...$data_system.elements.size
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_system.elements[i] + '_elm')
        self.contents.blt(x + (base * 112), y + (value * 25), bitmap,, 0, 24, 24))
        result = table[elements[i]]
        case elements[i]
        when 1
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Weakest_Color
        when 2
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Weak_Color
        when 3
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Neutral_Color
        when 4
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Resist_Color
        when 5
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Imune_Color
        when 6
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Absorb_Color
        case Scan_Element_Resists_Exhibition
        when 0
          self.contents.draw_text(x + 28 + (base * 112), y - 4 + (value * 25), 180, 32,
            result.to_s, 0)
          self.contents.draw_text(x + (base * 112), y - 4 + (value * 25), 72, 32,
            result.to_s, 2)
        value += 1
        base += 1 if value == max_elment
        value = value % max_elment

# ** Scene_Battle
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Update battler phase 4 (part 1)
  #     battler : active battler
  alias step4_part1_scan step4_part1
  def step4_part1(battler)
    if battler.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) and
      for target in battler.target_battlers
        battler.target_scan << target unless battler.target_scan.include?(target)
  # * Check no damage
  #     battler : battler
  #     target  : target
  alias no_damage_scan no_damage
  def no_damage(battler, target)
    return true if battler.target_scan.include?(target)
    return no_damage_scan(battler, target)
  # * Update Graphics
  alias update_graphics_scan update_graphics
  def update_graphics
  # * Update scan window
  def update_scan
    for battler in $game_party.actors + $game_troop.enemies
      if battler.target_scan.size > 0 and battler.dead? and @scan_window != nil
        if battler.target_scan.include?(@scan_window.battle)
          @scan_window = nil
  # * Update battler phase 4 (part 3)
  #     battler : active battler
  alias step4_part3_scan step4_part3
  def step4_part3(battler)
    if battler.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) and
      if @scan_window.nil?
        @help_window.visible = false
        @scan_window =
        battler.scan_count = 0
        battler.scan_count += 1
      if (Input.trigger?(Input::C) and battler.scan_count > 30) or
         ($atoa_script['Atoa ATB'] and battler.scan_count > 2990)
        if @scan_window != nil
          @scan_window = nil
      return unless battler.target_scan.empty? and @scan_window.nil?
  # * Dispose windows
  alias windows_dispose_scan windows_dispose if $atoa_script['Atoa ATB'] or $atoa_script['Atoa CTB']
  def windows_dispose
    if @scan_window != nil
      @scan_window = nil

Post edited by adding the Code BBCode around the script presented
-- DerVV
Reply }
Heyoo! Refound the forum? If you had another username, let us know. Heck, post an Intro thread while you're at it. Laughing

Aww... if I keep making fixes and patches to his system, everyone's going to think I'm Vic. Well... Here ya go. Not only do you have the ability to limit the states to just those you want to show (using an array), but this patch lets you do so with the Elements. I mean, no one wants 'Knockout' in their states display and you may be hiding 'Light' and 'Darkness' from the list too.

Just post this below Atoa's Scan script in your project and these should override the older methods while adding the new options. Remember that you are going to need matching 'state' icons in the manner of state-name_sta just as you have state-name_elm for element icons. Without the required icon, the state will not show at all (or the element for that matter).

# Skill Scan Expansion
# By DerVVulfman (April 30, 2017)
# Based on Atoa/Victor Sant's system
# With this you can add 'state' resistances to your scan window.
# Thanks goes to Victor Sant (Atoa) for the original system, and to Tumen
# for the request of the additional 'state' expansion.

module Atoa
  # ================
  # Re-defined to expand the scan window and to add the 'state' request
  # into the information-display array:  Scan_Infos
    # Scan_Window_Settings
    # [Position X, Position Y, Width, Height, Opacity, Trasparent Edge]
    # --------------------
      Scan_Window_Settings = [0 , 0, 452, 320, 160, false]

    # Information shown in the window
    # -------------------------------
      Scan_Infos = ['name', 'level', 'class', 'hp', 'sp', 'status', 'exp', 'element', 'state' ]
      # Add the name of the info you wish to show
      # 'name'    = Shows target name
      # 'level'   = Shows target level, for enemies check 'Scan_Enemy_Level'
      # 'class'   = Shows target class, for enemies check 'Scan_Enemy_Class'
      # 'hp'      = Shows target HP
      # 'sp'      = Shows target SP
      # 'status   = Shows target Status
      # 'exp'     = Shows Exp given by target
      # 'element' = Shows target elemental resistance
      # 'states'  = Shows target state resistance

  # ===================
  # Arrays that apply to both elements and states, you can now limit
  # the information to only the elements and resistances you wish to
  # show, rather from the first element/state on through.  If not in
  # the array, the element or state will not be shown.  (Nil ignores)

    # Elements Permitted
    # List of elements shown in a scan (or nil)
    # --------------------
      Scan_Element_Permitted  = nil

    # States Permitted
    # List of states shown in a scan (or nil)
    # --------------------
      Scan_State_Permitted    = [2,3,4,5,6]

  # =================
  # Configurable data for position and display of an enemy's weakness
  # or resistances to certain states
    # Postion of target elemental resistance in the window
      Scan_State_Position = [306,64]
    # Max number of states shown in a column, max value = 8
    # * Note:  Scan_State_Permitted is also a limiting factor
      Scan_Max_State_Shown = 8
    # Exhibition of state resistance
      Scan_State_Resists_Exhibition = 0
      # 0 = custom exhibition
      # 1 = exhibition by numbers, value shows target resistance
      # 2 = exhibition by numbers, value damage multiplication
    # State resist text if 'Scan_State_Resists_Exhibition = 0'
      Scan_State_Resist =  ['Weakest','Weak','Normal','Resist','Imune','Absorb']

# ** Window_Scan
#  This window shows enemy information

class Window_Scan < Window_Base
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    fake = (No_Scan_Enemies.include?( and not
    if Scan_Infos.include?('name')
      draw_actor_name(@battler, Scan_Name_Postion[0], Scan_Name_Postion[1])
    if Scan_Infos.include?('class')
      draw_actor_class(@battler, Scan_Class_Postion[0], Scan_Class_Postion[1])
    if Scan_Infos.include?('element')
      draw_element_resist(@battler, Scan_Element_Position[0], Scan_Element_Position[1])
    if Scan_Infos.include?('state')
      draw_state_resist(@battler, Scan_State_Position[0], Scan_State_Position[1])
    if Scan_Infos.include?('level')
      draw_actor_level(@battler, Scan_Level_Postion[0], Scan_Level_Postion[1], fake)
    if Scan_Infos.include?('hp')
      draw_actor_hp(@battler, Scan_Hp_Postion[0], Scan_Hp_Postion[1], 160, fake)
    if Scan_Infos.include?('sp')
      draw_actor_sp(@battler, Scan_Sp_Postion[0], Scan_Sp_Postion[1], 160, fake)
    if Scan_Infos.include?('status')
      for i in 0...Scan_Status_Shown.size
        draw_actor_parameter(@battler, Scan_Status_Postion[0],
          Scan_Status_Postion[1] + i * (Scan_Window_Font_Size + 2), Scan_Status_Shown[i],
          Scan_Status_Distance, fake)
    if Scan_Infos.include?('exp') and not
      x, y = Scan_Exp_Postion[0], Scan_Exp_Postion[1]
      self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 72, 32, 'Exp:')
      exp = fake ? '?????' : @battler.exp.to_s
      self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 128, 32, exp, 2)
  # * Draw elemental resistance
  #     battler : actor
  #     x       : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y       : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_element_resist(battler, x, y)
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    max_elment = [Scan_Max_Elements_Shown, 8].min
    y = y + (200 - (max_elment * 25)) / 2
    if and not $atoa_script['Atoa New Resistances']
      elements = $data_classes[battler.class_id].element_ranks
    elsif and $atoa_script['Atoa New Resistances']
      elements = battler.elemental_resist
      elements = $data_enemies[].element_ranks
    base = value = 0
    case Scan_Element_Resists_Exhibition
    when 0
      table = [0] + Scan_Element_Resist
    when 1
      table = [0] + ['-100%','-50%','0%','50%','100%','200%']
      table = [0] + ['200%','150%','100%','50%','0%','-100%']
    for i in 0...$data_system.elements.size
      if Scan_Element_Permitted != nil
        next unless Scan_Element_Permitted.include?(i)
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_system.elements[i] + '_elm')
        self.contents.blt(x + (base * 112), y + (value * 25), bitmap,, 0, 24, 24))
        result = table[elements[i]]
        case elements[i]
        when 1
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Weakest_Color
        when 2
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Weak_Color
        when 3
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Neutral_Color
        when 4
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Resist_Color
        when 5
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Imune_Color
        when 6
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Absorb_Color
        case Scan_Element_Resists_Exhibition
        when 0
          self.contents.draw_text(x + 28 + (base * 112), y - 4 + (value * 25), 180, 32,
            result.to_s, 0)
          self.contents.draw_text(x + (base * 112), y - 4 + (value * 25), 72, 32,
            result.to_s, 2)
        value += 1
        base += 1 if value == max_elment
        value = value % max_elment
  # * Draw state resistance
  #     battler : actor
  #     x       : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y       : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_state_resist(battler, x, y)
    self.contents.font.size = Scan_Window_Font_Size
    max_elment = [Scan_Max_State_Shown, 8].min
    y = y + (200 - (max_elment * 25)) / 2
    if and not $atoa_script['Atoa New Resistances']
      elements = $data_classes[battler.class_id].state_ranks
    elsif and $atoa_script['Atoa New Resistances']
      elements = battler.state_resist
      elements = $data_enemies[].state_ranks
    base = value = 0
    case Scan_State_Resists_Exhibition
    when 0
      table = [0] + Scan_State_Resist
    when 1
      table = [0] + ['-100%','-50%','0%','50%','100%','200%']
      table = [0] + ['200%','150%','100%','50%','0%','-100%']
    for i in 1..$data_states.size-1
      if Scan_State_Permitted != nil
        next unless Scan_State_Permitted.include?(i)
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_states[i].name + '_sta')
        self.contents.blt(x + (base * 112), y + (value * 25), bitmap,, 0, 24, 24))
        result = table[elements[i]]
        case elements[i]
        when 1
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Weakest_Color
        when 2
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Weak_Color
        when 3
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Neutral_Color
        when 4
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Resist_Color
        when 5
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Imune_Color
        when 6
          self.contents.font.color = Scan_Absorb_Color
        case Scan_State_Resists_Exhibition
        when 0
          self.contents.draw_text(x + 28 + (base * 112), y - 4 + (value * 25), 180, 32,
            result.to_s, 0)
          self.contents.draw_text(x + (base * 112), y - 4 + (value * 25), 72, 32,
            result.to_s, 2)
        value += 1
        base += 1 if value == max_elment
        value = value % max_elment

*** I'll probably add this to the Forum Scripts Listings in a few days.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Reply }
Wow, that was quite fast. Thank you so much.
To be honest, I wasnt a member if I remember correctly, I only keep visited this forum.
Anyway regarding the script:
Its like I wanted. In order to modify this a bit (I need many states displayed) I changed the scan windows settings from
Scan_Window_Settings = [0 , 0, 452, 320, 160, false]
Scan_Window_Settings = [0 , 0, 680, 332, 160, false]

And the max element/states number on line 154 & 217
max_elment = [Scan_Max_Elements_Shown, 8].min
max_elment = [Scan_Max_State_Shown, 8].min
max_elment = [Scan_Max_Elements_Shown, 10].min
max_elment = [Scan_Max_State_Shown, 10].min

I hope this is right because I wanted to display 10 states per row
Reply }
No no no... You go into the 'CONFIGURABLE' section, the Atoa module, and change the line:
Scan_Max_State_Shown = 8
to your number of states.

Never change the actual hardcode if ever possible.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Reply }
If I dont change the hardcore script the max states displayed in a colum stays 8 even if I change the window height to maxiumum (480) and Scan_Max_State_Shown to like 12 or more.
Reply }
Hrm... (glances at code).... Eep. Modeling it so much on Atoa's system, I didn't note that the min/max system cuts off at 8 as a maximum. Ooooooookay.... Edit there too. Tongue sticking out And likewise for the matching statement within 'draw_element_resist'

Hey, make an intro post while you're at it. Winking
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Reply }

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