Splash Script
In what ways is the SDK better than the default scripts?
Reply }
I dunno, I really dunno, but I'm using the SDK as well (I need it because of the compatibility to the Triple Triad Script)
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Its not better than default scripts, its for making coding easier, well...
i could make non-sdk version, quite easy to convert it
Reply }
That would be great, I'm using blizz-abs and that prevents me from using this
Reply }
hey, made it doesnt need the SDK anymore ;o
# ** Splash Script
# - Coded by :shadowseer
# - Original by :Lambchops
# - Version :1.0
# - 24/02/2010
# * How to Use:
# - Just add more filenames to SplashFiles = ['filename', ..., ...]
# - and configure the speed of loading each images.
# - That's it ;o

module SSConfig
  # * Splash Files
  #     :folder- :Graphics/Picture
  #     :config- :['filename', 'filename', ..., ...]
  SplashFiles = ['splash_sample01', 'splash_sample02', 'splash_sample03']
  # * Splash Speed
  #     :the speed of transition, 2-4 is ideal
  SplashSpeed = 3
  # * Play Music During Splash?
  #     :config- :true / false
  #     :do you want to play music during the splash?
  PlayMusic = true
  # * Music File
  #     :folder- :Audio/BGM
  #     :use the filename for the audio. (dont need the extention i suppose)
  MusicFile = '015-Theme04'

class Scene_Splash
  # * Main
  def main
    # Setup Variables
    # Setup Sprites
    # Setup Audio
    # Execute transition
    # Run main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      break if $scene != self
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose sprites
    @sprites.each {|i| i.dispose}
  # * Main: Variable
  def main_variable
    # Setup important variables
    @index = 0
    @hide = false
    @show = true
    @opacity = 0
  # * Main: Sprite
  def main_sprite
    # Setup array
    @sprites = []
    # Make sprites
    SSConfig::SplashFiles.each_with_index do |filename, i|
      @sprites[i] = Sprite.new
      @sprites[i].bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(filename)
      @sprites[i].opacity = 0
  # * Main: Audio
  def main_audio
    # Play BGM
    Audio.bgm_play('/Audio/BGM/' + SSConfig::MusicFile) if SSConfig::PlayMusic
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If input triggered
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C) || Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Switch to Title
      Audio.bgm_fade(1000) if SSConfig::PlayMusic
      $scene = Scene_Title.new
    # Do Hide/Show images
  # * Process Transition
  def process_transition
    # Fade In
    if @show
      # Increase Opacity
      @opacity += SSConfig::SplashSpeed
      # If Opacity's at maximum
      if @opacity > 255
        # Hide images
        @hide = true
        @show = false
        @opacity = 255
    # Fade Out
    if @hide
      # Decrease Opacity
      @opacity -= SSConfig::SplashSpeed
      # If Opacity's at minimum
      if @opacity < 0
        # Show images
        @hide = false
        @show = true
        @opacity = 0
        # Change Index
        @index += 1
    # Branch by index
    case @index
    when 0...SSConfig::SplashFiles.size
      # Set Opacity
      @sprites[@index].opacity = @opacity
    when (SSConfig::SplashFiles.size)
      # Switch to Title
      Audio.bgm_fade(1000) if SSConfig::PlayMusic
      $scene = Scene_Title.new
Reply }
I installed the non-SDK version, but nothing happens (it shows me the main menu when I start the game).
Reply }
You need to change the Main script.
Look for $scene = Scene_Title.new and replace it with $scene = Scene_Splash.new
Reply }
I misunderstand what it script does, and how to use it...
Could you upload any demo?
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Uploaded a demo http://www.box.net/shared/vj5vqvvp7z
Reply }
Thanks. I tried adding sound, but the script keeps telling me it can't find the sound file. Something like:

Unable to find file /Audio/BGM/BGM_Title.
Reply }

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