KPass XP
KPass XP
Kiwi and Mango Versions

by Kyonides


This script is supposed to be used as a means of blocking access to certain zones or maps in your games. The implemented method here is a passport! Your heroes might get one from the very beginning or never ever or after a while, that depends on you! Plus passports can be renewed as well! It only supports a single nationality via the land method.

The Mango version includes all features found in Kiwi plus losing, retaining and returning passports at any given time!

Side notes

It seems it does not need any changes to be applied to it to be able to run on VX.

The Script

Kiwi Version
# * KPass XP & VX
#   Scripter : Kyonides-Arkanthes
#   2019-01-10 - Kiwi Version

#  This script slightly tries to emulate the need to keep a passport at hand.
#  A passport includes the following features:
#    ID:   equal to the actor's ID
#    AGE:  0 as default value
#    Name: Same as the actor's name in the DB
#    Nickname:      Empty or you can set it at any given time
#    Father's name: Empty or you can set it at any given time
#    Mother's name: Empty or you can set it at any given time
#    Land:   Empty or you can set it at any given time
#    Status: Empty or you can set it at any given time

#  All passports include steps as a method to determine their expiration.

# * Script Calls *

#  $game_party.passport_status?(actor_id, allowed_status1, etc.)
#  You may include one or more allowed statuses like :vip or "nongrata"
#  It will fail if the actor's status does not match any status.

#  $game_party.has_land_permit?(actor_id, land_to_visit)
#  It will fail if the actor has not obtained any permit to enter that land.

#  $game_party.passport_expired?(actor_id)
#  It checks whether or not the passport has expired, it has no more steps left.

#  $game_party.make_passport(actor_id)
#  Use it to make or renew a new passport for any actor.

#  KPass.no_access[Land_Name] = true or false
#  Block all access to a certain land.

#  KPass.no_strangers[Land_Name] = true or false
#  Block all access to strangers or foreigners.

#  KPass.no_access[Land_Name]
#  Use it as a condition to check if that country will block all access to it.

#  KPass.no_strangers?(Land_Name, Actor_ID)
#  Checks whether or not an actor can access a country.

module KPass
  # Passports to be issued from the very beginning
  ACTOR_DATA = ad = {} # Do Not Edit This Line!
# ad[Actor ID] = { father's name => name, mother's name => name, land => name,
# status => :vip or :wanted or :nongrata or :diplomat or you can ommit it
  ad[1] = { :father => "Unknown",
            :mother => "",
            :land => "Forgotten Land" }
  ad[2] = { :father => "Anselm",
            :mother => "Lydia",
            :land => "Jolt Kingdom" }
  def self.no_access() @no_access end
  def self.no_strangers() @no_strangers end
  def self.no_access=(new_list) @no_access = new_list end
  def self.no_strangers=(new_list) @no_strangers = new_list end
  def self.no_strangers?(land, actor_id)
    $game_party.passports[actor_id].land == land and @no_strangers[land]

  def self.reset_access_data
    @no_access = {}
    @no_strangers = {}

  def self.restore_access_data
    @no_access = $game_party.no_access
    @no_strangers = $game_party.no_strangers

class KPassport
  def initialize
    @id = 1
    @age = 0
    @name = ""
    @nickname = ""
    @father_name = ""
    @mother_name = ""
    @land = ""
    @status = nil
    @permits = {}
    @rejections = {}
  def set_expiration() @expire_steps = KPass::DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_STEPS end
  def expired?() @expire_steps == 0 end
  def decrease_steps() @expire_steps -= 1 if @expire_steps > 0 end
  attr_accessor :id, :age, :name, :nickname, :father_name, :mother_name
  attr_accessor :land, :status
  attr_reader :permits, :rejections

class Game_Party
  attr_reader :passports, :no_access, :no_strangers
  alias kyon_kpass_gm_party_init initialize
  alias kyon_kpass_gm_party_steps increase_steps
  def initialize
    @passports = {}
    @no_access = KPass.no_access
    @no_strangers = KPasss.no_strangers

  def make_passports
    data = KPass::ACTOR_DATA
    ids = data.keys.sort
    ids.each do |n|
      ad = data[n]
      @passports[n] = pass = = n = $game_actors[n].name
      pass.father_name = ad[:father] || ""
      pass.mother_name = ad[:mother] || "" = ad[:land] || ""
      pass.status = ad[:status]
      pass.age = ad[:age] || 0

  def make_passport(aid)
    unless (pass = @passports[aid])
      @passports[aid] = pass = = aid = $game_actors[aid].name

  def increase_steps
    @passports.each {|pass| pass.decrease_steps }

  def passport_status?(aid, *statuses)
    return unless (pass = @passports[aid])

  def has_land_permit?(aid, land)
    return unless (pass = @passports[aid])

  def passport_expired?(aid)
    return true unless (pass = @passports[aid])

class Scene_Load
  alias kyon_kpass_scn_load_on_decision on_decision
  def on_decision(filename)

Mango Version
# * KPass XP & VX
#   Scripter : Kyonides-Arkanthes
#   2019-01-10 - Mango Version

#  This script slightly tries to emulate the need to keep a passport at hand.
#  A passport includes the following features:
#    ID:   equal to the actor's ID
#    AGE:  0 as default value
#    Name: Same as the actor's name in the DB
#    Nickname:      Empty or you can set it at any given time
#    Father's name: Empty or you can set it at any given time
#    Mother's name: Empty or you can set it at any given time
#    Land:   Empty or you can set it at any given time
#    Status: Empty or you can set it at any given time

#  All passports include steps as a method to determine their expiration.

# * Script Calls *

#  $game_party.passport_status?(actor_id, allowed_status1, etc.)
#  You may include one or more allowed statuses like :vip or "nongrata"
#  It will fail if the actor's status does not match any status.

#  $game_party.has_land_permit?(actor_id, land_to_visit)
#  It will fail if the actor has not obtained any permit to enter that land.

#  $game_party.passport_expired?(actor_id)
#  It checks whether or not the passport has expired, it has no more steps left.

#  $game_party.lose_passport(actor_id)
#  Lose the passport forever! (You'd need to issue a new passport later on...)

#  $game_party.retain_passport(actor_id)
#  Let Customs Agents retain the actor's passport!

#  $game_party.return_passport(actor_id)
#  Let Customs Agents return the actor's passport!

#  $game_party.retained_passport?(actor_id)
#  Is the actor's passport retained right now?

#  $game_party.make_passport(actor_id)
#  Use it to make or renew a new passport for any actor.

#  KPass.no_access[Land_Name] = true or false
#  Block all access to a certain land.

#  KPass.no_strangers[Land_Name] = true or false
#  Block all access to strangers or foreigners.

#  KPass.no_access[Land_Name]
#  Use it as a condition to check if that country will block all access to it.

#  KPass.no_strangers?(Land_Name, Actor_ID)
#  Checks whether or not an actor can access a country.

module KPass
 # Passports to be issued from the very beginning
 ACTOR_DATA = ad = {} # Do Not Edit This Line!
# ad[Actor ID] = { father's name => name, mother's name => name, land => name,
# status => :vip or :wanted or :nongrata or :diplomat or you can ommit it
 ad[1] = { :father => "Unknown",
           :mother => "",
           :land => "Forgotten Land" }
 ad[2] = { :father => "Anselm",
           :mother => "Lydia",
           :land => "Jolt Kingdom" }
 def self.no_access() @no_access end
 def self.no_strangers() @no_strangers end
 def self.no_access=(new_list) @no_access = new_list end
 def self.no_strangers=(new_list) @no_strangers = new_list end
 def self.no_strangers?(land, actor_id)
   $game_party.passports[actor_id].land == land and @no_strangers[land]

 def self.reset_access_data
   @no_access = {}
   @no_strangers = {}

 def self.restore_access_data
   @no_access = $game_party.no_access
   @no_strangers = $game_party.no_strangers

class KPassport
 def initialize
   @id = 1
   @age = 0
   @name = ""
   @nickname = ""
   @father_name = ""
   @mother_name = ""
   @land = ""
   @status = nil
   @permits = {}
   @rejections = {}
 def set_expiration() @expire_steps = KPass::DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_STEPS end
 def expired?() @expire_steps == 0 end
 def decrease_steps() @expire_steps -= 1 if @expire_steps > 0 end
 attr_accessor :id, :age, :name, :nickname, :father_name, :mother_name
 attr_accessor :land, :status
 attr_reader :permits, :rejections

class Game_Party
 attr_reader :passports, :no_access, :no_strangers
 alias kyon_kpass_gm_party_init initialize
 alias kyon_kpass_gm_party_steps increase_steps
 def initialize
   @passports = {}
   @no_access = KPass.no_access
   @no_strangers = KPasss.no_strangers

 def make_passports
   data = KPass::ACTOR_DATA
   ids = data.keys.sort
   ids.each do |n|
     ad = data[n]
     @passports[n] = pass = = n = $game_actors[n].name
     pass.father_name = ad[:father] || ""
     pass.mother_name = ad[:mother] || "" = ad[:land] || ""
     pass.status = ad[:status]
     pass.age = ad[:age] || 0

 def lose_passport(aid) @passports.delete(aid) end
 def retain_passport(aid) @retained_passports[aid] = @passports.delete(aid) end
 def return_passport(aid) @passports[aid] = @retained_passports.delete(aid) end
 def retained_passport?(aid) @retained_passports.keys.include?(aid) end

 def make_passport(aid)
   unless (pass = @passports[aid])
     @passports[aid] = pass = = aid = $game_actors[aid].name

 def increase_steps
   @passports.each {|pass| pass.decrease_steps }

 def passport_status?(aid, *statuses)
   return unless (pass = @passports[aid])

 def has_land_permit?(aid, land)
   return unless (pass = @passports[aid])

 def passport_expired?(aid)
   return true unless (pass = @passports[aid])

class Scene_Load
 alias kyon_kpass_scn_load_on_decision on_decision
 def on_decision(filename)

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in any non commercial games, a single $15 fee do apply for every commercial game, no matter how many copies their game developers may sell at the end.
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.

[Image: SP1-Scripter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Poet.png]
[Image: SP1-PixelArtist.png]
[Image: SP1-Reporter.png]

My Original Stories (available in English and Spanish)

List of Compiled Binary Executables I have published...
HiddenChest & Roole

Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 3 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
KyoGemBoost XP VX & ACE, RandomEnkounters XP, KSkillShop XP, Kolloseum States XP, KEvents XP, KScenario XP & Gosu, KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan, Kuests XP, KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE & MV, KChest XP VX & ACE 2016, KTelePort XP, KSkillMax XP & VX & ACE, Gem Roulette XP VX & VX Ace, KRespawnPoint XP, VX & VX Ace, GiveAway XP VX & ACE, Klearance XP VX & ACE, KUnits XP VX, ACE & Gosu 2017, KLevel XP, KRumors XP & ACE, KMonsterPals XP VX & ACE, KStatsRefill XP VX & ACE, KLotto XP VX & ACE, KItemDesc XP & VX, KPocket XP & VX, OpenChest XP VX & ACE

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