![[Image: f96d4798.png]](https://duckduckgo.com/i/f96d4798.png)
Switch to DuckDuckGo. It’s private and free!
Free. Fast. Private. Get our browser on all your devices.
Search and browse more privately with the DuckDuckGo browser. Unlike Chrome and other browsers, we don't track you.
Download DuckDuckGo today!
Search without being tracked.
Other search engines track your every search, from where you go to what you buy. We don't track you. Ever.
Stop creepy tracking from Facebook and Google.
DuckDuckGo's powerful tracker blocking, in our browser and extension, stops trackers and creepy ads before they even load, evading hidden data collectors and speeding up websites.
Intercept and remove email trackers.
85% of emails sent through Duck Addresses contained hidden email trackers before we stripped them out. Email Protection zaps most trackers and forwards email to your regular inbox so you can read in peace.
Block app trackers, day or night.
Over 96% of popular free Android apps we tested allow other companies to invade your privacy, like using your location to map everywhere you go. Stop most of their spying and take back control on Android!
Member Recommendations:
DerVVulfman: On changing over to DuckDuckGo, I found some interesting things... fewer alerts from my anti-virus of being tracked. And a page within the browser noted just how many tracking cookies that DuckDuckGo had indeed blocked... a LOT!
Member Rebukes: